Lol's New HST Log

(Lol @ Sep. 06 2009,10:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have to see the surgeon again on Monday re my delayed hernia op; I want to discuss the mesh options available and try to ensure I get the best type for someone who wants to continue to lift heavy stuff and be very active.</div>
I've had two inguinal hernias repaired -- one on each side -- one with mesh and one without. The first one (over 40 years ago) was with mesh (or chicken wire...). It held up just fine, even with jumping out of helicopters carrying heavy gear. The second one was just a few years ago. All my heavy lifting (well, heavy for me, anyhow) has been done since then.

Be of good cheer. I think you'll find the repair will leave you at least as good as new, perhaps even better.
(TunnelRat @ Sep. 08 2009,1:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Be of good cheer. I think you'll find the repair will leave you at least as good as new, perhaps even better.</div>
You billion dollar man, you.
Man if you get 400+ squatting with a hernia....well that's just friggin' awesome. Good Luck and I hope you nail that SOB.
TR, I may PM you at some point for a few more details re your ops. Hope that'll be okay?
Wed 09/09/09

Bit pushed for time tonight. Decided to do a light squat session (with a slight twist) and go for some heavier lifts on Friday.

Low-bar Squat:
Warmups - lunges and shoulder dislocates
10 x 60kg
10P x 110kg (242lb) @ 9 - all reps paused for three full seconds in the hole. Last rep was pretty hard.
10 x 110kg @ 8
10 x 110kg @ 8.5

A 3-second pause for each squat in my first work-set was a real blast. The second and third sets were consequently tougher than they otherwise would have been.

EZ-bar Curls: 12 + 3, 3, 3 , 2, 2 (MR) x 46kg (101lb) - good set. Arms were still sore from Monday's curls and feeling a little underpowered so only managed 12 reps for the activation set. (I've just realised I have forgotten to record Monday's curls; I'll do that shortly).
I just made a dislocate bar for our gym out of an aluminum shower rod and some 12&quot; pieces of pipe insulation on the ends, taped up with electrical tape.
I'm surprised how many guys got interested in doing them; some say it feels like they just worked out shoulders! I just added them to my rehab to keep it going.
Thu 10/09/09

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg @6
3 x 80kg @7
6 x 92.5kg (204lb) @9
6 x 92.5kg (204lb) @9
5 x 92.5kg (204lb) @9
6 x 92.5kg (204lb) @10

Left shoulder a bit iffy throughout but not rubbish.

CG Bench:
10 x 60kg @6
10 x 80kg @8
8 x 80kg @9

10 x bw @8
8+3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (MR) x bw+10kg

I can't remember the last time I did CG Bench and now I have a few questions:

I'm not too sure how close my grip should be? I went with my hands half on the knurled section and half on the smooth (ie. around 13&quot; apart). It felt okay.

Also, I'm not sure how loads should compare between regular bench and CG bench? I set up for CG bench in the same way I set up for regular bench: scapulars adducted, back arched, chest high etc.

I guess if CG bench loads are close to regular bench that would point to too much tri and delt and not enough pec being used for regular?

Any advice gratefully received.

Dislocates have been brilliant for my shoulder flexibility (but haven't sorted my AC joint problem). I really need to do them before low-bar squatting. I tend to start with my hands placed as far apart as my bar allows and do partials to begin with, just working through the sticky zone (where delts and pecs are really tight). Then, as I get warmed up, I decrease my hand spacing bit by bit and gradually increase the ROM until I can go right around from bar overhead to bar touching butt. Once I can get to full ROM I do about 20 reps.
For close grip, I wouldn't go closer than your hands right at the smooth/rough border. Just emphasize the elbow tuck on the way down.
CG Bench form needs to be a bit more boring at setup; the focus of the load should be 100% on your triceps.  Mike's right on the grip; if you go too close you'll jam up your wrists in a heartbeat.

Keep the scaps relaxed and the back good and flat.  By the nature of the movement, your body will affect your scapulars in kind, and the back will arch at the bottom of the lift naturally.  Just make sure you have a good base formed with your legs.  Feel the focus of the load on your triceps; you'll feel it a bit in your chest and delts regardless, but it should be minimal.

I love the setup, Lol. Great stuff.
Thanks for the tips folks.

I tried not adducting my scaps and it didn't do my AC joint issue any favours at all. So, I'm going to have to keep to a regular bench setup but just focus on keeping elbows tucked and throwing more stress on the tris. Ultimately, what I'm after is just more of a training effect on the tris than the pecs and this should do it.
Fri 12/09/09

Continued experiments with CG Bench and a CoC grip workout. CoC grip workouts are great because I can do them while watching the telly and eat stuff in between sets.

I had to have a full-body CT scan today and took along a copy of Lyle's Protein Book to read while waiting about and drinking the requisite vile pre-scan liquid. I'm going to try to read it from cover to cover rather than just dipping in. So far, so good.

Next week I'll have to get back to some more serious (ie. goal driven) lifting again. Could it be that I'm starting to miss the intensity of the Smolov cycle?
I've found that the pec width can ascertain the grip width for CG bench. At the bottom, you would be crowding the pecs a bit, but not on top of them with the hands. I'm with LOL, scaps need to be back for me to feel right.
(Lol @ Sep. 11 2009,7:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Next week I'll have to get back to some more serious (ie. goal driven) lifting again. Could it be that I'm starting to miss the intensity of the Smolov cycle?  </div>
Smolov: Maybe some people just like pain...

But yeah, I'm considering settling down to a real program before long.
Sat 12/09/09

Had a pretty active day but decided to do a few squats before dinner.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 80kg
5 x 110kg
2 x 130kg
1 x 140kg
5 x 150kg (330lb) @8.5

I was pretty pleased that the final set of 5 seemed quite straightforward. I need to check my log to see what my 5RM was for squats when I was heavier. Seven reps would have been doable. I think if I could manage 8 reps I would definitely get a 400 squat.

EZ-bar Curls:
10+3,3,3,3,2 (MR) x 51kg (112lb)

Just for fun.


Checked my log: for squats, 5 x 150kg was indeed my old 5RM back at the end of '07. I had better try for 5 x 155kg soon and see how it goes.
Mon 14/09/09

Still haven't decided exactly what I'm going to do next. It's a bit tricky until my hernia is sorted.

Low-bar Squats:
10 x 110kg
10 x 110kg
15 x 115kg (253lb) - probably should have pushed for 20 reps but I wasn't feeling brave enough.

0 x 180kg - thought I'd try a heavy single. Ok on the eccentric but ran out of steam on the way up and had to drop back down to the rack rods. Ne'er mind. It felt a lot more comfortable than I expected. Haven't got under 180kg in a while now. (Just realised I forgot to get a pic to compare bar position with Quad.)

Front Squat:
1 x 100kg (220lb) - just a single to see how it felt. Hernia complained. Definitely worse than for back squatting so this is still a no-go zone.

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 90kg
4 x 100kg - very cheesed that I failed on the 5th rep; things were going fine and then ran out of steam all of a sudden
5 x 100kg (220lb) @10 - thank goodness!

I think this is the best my left shoulder has been in a while now. I'm being very careful with my form on every rep. Now I just need to get me some Quadman strength.

EZ-bar Curls:
5 x 61kg (134lb) @10 - very hard but pretty good form throughout.
5 x 61kg - slight cheat on all reps; focussed on a really strict negative
5 x 61kg - ditto

10 x bw @10 - immediately following curls; almost didn't make the last rep.

Grip work:
Static holds and CoC grippers.
Wed 16/09/09

Lots of property renovation work today so not much time (or inclination, if I'm honest) for a workout. Sorry Quad, no max squat attempt today.

A few exercises plus a bit of playing about:

15 x 160kg (353lb) - hook grip. Not too much of a problem. Thumbs creaked a bit.

EZ-bar Rows:
3 x 15 x 61kg - nice warm-up for the curls...

EZ-bar Curls:
9+3,3,3,2,1 (M-R) x 51kg (112lb) - good form for all reps (ie. no sloppy cheats).

DB Tri Extensions:
20 x 11kg (25lb)
10 x 16kg (35lb)

Second set was quite tough. Only one heavier set as much more stretch than my tris are currently used to. Don't want too much soreness tomorrow.

I also did some clapping pull-ups as my lad was messing about trying to do them. I also did some 'chins-ups to pull-ups', where you swap your hands over from supinated to pronated grip between reps while in mid-air.

Got roped into doing some 36&quot; standing (ie. no run-up) vertical box jumps too.
Thu 17/09/09

Sorting out a new patio today so lots of digging etc. Great fun. The sun shone all day too - most unusual for the UK!

Just a few exercises to round off the day, myo-rep style:

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
8+2,2,2,2,1,1 (M-R) x 90kg (198lb)

Activation set was RPE ~9.  All doubles were close to failure, ie. I couldn't have made a third rep. 10 breaths between myo-sets. Left AC joint wasn't much of a bother.

EZ-bar Rows:
10 x 51kg
5 x 71kg
10+3,3,2,2,2,1 (M-R) x 91kg (200lb)

Again, 10 breaths between myo-sets.

Again, no leg work! Tomorrow, I'll have to make up for it.