HST Cycle: 5s, session 5 - part I
Thurs 03/06/10
Out with friends yesterday. Skipped workout, which is rare, as they are emigrating to Norway and I won't be seeing them for a while. Talked about training a fair bit though.
Shoulder dislocates for general warmup of shoulders. Shoulders are starting to feel generally beaten up but no specific pain. Dislocates are initially very uncomfortable. Maybe I should take some anti-inflams prior to working out for the remainder of this cycle?
Flat Bench:
15P x 40kg, 10P x 60kg WU
5P x 80kg
5P x 100kg (220lb)
5P x 105kg (231lb) @ RPE 9
4P x 105kg (231lb) - Oops! Didn't quite manage to complete the 5th paused rep.
5 x 105kg (231lb) - no pause
5 x 105kg (231lb) - no pause; after final full rep did 10 partials to instigate burn then finished up with...
15 x 60kg - metabolic set
My target for next benching session is to make 3 x 5P x 105kg.
Did a handstand practice session.
Massive pump in tris after all that. Measured arms and they came out at 17.5". I think that's the biggest they've been. Be nice to get to 18" even if that is with a bit of excess fat coverage.
Back and legs tonight.