We'll see. I'm hoping to finally see some growth in my arms. I mean, I'm curling 100 lbs with good form for 3 sets of 8, and they don't grow... I think my problem is triceps though, not biceps. So anyway, we'll see. I think the only benefit I problem have in that area over you is that I don't store fat in my arms at all, so I don't have to cut down to see how much they've actually grown. But at least you've actually gotten up to 16. The most I've achieved is 15 1/4...
I'm going to throw in some tricep work on my volume days and not do any biceps work, or maybe just a set of 8 for biceps, something like that.
I know I can hit 225 by the end of 36 weeks. Two years ago, at the height of my bulking, I was at 225 for a short while. That was before the whole mess of last year when I lost a **** load of mass... Strangely, though I'm still making up for the mass I've lost, apparently, I'm a lot stronger than I was back then. Maybe I was just a lot fatter than I thought back then and actually have more lean mass now? Who knows.
Anyway, I think you're right about our proportions being about the same. I haven't checked in a while, but I think my chest measurement is about the same as what you just posted in your log, the only things bigger are my waist and thighs. So it will be interesting to see how this progresses. Actually, I haven't actually gotten to measuring everything in a long while, all I was measuring during my cut was arms, waist and occasionally thighs.
So you're doing max-stim curls and I think I'll do some max-stim pushdowns or possibly close grip bench once I get a way to do those... let's see which illicits the quickest arm growth. Be warned, my triceps are puny, so I should have a lot of room for growth in them.
Oh, and I may have a solution for benching... I have an old smith machine that I bought because it has low and high pulleys, so I can do stuff with those if I want. Anyway, I can use the smith to bench... if I get used to it. I tried some tonight and they were very ackward, didn't feel good at all. Maybe there is a technique to it.