Lol's New HST Log

Hey Lol, I've been away awhile and am deeply saddened with your news. If there is anyone who can beat this it is you. You are truly an inspiration to everyone. I am quite interested in your new setup and if you don't mind I'm going to join you on your squat quest. Stay strong!! Jeff
Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 5

Wed 14/07/10

Another visit to my oncology consultant today. PET scan booked for Friday. Got my referral to The Royal Marsden in London -- top melanoma research hospital.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt. 365 felt pretty solid today. Definitely could have made a double.

15 x 75kg (165lb)
17 x 75kg (165lb)

Right shoulder is still a problem after my heavy dip session two weeks ago; left arm feels strong, right arm feels weak. It's beginning to loosen up so these two sets were not too uncomfortable.

15, 10, 10, 10, 5 x bw

Total of 50 reps. Again, right shoulder feels tight at the lowest point but overall these were good.


3 rounds for time of 5 x 275lb deadlift, 10 x burpees.

Total time: 3 mins

5 rounds next time. Probably take me twice as long!
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Hey Lol, I've been away awhile and am deeply saddened with your news. If there is anyone who can beat this it is you. You are truly an inspiration to everyone. I am quite interested in your new setup and if you don't mind I'm going to join you on your squat quest. Stay strong!! Jeff

Hey Bax, you can bet I am not going down without a fight! I am surrounded by a ton of great people which helps keep me focussed and very positive. Great to have you back here and your well wishes are very welcome. All the best with your squat quest too. I will check out your log to see how you get on.

Squatting everyday is actually an interesting experiment. I am still a little unsure how it's going to go. With 365lb, I'm hitting 87% of my all time max (which was belted too). Right now I'm fairly certain I could not get 190kg for a single, so 365lb is almost certainly >90% of my current 1RM. I'd probably need to get 5 reps with 365lb in order to be close to a 420lb squat. Back in March, when I was on the Russian peaking cycle, I did three triples with 167.5kg (370lb). It'd be cool to be able to get back to that form and move past it this year while squatting everyday and while adding in more Crossfit type metcon work. I have a tentative plan to try pushing the top single up by 2.5kg (5.5lb) every month. It might not be possible, but if I managed it, over the year that'd be 50-60lb extra for the top single. Of course, much will depend on how my health situation pans out. Time will tell.

My right knee seems to be continuing to heal well despite the everyday squatting. I'm sure the high-rep, oxidative stress stuff is helping. What I find rather surprising is that the heavy stuff is not negatively impacting on the healing process. Evidently, good form and low volume are ok.
Lol do you think the A and B workout system is just as effective as the original system. I am 15 and 117 pounds and my 15 rep max is 30 pounds for DB Press. Should I start from 5 pounds and go up or should I do the a and b cycle and start from 20, 25, 30.
Lol do you think the A and B workout system is just as effective as the original system. I am 15 and 117 pounds and my 15 rep max is 30 pounds for DB Press. Should I start from 5 pounds and go up or should I do the a and b cycle and start from 20, 25, 30.

Hey Fedor,

A good rule of thumb is to start each mesocycle with a load that is around 75% of your RM and then to use 5% increments up to your RM for that rep range. That works out nicely for 6 workouts (ie. 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% RM).

When you use dbs, that often makes it difficult to load the required poundages. Eg. in your case, with a 30lb 15RM and using percentages, your 15s would be set out like this: 22.5lb, 24lb, 25.5lb, 27lb, 28.5lb, 30lb!

As you probably haven't got access to dbs in all those weights, what you need to do is use the same loads a few times like this: 20lb, 20lb, 25lb, 25lb, 30lb, 30lb.

All the best!
Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 6

Thu 15/07/10

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

15 x 110kg (242lb)

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Everything felt harder today. Last set of 15 was a good blast. 20 reps was a possibility had I wanted to go for it. I didn't!
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I love the daily squat challenge! 6 days in and going strong - WITHOUT a dip in load! I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects you as you make your way through the 365 days; will you ultimately increase the load as has happened from the challenge's originator? Regardless of the answer to that, this is a wonderful effort to take on. If I had a squat rack, I'd do this in a heartbeat.
Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 7

Fri 16/07/10

PET/CT full-body scan today along with Pre-op Assessment for a total of seven hours in the hospital. I kid you not.

A fair bit of general leg soreness and fatigue going into this today from that final set of 15 reps yesterday.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Yay! That's week one out of the way!

Crossfit Games kicks off today. Individual Competition begins in about an hour. Live web streaming is working great so far. Should be a great weekend.
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Crossfit Games 2010

Wow! What a show. This is better than I ever expected. Great quality streaming.

Fantastic new WOD for the individual comp. The last heat was insane.

Plus, honouring Amanda Miller with the WOD is terrific. Her family will be mightily proud.

This is the workout:


Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

Chris Spealer finished it in 3:29!! He only weighs around 135lb so he's doing bw squat snatches. Managing 21 reps in that time would be hard enough without the muscle ups. Totally mind blowing.

I'm just glad it's not me having to be up and ready for the next workout at 8:00 am.
Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 8

Sat 17/07/10

Spent too many hours watching the live stream of the 2010 CF Games and consequently only got 4 hours sleep on Friday night.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9.5

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Harder again tonight. Even 140kg felt heavy.

Metcon: Mini-Grace:
30 reps, bar from floor to overhead for time. Scaled to 90lb.

Time: 1:41.3

Didn't stop at all but could go a little bit faster with that load. Not too tiring. Lungs coped with that quite well.

That's kind of interesting because it means that if I continue to improve my aerobic capacity, I should be able to stay close to that time with 135lb. Just got to force myself not to stop.


Second day of the CF Games 2010 was great to watch. For the men's comp, Mikko Salo, last year's champ, is doing well but it's looking less likely that he'll retain his title. There are just too many very fit folks around now. Rich Froning is looking like the most likely winner; he has a 10 point lead going into the final day. On the women's side, Kristan Clever and Annie from Iceland are both breaking away from the rest of the pack. I'm rooting for Annie. Sunday should be a blast.
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Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 9

Sun 18/07/10

Continuing lack of sleep due to CF Games coverage.

Decided to reduce volume tonight on the way up to 365.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
5 x 60kg, 3 x 90kg, 3 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Easier than last night.

100 reps: 30, 30, 30, 10 - hands lifted off floor in bottom position.


Final day of the CF Games 2010. What an incredible three days of events that was.

The Masters event for the over-50s was an eye-opener. Best deadlift was 495lb and the same guy did a Fran today in 5:08. That's a good target for me to try to match.
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Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 10

Mon 19/07/10

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

10 x 40kg, 10 x 60kg, 10 x 80kg WU
10 x 90kg (198lb)
8 x 95kg (210lb)
6 x 100kg (220lb)

Right shoulder not great but didn't get any worse either.

Low-bar Squat:
5 x 60kg, 3 x 90kg, 3 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Right knee a little sore.

Handstand Push-ups:
10, 5, 5

More dislocates to stretch out the old shoulders again.

So that's the first 10 days of squatting completed. Seems like a lot more than 10 days!

I have to go to London on Thursday night for my Royal Marsden visit on Friday and may not be back until Saturday. I'm trying to think what I can do to replace squats while I'm away? Maybe some bw exercises totalling 365 reps? Dunno yet.
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Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 11

Tue 20/07/10

Got my PET scan results back today. Not great but it could have been a lot worse. Apart from what I already knew about, there's now some stuff in my lungs - which explains why I have been feeling tight chested for the past few weeks - and a new tumour in my left foot, which I had no clue about. Nothing in my head yet - well, I think there's a hint of brain, but no tumour. Looking forward to hearing what the folks at the Royal Marsden have to say.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Snatch balance practice

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Right knee about the same.

Narrow-grip EZ-bar front swings:
30 x 29kg (64lb)

These are my version of kettlebell swings. I'm using them to get a good shoulder burn/pump to aid healing. Bar goes from thighs to overhead, back down to thighs. Hip extension used to get the bar moving out of the bottom position.

Tomorrow will be my last squat session for a few days as I'm off to London.
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Squat a minimum of 365 lb for a minimum of 365 days - Day 12

Wed 21/07/10

Even shorter and sweeter than normal tonight. London trip brought forward a day after the Royal Marsden folks called and asked me to come up on Thursday. Will grab a few hours kip and hit the road.

Lunges and dislocates for warmups.

Low-bar Squat:
10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg WU
1 x 140kg (308lb)
1 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 8.5
2 x 165.5kg (365lb) @ RPE 9

Oly shoes; sans-belt.

Right knee still about the same but overall felt a little stronger tonight. Not sure why? I didn't get much sleep last night as had a late night and then an early start. Tonight, it was after 1:00 am when I finally had a chance to hit the squat rack. Definitely could have made a triple with 365 but decided against it to preserve my knee.

It's just possible that I will be back early enough tomorrow night to carry on with my squat challenge. We'll see.
Brief Update

Back home again after my Royal Marsden visit and stopping off at my folks.

The folks at the Marsden were exceptional. It was a really beneficial trip. My prognosis is not great (18-24 months, if I'm lucky) but I had a lot of my questions answered and, as the answers were totally in line with what I had already been thinking, I felt strangely reassured. The best news was that I can elect to have surgery to remove any tumours when I feel that they are causing me enough discomfort to be bothersome. I don't need to have a full groin dissection as it won't improve my prognosis. Yay! I know how sick I would have felt if I'd found that out after having had the groin dissection that was recommended by my local hospital. Thankfully, I cancelled the op and went to London instead.

My task now is to do everything I can, nutritionally and training wise, to try to outlive my prognosis. Although there is very little evidence to support claims that certain foods are beneficial to melanoma sufferers, it can't hurt to try. Chemo sucks and doesn't do much for melanoma anyway so I need to do everything I can right now to try to strengthen my immune system and to stay healthy and strong. According to the consultant oncologist at the Marsden, the fact that my immune system reacted quickly to the met on my right elbow is a good sign.

The mets in my lungs are bugging me a bit now. I feel like I have mild asthma all the time. After a good squat session I feel like I can breath properly again. That's what I need to do now. Time to workout...
Hi there Lol,

I've been reading your log and to be honest it is very comprehensive but also very impressive. You've got some great lifts in you! I'm really sorry to hear about your prognosis. At times like these I just dont know what to say. I just wish you all the best and hope that you stay healthy and keep lifting. :)

Hello folks.

Well, I've been having a blast - I've got tons of building work going on at home which has meant my gym has been mothballed for a few weeks. I've been trying to do a load of body weight stuff in the meantime, if I've had the energy.

Right now I'm recovering from the second of two recent crashes on quad-bikes. I can move my head again today, my nose is healing and my back is less sore but still very delicate. Somehow I didn't break my neck, clavicles, scapulae or ribs! I can only put it down to having a tough back. I hope to be able to get back to training on Monday but will work back up to 365lb squats carefully.

In my quest to delay my demise I have made some changes to my diet based on some fairly sound info (with only a hint of quackery).

When I was first diagnosed with malignant melanoma I asked if there was anything I could do to help my situation, dietary or otherwise? I was told not to smoke, not to have more than a few alcoholic drinks a week, and to eat fresh fruit and veg on a regular basis. I was doing that already so I basically carried on doing the same. Now I am stage IV I have to take things up a notch and try things that might make no difference but which won't hurt me to try.

I've cut out all high GI carbs as well as bread and rice (barring occasional little treats) - malignant tumour cells especially like glucose. I'm eating a lot of seeds and nuts as well as plenty of fresh veg and salad along with some fruits. Pineapple is a good supply of bromelain and Vit C. Blueberries are full of good stuff too. I'm taking extra vitamin C. My milk intake has dropped dramatically - mainly due to the amount of lactose it contains rather than fear of artificial hormones etc.

Protein intake consists mainly of chicken, turkey and all sorts of fish. I have very little red meat now.

I'm eating around 15-20 apricot kernels per day for a good supply of amygdalin (B17). Some refute the efficacy of B17 in helping prevent/slow tumour growth. For me, two of my tumours have been stable this past month and the one on my right elbow has all but completely gone. (I did smack my elbow really hard in my recent accident so it's sore as heck right now, but hopefully I didn't smash what was left of the lymph node tumour and spread even more melanoma cells about.) My lungs don't feel any better but they don't feel any worse yet.

I'm back up to London on 26th so I hope that I'll still be feeling the same then. Don't want to have to have an op just yet as I have so much to do this summer.

Happy lifting to all.