Lol's New HST Log

Your work of late has been incredible, Lol. I gotta ask - why don't you measure RPE when doing the metabolic sets? Is that something that goes against the whole RPE ideology?

I'm not pushing the metabolic sets. Just trying to get a burn to stimulate some MAPKerk1/2 activity. I could probably do more reps and push closer to failure but I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible. My CNS is finding it tough as it is. Oh, the joys of being old(er)! :)
HST Cycle: 5s, session 4

Mon 31/05/10

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Paused Front Squat:
10 x 40kg, 5 x 80kg WU
5 x 90kg (198lb)
5 x 100kg (220lb)
5 x 100kg (220lb)
5 x 100kg (220lb) @ RPE 8.5
15 x 70kg (154lb) - metabolic set

No belt; Oly shoes.
Haven't front squatted in a while so it was good to get back to these. Pausing definitely made these a fair bit harder than the regular version. Good feeling though.

15 x bw WU
5 x bw+20kg (44lb)
5 x bw+25kg (55lb)
5 x bw+25kg (55lb)
5 x bw+25kg (55lb) @ RPE 8
15 x bw - metabolic set

I'm increasing these very gradually to make sure my shoulder(s) stay happy. This seemed quite easy for sets of 5 but decided not to increase to 30kg tonight.

Kroc DB Rows:
15 x 36kg, 10 x 46kg WU
5 x 63.5kg (140lb)
5 x 63.5kg (140lb)
5 x 63.5kg (140lb)
5 x 63.5kg (140lb) @ RPE 8

10 second hold and stretch at the end of the last rep, last set.

Bent Over BB Row:
15 x 60kg (132lb) - metabolic set
Too light.

10 x bw
10 x bw
Paused at rep 7 on second set. Managed to whack my shins against the bar a couple of times during the first set. Not clever.

EZ-bar Curls:
10 x 49kg (108lb)
3 x 59kg (130lb) @ RPE 10

Oops! Messed up a bit there. Didn't think 59kg would be quite so hard. I'll have another go at these tomorrow with a little less load.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 5 - part I

Thurs 03/06/10

Out with friends yesterday. Skipped workout, which is rare, as they are emigrating to Norway and I won't be seeing them for a while. Talked about training a fair bit though. ;)

Shoulder dislocates for general warmup of shoulders. Shoulders are starting to feel generally beaten up but no specific pain. Dislocates are initially very uncomfortable. Maybe I should take some anti-inflams prior to working out for the remainder of this cycle?

Flat Bench:
15P x 40kg, 10P x 60kg WU
5P x 80kg
5P x 100kg (220lb)
5P x 105kg (231lb) @ RPE 9
4P x 105kg (231lb) - Oops! Didn't quite manage to complete the 5th paused rep.
5 x 105kg (231lb) - no pause
5 x 105kg (231lb) - no pause; after final full rep did 10 partials to instigate burn then finished up with...
15 x 60kg - metabolic set

My target for next benching session is to make 3 x 5P x 105kg.

Did a handstand practice session.

Massive pump in tris after all that. Measured arms and they came out at 17.5". I think that's the biggest they've been. Be nice to get to 18" even if that is with a bit of excess fat coverage.

Back and legs tonight.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 5 - part II

Paused Low-bar Squat:
10P x 60kg, 10P x 90kg WU
5P x 110kg (242lb)
5P x 145kg (320lb) @ RPE 8.5 PR
5P x 145kg (320lb) @ RPE 9
5 x 145kg (320lb) @ RPE 8 - not paused
6 x 145kg (320lb) @ RPE 8 - not paused
15 x 100kg (220lb) - metabolic set

No belt; Oly shoes.
(For comparison purposes - Work Set Volume + Met set = 5,095kg)
I'm counting the 5 x 110kg as a work set even though it's sort of acting as a heavier warmup.

After the second set with 145kg, I decided not to pause the remaining sets. I think the next one would have taken me to a 10 (RPE) and I want to avoid that until post-5s.

Metabolic set was a real burner. I didn't pause any reps in the hole but I didn't pause at the top either - took 10 deep breaths before lift off. (Ha!)

It turned out that last session's 5P x 140kg matched my old PR for paused squats so 2 x 5P x 145kg is a new PR this time.

Decided to give my shoulders a rest until tomorrow so that's it for tonight.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 6 - part I

Fri 05/06/10

Legs nicely sore everywhere after yesterday's squat session.

Front squats (10 x 90kg) and shoulder dislocates for warmup.

5 x bw
5 x bw+20kg (44lb)
5 x bw+22.5kg (50lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x bw+22.5kg (50lb) @ RPE 8.5
5 x bw+22.5kg (50lb) @ RPE 9
5 x bw+22.5kg (50lb) @ RPE 9

Kipping Pull-ups:
26 x bw

Great metabolic lat blaster and lung burner. Shoulders didn't feel very great though. I hope I can keep them up for metabolic work for the last few weeks of this cycle.

15 x bw WU
5 x bw+20kg (44lb)
5 x bw+35kg (77lb)
5 x bw+35kg (77lb)
5 x bw+35kg (77lb) @ RPE 8.5 - followed last rep with 10 short-range partials.
25 x bw - metabolic set

Bit of a jump in load but I wanted to see how my shoulder would cope; seemingly, just fine.

EZ-bar Press:
20 x 35kg

A single high-rep set for a bit of shoulder joint TLC.
Hey, Lol--what does "RPE" stand for again? I think it's "xxx perceived effort" or something? I like how your repping out after the work set--started doing that myself. Seems like a very sensible thing to do.
Hey, Lol--what does "RPE" stand for again? I think it's "xxx perceived effort" or something? I like how your repping out after the work set--started doing that myself. Seems like a very sensible thing to do.

RPE = Rate of Perceived Effort/Exertion

I find it very useful when looking back over lifts in my log.

The original scale I worked with was this one over on the RTS site: RPE

Then I added a few extra points on the scale to help me differentiate a little further:

8.5 - 2 reps left in the tank

9.5 - Possibly one more rep but not 100% certain. This is most useful for low-rep, high load sets. It just helps me see that the last rep was almost a max effort.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 6 - part II

Mon 07/06/10

This squat session was a day later than intended. I think the extra rest was good though. I'll start the post-5s tomorrow.

Paused Low-bar Squat:
10P x 60kg, 10P x 90kg WU
5P x 110kg (242lb)
5P x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 8 PR
5P x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 8.5
5P x 150kg (330lb) @ RPE 9
15 x 110kg (242lb) - metabolic set

No belt; Oly shoes.
(For comparison purposes - Work Set Volume + Met set = 4,450kg)

5P x 150kg is a PR for a single set so I was chuffed that I managed a PR for sets across with 3 x 5P x 150kg.

Increased load for metabolic set. No pauses. Started to lose co-ordination a bit by the last rep. Great burn.

Right knee felt a little sore afterwards but nothing worrying.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 7

Tue 08/06/10

I'm not starting the post-5s yet. I'll do a few more sessions of 5s until I feel like I've maxed out and then I'll do some negs and triples for a couple of weeks if my joints feel up to it.

To try to prevent any worsening of my shoulder aching (which isn't too bad but is a bit annoying at night) I decided to keep things very simple tonight and miss out anything which might aggravate my glenohumeral joints.

Flat Bench:
15P x 40kg, 10P x 60kg, 5 x 80kg WU
5 x 105kg (231lb)
5 x 105kg (231lb)
5 x 105kg (231lb)
5 x 105kg (231lb) @ RPE 9
5 x 107.5kg (237lb) @ RPE 9.5
22 x 60kg - metabolic set

Apart from warmups, I didn't pause any reps tonight to see if it that helps reduce my shoulder aching.

EZ-bar Pendlay Rows:
10 x 49kg, 10 x 79kg WU
5 x 91.5kg (202lb)
5 x 101.5 (224lb)
5 x 106.5kg (235lb)
5 x 106.5kg (235lb)
5 x 106.5kg (235lb) @ RPE 9
5 x 106.5kg (235lb) @ RPE 9.5
14 x 79kg - metabolic set

Haven't done rows in a long time but thought they would be kinder to my shoulders than chins. They felt great. At the end of each work set I hold the load a few inches off the floor for about 5-10 seconds for a bit of a stretch.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 8

Wed 09/06/10

Tonight I decided to have an easy workout doing a few different exercises to give my shoulders a bit more chance for recovery. I'll get back to the heavy stuff on Friday.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Overhead Squats:
2 x 5 x 40kg
2 x 5 x 50kg

Light but still tough on my wrists. Wraps helped a little.

Squat Cleans:
10 x 50kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 70kg
5 x 80kg

I love this exercise. No messed up reps. I was dripping with sweat after these sets. No jerks tonight to save shoulders.

30 x bw
20 x bw
10 x bw

Probably shouldn't have done these. First set was uncomfortable but it got the blood flowing around and the second and third sets felt better.

15 x 105kg (231lb)
10 x 125kg (276lb) @ RPE 7

Hook grip for all reps.

Chins (C2B):
4 x 5 x bw

Really tried to make these as ballistic as possible and touch my chest to bar as low down as possible. For first few reps in each set, managed to touch bar near base of sternum. Last rep generally touched mid-chest or nearer to clavicles.
Thu 10/06/10

Did a quick arm workout tonight.

EZ-bar Curls:
3 x 10 x 50kg

EZ-bar Skullz:
2 x 12 x 50kg

I actually lower the bar down behind my head but I don't allow my upper-arms to move much so I'm not doing a pull-over; this also helps keep some tension on my tris in the top position as the weight is locked out over my face rather than my chest. Only two sets for tris because I haven't done these in a long while so I'm pretty sure my tris are going to be plenty sore enough tomorrow.
Just watched a CrossFit Journal vid of Mikko Salo in preparation for this summer's CF Games. He mentions in the vid that he trained deads the previous night, so his lower-back is sore as he prepares for a cleans session. I was wondering what he might have lifted for his deads when he said he did a 5 x 5 with 215kg! He only weighs 80kg!! 215kg is my PR for a single and he did a 5 x 5 with it. All his other lifts have improved on last years too, as have his running times. The man is a mini-monster. If anyone can beat him I will be surprised and they will be a worthy winner.

Check this out for a taster:


HST Cycle: 5s, session 9

Fri 11/06/10

Hams still very sore from Wednesday's SLDLs.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 110kg WU
5 x 130kg (286lb)
5 x 140kg (308lb)
5 x 140kg (308lb)
5 x 140kg (308lb)
5 x 140kg (308lb)
5 x 140kg (308lb) @ RPE 9
15 x 110kg (242lb) - metabolic set

No belt; Oly shoes.
(For comparison purposes - Work Set Volume + Met set = 5,800kg)

Decided not to pause squats tonight and to back off the load a little while increasing volume a little (highest tonnage so far this cycle). I curtailed the work sets once I hit a RPE of 9.

My right knee is still not quite right but it hasn't been made any worse from tonight's session. In fact, the final met. set seemed to help things a little.

Flat Bench:
15P x 40kg, 10P x 60kg, 5 x 80kg WU
3P x 110kg (242lb)
3P x 110kg (242lb)
3P x 110kg (242lb)
3P x 110kg (242lb)
4* x 110kg (242lb) @ RPE 10
25 x 60kg - metabolic set

Wraps for work sets.
* Just failed to get 5th rep.

Shoulder seemed pretty good so tried short pauses tonight. Determined to get 25 reps for the met. set. Great burn and pump.

2 x 10 x 60kg

10 x bw - C2B
10 x bw

Couldn't face heavy chins tonight so I'll do them tomorrow.

30, 20

Ha! These were harder than expected. I thought I would make 50 without a break but I started cramping up. The second set was twice as hard as the first.
HST Cycle: 5s, session 9 continued...

Sat 12/06/10

Weighted Chins:
5 x bw+55lb
5 x bw+55lb
5 x bw+55lb @ RPE 9
5 x bw+55lb @ RPE 10
12 x bw - metabolic set

No kips today as I want my right shoulder to recover as much as possible.

EZ-bar Curls:
16 x 40kg (88lb)

EZ-bar Press:
20 x 40kg (88lb)

Just to pump some blood around the old shoulders.
My good friends across the street had their house completely gutted by fire today. Thankfully, nobody was badly hurt. Very sobering.

All the firemen have done an incredible job. There were about 70 of them working on the blaze when it was at its worst; two fire engines are still outside my house and the crews are still working on the wreckage some 7 1/2 hours later.

This was how it looked once the fire caught hold:

Any of you folks had a groin lymph node dissection? Or anyone you know? I'm collating info. As far as I can tell, it sucks. The big C is back!
So long and thanks for all the beef!

Cheers Tim.

I haven't said anything about this for a while but the big C has become more a part of my life again. I've been making plenty of hospital visits recently. I have to have another op soon which shouldn't put me out of action for more than a few weeks but the subsequent procedure, which is most likely, is worse and could leave me with reduced quality of life. I am seriously considering opting out of major surgery and taking my chances until my situation gets so bad that I have to be put down. That's kind of inevitable at some point anyway! I'm on the slippery slope, so to speak. :)

All the friends I have spoken to thus far are in agreement that better quality of life for a shorter time is unequivocally superior to a longer, more frustrating life.

Depending on how things pan out over the next few weeks, I think my posting here is probably going to reduce a lot. It's been a fun ride but I need to make the most of the remaining time I have and logging my training is rather low on the list! :)

I'll endeavour to pop in from time to time to make the odd post or two - and to make sure you are all giving it beans.

Happy lifting to all.
You're a gem, Lol. It's been a pleasure learning from you for the past couple years - and the lifting competition a while back was a blast.

Take care, and be well.