Lol's New HST Log

An Englishman with a sunburn? That must look gross!

With what I've been doing for bench 8x6x245-255 we are pretty close in that now. I think the MR's will definitely bring you up to the 365 1rm soon. That's my present plan for this month.
I try really hard not to get burnt; I agree, tis not a pretty sight.

If MRs get me close to 300 I'll be pleased as punch. Just got to hope my shoulder holds up, so I'm going to increase the weights very slowly and focus on the 'full-recruitment' reps following the activation set.
Fri 18/09/09

More digging today so just a few squats to finish up:

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 70kg
15 x 120kg (265) @ 8.5
10 x 120kg (265) @ 8
7 x 140kg (309) @ 9

For the set of fifteen reps, kept a pretty even tempo throughout. Could have managed a few more reps if I had paused for a few breaths. Think my old 15RM was 125kg (275). I could almost certainly beat that now but I don't think I'd make 15 reps with 300lb just yet.

I was actually quite surprised that I managed seven reps with 140kg following all the higher rep stuff.
Messed around with some face-pulls using an inverted row type approach, ie. I hang underneath a bar with my feet on a bench. Pulled up to touch my forehead on the bar. It seemed to work okay for a quick alternative to a pulley and rope set up.

I can get pretty close to the first example in this vid where a typical face-pull is demoed:
Mon 21/09/09

Didn't get much of a chance to eat properly today so I was feeling a little flat prior to my workout tonight.

Light deads for warmups.

Power Cleans:
10 x 70kg
5 x 80kg

I was teaching a few young lads to deadlift so I mucked in with them. It's been ages since I've done any cleans. Not much total work done but it was good to do a few just to get the movement back in my head again.

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
10 x 70kg
5 x 80kg
8+3,2,2,2,1 (M-R) x 95kg (209lb)

Activation set was pretty much RPE 9.5! I probably should have stopped at 7 reps but that didn't seem like the right thing to do. All remaining sets close to failure. 10 breaths between myo-sets. Pleased to say that my left AC joint behaved very well again. It doesn't even feel particularly sore now, as I type this, which is almost too good to be true. I'm not counting any chickens yet though.

That was a fair improvement over my last session. An extra 5kg for the same number of reps in the activation set, although the 8th rep was harder this time.

Front Squat:
1 x 95kg (209lb) - just a quick test of form.

Low-bar Squats:
10 x 95kg (209lb)
10 x 110kg
15 x 110kg (242lb)

Just a light squat session. Last set was a bit more difficult than I expected; my back and legs definitely felt fatigued from the cleans.
Tue 22/09/09

EZ-bar Press:
20 x 21kg
20 x 31kg
20 x 41kg
10+3,3,3,2,2,1 (M-R) x 51kg (112lb)

Haven't done these for a while due to left shoulder. Lots of high reps for rehab'ing benefits. Final set of Myo-reps which seems like the best way to get in some decent 'full-recruitment' work without having to increase the loads too much.

10+4,3,3,2,2,1 (M-R) x bw

I performed these very strictly and reasonably slow eccentrics (~ 2-3 sec).

EZ-bar Curls:
10+3,3,2,2,2,1 (M-R) x 51kg (112lb)

One more rep for activation set than last time even though I did pull-ups immediately beforehand.

Inverted Face-pulls:
2 x 10 x bw

Hanging under bar with feet on bench, pulling forehead to bar.

Hyper Sit-ups:
20 x bw

Fairly quick workout tonight. Left AC joint is better than it has been in ages.

Not long now until hernia is sorted. If I use my local hospital, I can take part in a blind trial: installation of regular mesh or the ProGrip mesh. As it's blind I won't know what I've had fitted. However, if I elect to have local anaesthesia, I'll be able to see what the surgeon is doing and will hopefully know if he's using sutures to hold the mesh in place or not. I much prefer general anaesthesia though, even though there are statistically more risks. Never felt so rested in my life after my op in July. I could also decide to have my op much further away from home where they have standardised on the use of ProGrip mesh for hernioplasty. Decisions, decisions...
Thu 25/09/09

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg
5 x 110kg (242)
5 x 130kg (286)
5 x 140kg (308)
5 x 150kg (330)
3 x 160kg (353lb) @ 8.5

Had to stop at 5 reps with 150 because my padding shifted and 'Ernie' started to wake up!
A triple with 160 was my target; if it wasn't for Ernie I would have gone for a couple more.

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
6+1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1 (M-R) x 95kg (209lb)

Not sure what happened with bench tonight. Same weight as on Monday. Felt twice as heavy. More like a Max-stim set than myo reps!

Push-ups: 25 x bw

Inverted Face Pulls: 2 x 15 x bw - forehead to bar

Squats seemed okay but bench sucked. Left shoulder was a bit sore again too. Maybe I hadn't recovered properly from Tuesday's presses?  

Very late so decided to leave it there and get some food.
You named your Hernia "Ernie"? If you could bottle and sell your positive attitude you'd be a millioniare!
(RUSS @ Sep. 27 2009,5:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You named your Hernia &quot;Ernie&quot;? If you could bottle and sell your positive attitude you'd be a millioniare!  
Hey Russ, if &quot;Ernie&quot; brought a smile to your face then we're both better off. He's given me a few laughs too! 

Dear old Ernie has been with me since March but I'm getting a date at my pre-op this Friday for his final departure. Can't say I'll be sorry to see him go but it has been a new experience from which I think I've benefited in several ways.

When talking with my neighbour earlier today, I was able to reassure him that if his hernia repair was to fail (again), he would now be able to get a tension-free, mesh repair. He's been worried about it going again for years and was told that, if it did, it couldn't be repaired again. At least he now knows that a better repair method is available should the worst happen.
Sun 27/09/09

Flat Bench:
5 x 80kg
5 x 90kg
4 x 100kg (220lb) @ 10 - managed to rack a 5th rep but couldn't lock it out properly. Weak tris!
5 x 2 x 100kg (220lb) @ 9
6 x 90kg - back-off set to finish up.

All reps paused briefly on chest. Left side is still weak compared to right but I don't allow the bar to tip on pressing. Left side is definitely having to work harder.

25 x bw
20 x bw
15 x bw

5 x bw
5 x bw+20kg
5 x bw+20kg
6 x bw+20kg

Inverted Face Pulls:
2 x 10 x bw - forehead to bar

CoC Grip work.

Tried a 20kg plate pinch-grip, flip and catch, but just missed it which sucked. Think my hands were tired plus my Oly plates don't have much of a lip, so getting a good grip is not easy. Not good enough though. I can do an easy 10 reps using a 10kg plate with each hand. I'll try a 15kg plate next time.
Mon 28/09/09

Over the last three weeks since my last dental session, I have enjoyed the experience of an irritated nerve gradually becoming more inflamed in one of my molars. Apparently, the last amalgam filling I had replaced was close enough to the nerve that it got excited and never calmed down. Cold drinks were out of the question and hot drinks were bearable but unpleasant. I've been putting up with it as I didn't want to cause a fuss; I assumed it would eventually calm down. Anyway, the last four nights of last week were not good. I got very little sleep; had to keep getting up and walking around until the pain abated. That sucked to the point that I had to call the dentist over the weekend who saw me first thing this morning, the result of which was another route canal job.

So, I am now pain free! Yipee! Hopefully, I will sleep like a baby tonight and catch up a bit.

I decided to do very little tonight as I helped train my lad along with two of his mates. Pecs nicely sore from yesterday's benching.

When the lads had finished their deadlift work sets, they wanted to try for a heavier single. They got 95kg but failed to get 100kg (220lb) off the floor. They'll probably get it next time.

SA Deads:
2 x 100kg (220lb)

Seeing that the bar was loaded and it wasn't heavy enough to bother 'Ernie' too much (and because the lads wanted to see me lift it) I did a few single-arm reps with each hand. Had to use a hook grip to make sure I could stand up and hold it for a few seconds.

25 x 100kg (220lb)

25 consecutive DOH-grip reps. No hook for these except for the last couple of reps. I stopped because it was getting hard(!) and I was running out of air. Unsurprisingly, it took me about two minutes to catch my breath afterwards. Good burn in my hams.

EZ-bar Pull-overs:
15 x 41kg (90lb) @ 7
15 x 41kg (90lb) @ 8

EZ-bar Curls:
15 + 5, 3, 3, 3, 2 (M-R) x 41kg (90lb)

Nice and speedy arm blast.

Night all.
Wed 30/09/09

Had a plan for last night's squat session but, in the words of Frodo Baggins, &quot;My adventure turned out to be quite different.&quot;

Low-bar Squats:
10 x 70kg
5 x 110kg
11 x 130kg (286lb) @ 8.5
5 x 130kg (286lb) @ 8
5 x 130kg (286lb) @ 8

Wanted to try for a new 15RM with 290lb. Thought I had put 132.5kg (292lb) on the bar for my first workset. Got going and then at around rep 9 my padding slipped and 'Uncle Ernie' started to twinge. Managed 2 more reps before deciding to play safe and call it quits. At least I got 11 reps with 290, or so I thought; but then I realised I'd forgotten to add the two 1.25kg weights! That really sucked. I did a couple more sets of 5 but didn't increase the loading for Ernie's sake.

Standing Calf Raise:
3 x 10 x 100kg

Fairly light for these but I made every rep really count with a pause at the bottom (pausing seems to be all the rage right now  
 ). I hate having really sore calves so this should break them back in nice'n'easy.

Upper-body was still quite sore so called it a night.
Thu 01/09/09

Goal tonight was not to upset 'Ernie' too much after yesterday's squats and some of the stuff I did during the course of today, which also seemed to aggravate it.

Flat Bench:
5 x 80kg
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ 10
5 x 3 x 100kg (220lb) @ 9

20 total reps. Better than last time. Managed to get the 5th rep for the first work set this time even though I aAlmost scuppered my chances; I messed up the groove for the first rep and made it much more difficult to press back up.

10 x 5 x bw

50 total reps, all paused for ~1 sec at full hang.

EZ-bar Curls:
12 + 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (M-R) x 46kg (101lb)

Just for fun, I put 220kg (485lb) on the bar and walked out with it. Not too bad.

It amazes me that Platz did 23 reps with 495. Love to get a single with that one day. As for Mike Tuchscherer's 700lb raw squat, well, that's a very different kettle of fish, beyond my wildest dreams.

Other stuff:

Here's a fun chart to check out:

And this is a cool way to train deads (with a three-count pause with the bar just off the floor, prior to standing up):

Pre-op medical first thing tomorrow morning, where I'll be given the once over to ensure I'm in good enough nick to go under the knife. I should finally be given a date for my actual op too.
Crap and Wow!
I was only good to fair and only excellent in one lift. Actually, I was only &quot;fair&quot; in a lot of them. That chart is harsh, man! I feel so Oooooold!
The deads training idea looks awesome. I want to try that this week on my maintenance deads instead of just pulling. That was one strong guy.
Mon 05/10/09

Flat Bench:
5 x 80kg
7 + 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 (M-R) x 97.5kg (215lb)
5 x 97.5kg (215lb)

None of this felt too great on my left shoulder.

10 x 100kg
2 x 140kg
1 x 160kg

50 deads in 10 mins challenge:
9 x 5 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 4 x 140kg (308lb)  

Result: 49 reps in 9 min 50s
1 x 1 x 140kg (308lb)

The goal here was to get 50 reps in under 10 mins. I haven't done any proper deadlifting in ages because of 'Ernie' but I thought this would be okay to try.

It should have been doable but I think I went off a bit too fast. I grouped the reps into sets of 5, figuring that 5 reps per minute would be straightforward enough. By 30 reps things were getting tough; by 40 I was breathing like a steam train. Even though I had 10 seconds left for the 50th rep I just couldn't face it. I new it would be an all-out effort and I didn't want to take the risk.

So I just failed to get my 50 reps in 10 mins but I know it's doable now, so I may go for it again next week.

I did the final single after the 10 mins were up, just to get the total.

(I suspect Quad will go and try this now, just to give me a good thrashing - and with 315 to boot!)

On a side note: the lads I was training tonight were both chuffed to bits that they managed a 100kg deadlift following their work sets. I think they have been bitten by the bug.  
Wed 07/10/09

Flat Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 80kg
6 x 5 x 91kg (200lb)

Some reps properly paused and others not.

Unfortunately, had to cut things short as I was required elsewhere. Hams still fried from Monday's deads.
You tryin' ta kill me off? After the lowrep Korte strength month, that probably would!
One neat thing I've been playing with is a 1 sec pause just off the floor. It feels really good and you can use much more weight than you'd think. I've even done them off of a box.