Thu 01/09/09
Goal tonight was not to upset 'Ernie' too much after yesterday's squats and some of the stuff I did during the course of today, which also seemed to aggravate it.
Flat Bench:
5 x 80kg
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ 10
5 x 3 x 100kg (220lb) @ 9
20 total reps. Better than last time. Managed to get the 5th rep for the first work set this time even though I aAlmost scuppered my chances; I messed up the groove for the first rep and made it much more difficult to press back up.
10 x 5 x bw
50 total reps, all paused for ~1 sec at full hang.
EZ-bar Curls:
12 + 3, 3, 3, 3, 2 (M-R) x 46kg (101lb)
Just for fun, I put 220kg (485lb) on the bar and walked out with it. Not too bad.
It amazes me that Platz did 23 reps with 495. Love to get a single with that one day. As for Mike Tuchscherer's 700lb raw squat, well, that's a very different kettle of fish, beyond my wildest dreams.
Other stuff:
Here's a fun chart to check out:
And this is a cool way to train deads (with a three-count pause with the bar just off the floor, prior to standing up):
Pre-op medical first thing tomorrow morning, where I'll be given the once over to ensure I'm in good enough nick to go under the knife. I should finally be given a date for my actual op too.