
I like the thought of the 3x3 followed by the 3x8 and then the max-stim day using the 3x3 weights. The only concern I have is recovery; if you're doing the 3x8 the very next day, I'm thinking that you may overtax some of the accessory muscles used in the 3x3, especially as you approach some PR's on the 3x3 side. Regardless, I love the variation between 3x3, 3x8 and max-stim. If nothing else, the cycle would never get boring and the results should be outstanding.
Maybe I didn't explain it well?

I will be working out Sat, Mon and Weds. One day between each and then two days off after the volume day...
Aaack, sorry, I was posting off of _tim under 'new posts'...didn't notice what thread it was.
I think you have a good idea going if you can manage to make the workouts. I couldn't do it as well with my schedule. You have me thinking about the 3x3's tho...even with my shoulder I could play them into the end of fives if I just don't commit completely to the lifts..and the other thought is of running out the fives and any lift that stalls, just do maintenance while still bringing the others up.
Now see what you got started?
(quadancer @ Dec. 12 2007,16:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Why not a day recovery in between? Who would work a muscle 2 days in a row? That's suicide.</div>
Apparently, I am suicidal...
Sorry, Tot - didn't realize you had a day in between each workout. In that case, I think the program will be phenomenal. You have enough variation to keep your mind happy, and a good setup to avoid CNS fatigue while focusing nicely on strength. Great stuff!

Dips 20x30 lbs
Rows 20x155 lbs

That was easy.

Today, I'm going to go do some SLDLs so I can figure out what loads to use for Max-stim day. Depending, I may end up doing RDLs instead. We'll see what happens.

My dad and little brother are supposedly going to start coming over twice a week, so if they do, I'll have them do it on Max-stim and 3x3 day and put them through the same workouts. My dad works a hard factory job lifting huge parts daily, but recently they made a new rule where no workers can lift anything heavy, so he is afraid he's going to start getting weak.
I'd like to see how he fairs in deadlifting... should be fun. My brother is the one I was training before. He's still hovering around 125 lbs bodyweight at nearly my height, so... not much I can do with him except hope his strength goes up, since he has some kind of eating disorder as far as I can guess and isn't going to make much progress until he gets over it.

For a bit of perspective, my dad looks about like Quad does, except a little smaller and a little younger, so I'm sure he's got some good strength potential.

So, we'll see. I might log their progress on here as well.
I just went back and re-read your log intro. since you don't post too often.
It strikes me that you and I are quite close in height and body structure.
So your mass goals are to go from 190 lb.s to 225 lb.s in 36 weeks...so about a pound/week.
That is a seriously long bulk, 36 weeks. You should reap some great strength and size gains, but probably some GUT gains as well.

I don't think even quadancer is at 225, and he is a pretty massive guy in my book.

Anyway, good luck, nice workout and long-term plan.
Yup, I figure I'll be the fattest I've ever been by the end of this thing. But... I don't really care, since in the long term, it won't matter. So I'll be fat for half a year or so, but if I hit my goals, then it is worth it.

I actually stepped on the scale the other day and I am back to 200 lbs, a bit of noticeable fat gain in my lower back and thighs, which for some reason is where I get it first.


RDLs: 20x150 lbs

I did RDLs tonight with modest weight, max-stim. It wasn't difficult at all and I think I could probably pile on a lot more weight than just 150, but my hamstrings are really fatigued now. I'm going to include these along with dips and rows on max-stim day unless my deadlifts on 3x3 day start to suffer, in which case I'll cut out the RDLs or at least trim them down to 15 or even 10 reps. I think with how light I am going on RDLs, it should be fine.
BTW, if you remember I got up over the 16&quot; mark this summer on my arms, but to be fair it was a somewhat fat measurement as I was easily around 15% bodyfat or more. Now that I am lean again, my arms have shrunk back down too 15&quot;. So one of my goals is to get real 16&quot; guns or more with max-stim this year without getting too fat.

Based on our intelligent training and diet approach, I think both of us will easily go past 16&quot; arms this year. Though you have a huge edge over me being already 200 lb.s and better strength. That means you won't have to bulk too fast to reach 225 this year. Knowing how well you can eat, I am sure it won't be a problem for you.
I am going too take it conservatively this year and will be happy to reach 200 lb.s or so.
We'll see. I'm hoping to finally see some growth in my arms. I mean, I'm curling 100 lbs with good form for 3 sets of 8, and they don't grow... I think my problem is triceps though, not biceps. So anyway, we'll see. I think the only benefit I problem have in that area over you is that I don't store fat in my arms at all, so I don't have to cut down to see how much they've actually grown. But at least you've actually gotten up to 16. The most I've achieved is 15 1/4...

I'm going to throw in some tricep work on my volume days and not do any biceps work, or maybe just a set of 8 for biceps, something like that.

I know I can hit 225 by the end of 36 weeks. Two years ago, at the height of my bulking, I was at 225 for a short while. That was before the whole mess of last year when I lost a **** load of mass... Strangely, though I'm still making up for the mass I've lost, apparently, I'm a lot stronger than I was back then. Maybe I was just a lot fatter than I thought back then and actually have more lean mass now? Who knows.

Anyway, I think you're right about our proportions being about the same. I haven't checked in a while, but I think my chest measurement is about the same as what you just posted in your log, the only things bigger are my waist and thighs. So it will be interesting to see how this progresses. Actually, I haven't actually gotten to measuring everything in a long while, all I was measuring during my cut was arms, waist and occasionally thighs.

So you're doing max-stim curls and I think I'll do some max-stim pushdowns or possibly close grip bench once I get a way to do those... let's see which illicits the quickest arm growth. Be warned, my triceps are puny, so I should have a lot of room for growth in them.

Oh, and I may have a solution for benching... I have an old smith machine that I bought because it has low and high pulleys, so I can do stuff with those if I want. Anyway, I can use the smith to bench... if I get used to it. I tried some tonight and they were very ackward, didn't feel good at all. Maybe there is a technique to it.
My chest has the largest potential for growth.  Both my pecs and my lats have a looong way to go, so I am hoping to get my chest to 45&quot; this year.  That would be really awesome.
Dips and benching are plenty of work for my triceps.  I am surprised your triceps don't grow in proportion with your dipping strength.  Maybe technique?  No matter how much I try to put all the effort on my pecs, my triceps always are in pain after dips.
It's weird how everyone's body is slightly different.

P.S.: I don't recommend benching in a smith machine, but maybe you can find a form that works with it. I always hated the feeling of the fixed bar.

Deads: 3x3x385 lbs
Rows: 3x3x165 lbs
Dips: 3x3x35 lbs
Situps: 3x10x45 lbs
Front Squat: 3x3x115 lbs

Deads were a bit hard, since I did the RDLs yesterday, but I was still able to complete all sets. Next week will be different since I was just experimenting to find a suitable load with RDLs this time and will have a day between RDLs and DLs next week.
How did you find doing front squats after situps? I'm pretty sure my front squat numbers would suffer if I did my abs first. You might find it's less fun that way around when your front squats get heavier. Deads are looking good.
I didn't really notice anything, but I'm only doing 115 lbs, so it's relatively light I'm guessing. Front squats are feeling easier every time I do them. I may be able to really start pushing the weight up on them soon, but if I do, I probably won't on the 3x3 day... You're right, they probably won't be fun after situps once they get heavy, and they'll probably not be too fun once my deads get heavier too.
I think I'll just stay at a conservative weight on them this time around and keep working on technique until it is second nature, then give them a proper slot in my routine next time in order to start pushing up the weight.
Wow, you've only been back at it for a short while I believe? Pretty fast recovery on the deads in such a short time. I can see you getting that big five, no doubt.
I'll just throw a thought out there for ya - if you were to do chest dips at the end of a workout, the tri's will of course have a pump begun; just drop the weights after the last set and use BW to rep out dips tri style, head up, back straight.
My favorite is Skulls though some guys have elbow problems with them. I do myself when I hit around 130, so I put those velcro bands on my forearms to stabilise the tendons. (1&quot; below the elbow)
(quadancer @ Dec. 18 2007,08:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Wow, you've only been back at it for a short while I believe? Pretty fast recovery on the deads in such a short time. I can see you getting that big five, no doubt.
I'll just throw a thought out there for ya - if you were to do chest dips at the end of a workout, the tri's will of course have a pump begun; just drop the weights after the last set and use BW to rep out dips tri style, head up, back straight.
My favorite is Skulls though some guys have elbow problems with them. I do myself when I hit around 130, so I put those velcro bands on my forearms to stabilise the tendons. (1&quot; below the elbow)</div>
Well, I started off relatively light with the deads. I'm aiming for 405 next week and I know I'll get 3x3 on that easy. What I'm worried about is after I exceed 435, since I've only done singles higher than that, and then I've only hit 455 once that I can remember, so we'll see how that goes.
If I can hit 455 for a triple by the end of this block, I'll be happy. But yeah, I'm really hungry for that 500...

Anyway, thanks for reminding me about skullcrushers. I might try them out. Despite that fact that I don't have my rack inside the house, I do have my dad and brother there. They should be able to help me set up at the beginning of the set, spot me and take the bar from me when I end the set. I don't get elbow problems with heavy overhead DB tricep extensions, so I don't think I'd get much with skullcrushers either.
I have some pulleys, so I could also try pushdowns, but I never really enjoyed those much when I tried them before. Hopefully skulls will work... somethings got to make these things grow.
(Totentanz @ Dec. 18 2007,10:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have some pulleys, so I could also try pushdowns, but I never really enjoyed those much when I tried them before. Hopefully skulls will work... somethings got to make these things grow.</div>
If you have the equipment to do it, try doing single-arm pushdowns from your knees. Keep the elbows in and your palm absolutely parallel with the floor, with your wrist locked. Since you'll be on your knees, you'll be less likely to shift the weight to your delts or lats by leaning. Do a couple heavier sets of those with strict form and you'll love the tricep growth you see.

And - heavy close grip bench (basically hands torso-width apart) works wonders for accumulating mass on your tris, but if your delts or pecs are fatigued, you won't get much out of the lift.

Great, great deadlift numbers! Looks like you are BACK, Tot. Have fun lifting with the family!