Lol's New HST Log

Fri 15/01/10

Four lads to train tonight so I mucked in with them.

Shoulder dislocates and lunges.

Paused Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 70kg
3 x 80kg
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 8
8 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 10

Bench was a bit better tonight. Pushed for a few more reps on the last set and managed 8 good ones. Left shoulder still improving.

1 x 10 x bw
5 x bw+20kg @ RPE 8
5 x bw+20kg @ RPE 9
5 x bw+20kg @ RPE 10

Kroc Rows:
25 x 36kg (80lb)

Front Squats:
10 x 60kg
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 8
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x 90kg (198lb) @ RPE 9
Not much rest between sets.

Power Cleans:
2 x 80kg
Interesting how much harder these felt after chins and front squats. I intended to do some hang cleans but I just couldn't get in the groove with 80kg. I'll leave them for another session.

5 x 100kg
5 x 110kg
5 x 120kg
5 x 130kg
10 x 145kg (320lb) @ RPE 8, hook grip

Really should have pushed for 15 reps with 145kg. Bother.

I wouldn't normally choose these weight increments for my deads but I was alternating with one of the lads who was working up in singles to try for a PR @ 145kg, which he got.

All four of the lads got PRs tonight in one thing or another which was great.
Sat 16/01/10

Fran day, 2nd attempt!

Previous attempt:
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
15-11-7 reps
Total rep target: 66
Time: 3:35 (includes time taken walking between stations)
24 reps away from a full Fran.
Average time per rep: 3.26 sec

Today's attempt:
Scaled CrossFit Fran
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
16-12-9 reps
Total rep target: 74
Time: 4:05 (includes time taken walking between stations)
Compared with last Saturday, this was 8 reps closer to a full Fran (21-15-9 reps).
Average time per rep: 3.31 sec

Still had to walk between the thrusters and the pull-ups which takes about 10 seconds. I was going to fix it so I didn't need to do this but while I feel the need for a short breather between exercises, I'm happy to do the walk!

Didn't stop during any of the exercises, which was my goal with the extra reps.

Post-Fran asthma kicked in afterwards as expected. It'll be interesting to see how my lungs feel in the morning.

Reps/sec rate slightly lower which I put down to the few seconds extra rest before the final two sets. I think my actual rep speed was at least as quick as last week. Thrusters felt easier than expected even though my legs were feeling the effects of yesterday's workout.

Next Saturday is not far enough away!
Mon 18/01/10

Lack of sleep last night meant I didn't really feel like doing much tonight.


10 x 50kg

Clean & Jerks:
10 x 50kg
5 x 70kg
5 x 80kg
1 x 90kg (198lb)

Didn't feel I had enough energy to go any further with these tonight.

Clean High Pulls:
15 x 100kg (220lb)

Last five reps not so high!

Paused Bench:
10 x 60kg
5 x 70kg
10+3,3,2,1 (M-R) x 90kg (198lb) Myo-Reps

Finally got 10 paused reps with 90kg.

Handstand against wall:
1 x 1 minute
Started to collapse exactly after one minute. Active shoulder the whole time.

Squats will have to wait until tomorrow.
Tue 19/01/10

Just squats!

Lunges and shoulder dislocates as warmups

Paused Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg
10 x 90kg (198lb)
12 x 120kg (264lb) @ RPE 8.5 PR
12 x 120kg (264lb) @ RPE 9 PR

Last time I back squatted over 102.5kg (226lb) was Mon 28/12/09 (three and a half weeks ago) when I lifted 2 x 10P x 120kg for a PR.

So 2 x 12P x 120kg is a new PR. I think I might have managed 2 or 3 more reps for the first set with 120kg if I was only doing the one set.

What's more pleasing is that all the recent metcon stuff I've been doing hasn't caused my heavier squat numbers to drop off. I've actually improved a little. Nice.
(Lol @ Jan. 19 2010,7:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Tue 19/01/10

Just squats!

Lunges and shoulder dislocates as warmups

Paused Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg
10 x 90kg (198lb)
12 x 120kg (264lb) @ RPE 8.5 PR
12 x 120kg (264lb) @ RPE 9 PR

Last time I back squatted over 102.5kg (226lb) was Mon 28/12/09 (three and a half weeks ago) when I lifted 2 x 10P x 120kg for a PR.

So 2 x 12P x 120kg is a new PR. I think I might have managed 2 or 3 more reps for the first set with 120kg if I was only doing the one set.

What's more pleasing is that all the recent metcon stuff I've been doing hasn't caused my heavier squat numbers to drop off. I've actually improved a little. Nice.</div>
How much metcon are you doing?

In trying to decide what direction to take my training, I'm considering adding in some to A) address the fact that, while my strength:weight ratio is pretty good, my conditioning sucks and B) provide some lighter stuff that my let my shoulder heal better.

I was considering 2 days per week of dedicated strength work, and 2 of metcon. I figured that balance would be about right. Just an idear I'm tossing around, though.
Mikey, I've only recently begun adding metcon into my workouts so I haven't yet figured out how much I need to be do each week to make good progress with my conditioning (which also sucks). I've been doing two or three sessions a week.

My intention is to go with HST/SST workouts 3-4 x weekly and some form of metcon 2-3 x weekly. I'll see how I get on with this. That might seem like a lot but most of the metcons I will be doing will be for 10 mins or less with some &lt; 5 mins. Occasionally I will do a longer session, around 15-25 mins, which will include being able to run and row a 5k in a reasonable time without dying. I ought to do that once a week but it's my least favourite thing so I might do multiple shorter intervals.

Programming strength and metcon workouts concurrently might prove to be tricky if I'm to keep progressing in both. I really don't know how it's going to work out.

Two days of each a week should work well. Others have gone with a metcon early in the day and then a further strength session later in the day. Another approach would be to immediately follow a strength session with a short metcon. I probably wouldn't do anything else on the day I do a longer metcon session because my lungs get irritated so much and take hours to get over it (I'm hoping this effect diminishes over time as my lungs get used to the new level of stress). So, eg, if I did a 5k row I wouldn't do any other strength work that day.
Wed 20/01/10

Warmups: Dislocates, lunges, pull-ups

EZ-bar Pendlay Rows:
10 x 61kg
10 x 81kg
10 x 91kg (200lb) @ RPE 9
10 x 91kg (200lb) @ RPE 9
10 x 91kg (200lb) @ RPE 10

Immediately followed by...

Unsupported Kelso Shrugs:
4 x 5 x 91kg
Did these without the usual bench for support. Short rest between sets.

15 x 91kg @ RPE 7
Not hard but good for ham stretch.

15 x bw
4 x 10 x bw+10kg
10 x bw
I'm getting back into these slowly and carefully for the sake of my left shoulder. Once I was warmed up it felt ok.


Skipping: (oh yeah baby!)
500 x single-skips, both feet together.
The rope I currently have is a too short so I have to jump higher than normal. Makes it harder but good practice for when I try double-unders with a better rope. I did these in as few sets as possible. When I caught the rope on my feet I started again. The most I managed in a row was 80 skips. My calves and lungs were burning up at the end of this.

Not sure what my revs/sec are. I'll time myself next time. Apparently skipping @ ~60 revs/min is roughly comparable to running at 12kph. Certainly feels like it.

Check out this vid:  

Box Jumps:
30 x 20&quot;
As fast as possible; full hip extension when jumping off the top of the box. Almost didn't make the last rep. Need to time this next time too.
Couldn't get my eyes off that perfect little butt and legs and thing I know my ol' lady is yelling &quot;WHAT are you LOOKING at?&quot;
Uh, a fitness video, honey...
Dang you Lol...I'm gonna have dreams about that tanight...
(quadancer @ Jan. 21 2010,3:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Couldn't get my eyes off that perfect little butt and legs and thing I know my ol' lady is yelling &quot;WHAT are you LOOKING at?&quot;
Uh, a fitness video, honey...
Dang you Lol...I'm gonna have dreams about that tanight...
Great &quot;Fran&quot; Lol! How long did it take for your lungs to get back to normal? Your squats have really bounced back since &quot;ernie&quot;.

Enjoyed the skipping is she tight!
(BAX67 @ Jan. 21 2010,2:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great &quot;Fran&quot;  Lol!  How long did it take for your lungs to get back to normal?  Your squats have really bounced back since &quot;ernie&quot;.

Enjoyed the skipping is she tight!</div>
Lungs were much better by the following evening but still a little 'tight'. I reckon it took about 10 hours less to fully recover than the previous week (when it took about 40 hours!).

My lad is also working up to a Fran but he's scaling the load for thrusters to 45lb. It whips his butt too but his lungs recover in only a few minutes! I'm so glad he didn't inherit my asthma.

He, he. Bouncy lass isn't she!
Fri 22/01/10

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Snatch Practice:

Last time I tried snatching I found my wrists complained quite a lot. Having read up on it a bit, I decided my grip was too wide. I found a new grip on the bar by holding the bar overhead and adjusting my hand spacing until there was a gap of between 8-12 inches between the bar and the top of my head. For me that turned out to be hands just outside the thin rings which, on my bar, are 870mm (34.25&quot;) apart. That's about 4&quot; closer together (2&quot; on each side) than before.

Lots of broom handle practice with the new grip width.

Power Snatch &amp; OHS:
10 x 30kg
5 x 40kg
5 x 50kg
5 x 60kg
3 x 62.5kg (137.5lb) PR
5 x 62.5kg (137.5lb) PR

Bar power snatched followed by OHS for reps. Ended with a small PR for both snatch and OHS; nothing great but I'll take it.

I didn't want to power snatch but I'm not nailing the third pull so that's all I managed. I could do with more space so that I can get used to bailing if I send the bar too far backwards. Once the weather warms/dries up a bit I'll take the bar outside and do some practice in the yard.

For the first set with 62.5kg, lost my balance after rep 3 so had to dump the bar forward. Second set managed 5; easy on legs but hard on shoulders. I'm attempting to actively shrug the whole time.

On the plus side, my wrists were happier and I have no symptoms of shoulder nerve impingement, which used to cause a buzzing feeling in my thumbs and index fingers.

Unilateral DB Press:
15 x 26kg R
10 x 26kg L
12 x 26kg R
10 x 26kg L

Unilateral DB Push Press:
15 x 26kg R
15 x 26kg L
15 x 26kg R
12 x 26kg L

Left shoulder showed its true colours. First 10 reps for press felt pretty uncomfortable. Second set felt much better. Push press went ok but left shoulder still lagged. I think this is partly a co-ordination problem and partly because my left shoulder is weaker.

Handstand Against Wall:
1 min
45 sec
30 sec
30 sec

Hands closer together; shoulders shrugged hard the whole time. Balance better tonight. Hands placed much closer to wall, ~8&quot; away.

83 singles
108 singles PR  

My calves are still sore from the skipping I did the other day. Still using my heavy, short rope and having to jump high to clear it. After the 108 consecutive singles I was creased.

Fran tomorrow!
Can't wait to see your &quot;Fran&quot; tomorrow good luck. My lungs are improving every day. I have problems with the third pull also. I think alot is mental because I have no place to bail also. Have you ever seen the Burgener warmup on CF. It's basically breaks down the snatch into six parts to get the movement down.

Nice OHS and power snatch!

Good Luck tomorrow!
Sat'hell'day 23/01/10


Last week:
Scaled CrossFit Fran
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
16-12-9 reps
Total rep target: 74
Time: 4:05 (includes time taken walking between stations)
Compared with last Saturday, this was 8 reps closer to a full Fran (21-15-9 reps).
Average time per rep: 3.31 sec

This week:

Fran (as Rx'd):
95lb Thrusters + Pull-ups
Total reps: 90
Time: 5:15 (includes time taken walking between stations)
Average time per rep: 3.5 sec

I actually made it all the way through without dying! I guess that's a PR then.

Didn't intend to keep going until 21 reps of thrusters but at 18 I thought, What the hey?! Then had to stop during the second sets of both thrusters and pull-ups because my lungs were screaming at me: at rep 10 for thrusters and at rep 9 for pull-ups. Not ideal. Had to do an extra pull-up in the last set too as I was a bit short on rep 8.

Post-Fran asthma kicked in again but I think it is improving considering I did more tonight and it wasn't any worse.

Reps/sec rate down to 3.5 sec but I don't care. It was brutal and I really wanted to stop before the final set. Just glad I got through it.

Next Saturday I'll have to aim for a sub-5 min time.
Checking in, good stuff Lol!
Do you also check this site: null
It has scalings and training tips for the WOD.

Good luck on your Fran but don't neglect the other girls and especially the hero wod's.
And one of the most gruesome ones Fight Gone Bad:
4.3. Explain Fight Gone Bad:
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We've used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:

1.Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2.Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3.Box Jump: 20&quot; box (Reps)
4.Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5.Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of &quot;rotate,&quot; the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Wall Ball is replaced by thrusters with double the weight of the ball and rowing replaced by burpees.
Hey CZ, thanks for the comments. Yeah, I know about FGB. I can do wall ball but I'm waiting until I get my rower sorted before I do this WOD.

What are respectable totals for both the three and five round versions of FGB as Rx'd?
I'm lucky enough to have a C2 at the gym. Great stuff.

For FGB i would stick to the 3 round normal version and a score of 200 is sort of a minimum if your not a stay home mom. 300 scores come along but are few.
So anywhere between that.
It might be hell on your astma do so watch out.

And you should really give Linda a try.
I hate her with a vengeance. Terrible. Mean little btch.
(aka &quot;3 bars of death&quot;)
&amp;#9632;Deadlift 1 1/2 BW
&amp;#9632;Bench BW
&amp;#9632;Clean 3/4 BW
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep rounds for time.

Are you also going to do the bodyweight routines?
They really showed me the state i was in....
Mon 25/01/10

So, 2 days after my Fran on Saturday my lungs are still not back to normal but they are better than yesterday. What a curse asthma is.

Anyhow, I've just replaced the rope in my existing jump rope with some sash cord (the type used to repair old Victorian windows) that I had lying around. It's quite heavy chord for its diameter and tough too. Easy and cheap to replace if it frays.

I made it about 2' longer than what was there already; calculated so that with one foot on the rope, both handles reach my shoulder on the same side. Wow! Single skipping is now a doddle. Easily made 100 on my first attempt. I'm going to shorten the rope by about 6&quot; though as it now feels a bit long. That ought to help me to rotate it a bit faster which should help with my attempts at double-unders. I'll try them later.

Hey CZ: I will be giving various WODs a try this year as my cardio improves. Blast my scabrous lungs!  Lots of rowing on a C2 should help a lot too.

Linda sounds like a killer. I think I saw a vid of Ms Carole doing that WOD. (It would have been very easy to have typed that another way and given the wrong impression about the kind of video I watched! Ahem.  

Edit: got a double-under first time but can't keep them going yet. Will try again once my dinner has had a bit longer to settle.
Mon 25/01/10

Warmups consisted of shoulder dislocates, front squats, back squats, and some cleans.

Paused Bench:
10 x 70kg
6 x 92.5kg
5 x 92.5kg
5 x 92.5kg

After benching, I decided to try a 'Linda' because Cold Zero had brought it to my attention in his post. I had to sub dips for bench because I only have one Oly bar at the moment.

Here's the workout:
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep rounds for time of:
Deadlift 1 1/2 x BW
Bench BW - subbed with Dips BW+(1/4 x BW)
Squat Clean 3/4 x BW

Based on my bw being ~205 tonight, I decided on loads of 140kg (308lb) for deads, bw+20kg (44lb) for dips, and 70kg (154lb) for squat cleans.

I would load the bar with 25kg, 15kg, 20kg plates so I could strip off the 15kg and 20kg plates for cleans. For the dips I would use 2 x 10kg plates loaded onto my dipping belt.

My Linda attempt:

Deadlift: 140kg (308lb)
Dips: BW+20kg (44lb)
Squat Clean: 70kg (154lb)
10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 rep rounds for time.

Rd 1: 10 x 140kg; 10 x bw+20kg; 10 x 70kg
Rd 2: 9 x 140kg; 9 x bw+20kg; 9 x 70kg
Rd 3: 8 x 140kg; 8 x bw+20kg; 8 x 70kg
Total time: ~17mins!! (included all the time faffling with weight plates and dip belt)
Total reps: 81 (plus 3 extra power cleans where I forgot to squat so redid them.)

After three rounds I'd had enough. Lungs were fine; it was my lower back that let me down. I was having to take great long pauses between each clean after the first few reps. I really didn't want to be bothered by my spinal erectors throughout the next day, so it made sense to halt things there for tonight.

Of the three exercises, cleans were the most difficult. If I could have power cleaned the bar that would have helped a lot, but I found out that squat cleans get really hard when your lower back is fatigued to bits. Did 3 reps as power cleans (much easier) but redid the reps as full squat cleans.

For deads, all reps were from a dead stop; no touch and go reps. Hook grip throughout. They weren't too bad, except on my lower back which definitely suffered the most. It's evidently out of condition as I have done very little heavy deadlifting or heavy squatting in the last few months.

Dips were the easiest of the three lifts to complete quickly. They are also relatively the heaviest lift I did, working out at about 80% 1RM. The other two lifts work out to be almost exactly 70% of my present 1RM (which for deads is way below my previous PR).

Compared to dips, bench would have been much quicker to set up and get on with; it took me way too much time fiddling with the belt and the clip. Swapping weight plates for deads and cleans was no fun either and consumed a fair amount of time.

Anyway, it was good to have an @ss whooping. I have now set a goal to finish this WOD at this loading. Think I'll need to work out how to do some reverse hypers.

After my failed Linda attempt I finished up with some more dips:

10 x bw+30kg (66lb)
10 x bw+30kg (66lb)
10 x bw+30kg (66lb)

Jump Rope:
168 consecutive singles PR
3 x double-unders (after much trying - yay!)

First session with my new rope was a great success. At the moment I can't do consecutive double-unders; I keep tripping on the rope after the first one or two. When I put a single skip in between I managed 3. My timing should improve so that before too long I'll be able to keep them going. Current target is to get to 10.
I was just watching a Crossfit vid and the trainer said it was okay to do power cleans for a Linda &quot;3 bars of death&quot; workout. He said it was good to try it both ways. Next time I will go with power cleans. I think that'll save my lower back a fair bit and some time too as I won't have to stop as much.