Hello folks.
Well, I've been having a blast - I've got tons of building work going on at home which has meant my gym has been mothballed for a few weeks. I've been trying to do a load of body weight stuff in the meantime, if I've had the energy.
Right now I'm recovering from the second of two recent crashes on quad-bikes. I can move my head again today, my nose is healing and my back is less sore but still very delicate. Somehow I didn't break my neck, clavicles, scapulae or ribs! I can only put it down to having a tough back. I hope to be able to get back to training on Monday but will work back up to 365lb squats carefully.
In my quest to delay my demise I have made some changes to my diet based on some fairly sound info (with only a hint of quackery).
When I was first diagnosed with malignant melanoma I asked if there was anything I could do to help my situation, dietary or otherwise? I was told not to smoke, not to have more than a few alcoholic drinks a week, and to eat fresh fruit and veg on a regular basis. I was doing that already so I basically carried on doing the same. Now I am stage IV I have to take things up a notch and try things that might make no difference but which won't hurt me to try.
I've cut out all high GI carbs as well as bread and rice (barring occasional little treats) - malignant tumour cells especially like glucose. I'm eating a lot of seeds and nuts as well as plenty of fresh veg and salad along with some fruits. Pineapple is a good supply of bromelain and Vit C. Blueberries are full of good stuff too. I'm taking extra vitamin C. My milk intake has dropped dramatically - mainly due to the amount of lactose it contains rather than fear of artificial hormones etc.
Protein intake consists mainly of chicken, turkey and all sorts of fish. I have very little red meat now.
I'm eating around 15-20 apricot kernels per day for a good supply of amygdalin (B17). Some refute the efficacy of B17 in helping prevent/slow tumour growth. For me, two of my tumours have been stable this past month and the one on my right elbow has all but completely gone. (I did smack my elbow really hard in my recent accident so it's sore as heck right now, but hopefully I didn't smash what was left of the lymph node tumour and spread even more melanoma cells about.) My lungs don't feel any better but they don't feel any worse yet.
I'm back up to London on 26th so I hope that I'll still be feeling the same then. Don't want to have to have an op just yet as I have so much to do this summer.
Happy lifting to all.