Stats: 5'8", 162lb
Squat (Light): 100lb x 5, 125lb x 5, 150lb x 5, 150lb x 5
Military Press (Strict): 65lb x 5, 80lb x 5, 90lb x 5, 105lb x 5
Conventional Deadlift: 145lb x 5, 185lb x 5, 210lb x 5, 240lb x 5
E-Z Bar Curl: Bar + 50lb x 10, Bar + 50lb x 10
Squat felt good. Watched a few of Rippetoe's videos over the week and adjusted bar position to be right at the base of the traps/right at the top of the rear delts. I had the bar too low before hand - about mid-line on the rear delts. Also squatted without wrapping my thumb around the bar. Gonna take a bit of time to get used to, but this should provide wrist health in the long run.
Military Press felt pretty easy.
Deadlift, I've decided on conventional due to my levers. There's a lot of articles out there on reputable sites (i.e. not or T-Muscle) that claim you should deadlift sumo or conventional based on the length of your upper body and arms. Utilizing a percentage chart and measuring as concisely as I could, I figured out that I've got long arms and a torso that's 0.5% longer than "average" (thus long lol). Hence, due to those levers, I should be pulling conventional. I guess that makes sense considering the fact that when I sumo deadlift, my torso angle tends to not be very much more vertical than it is when I deadlift conventional.
My torso is almost horizontal (parallel to the floor) on both styles of deadlift, and this is when setting up how Rippetoe instructs - shins 1" from bar, grab bar with straight legs, bend legs until shins hit bar, arch upper back, pull. To my knowledge, my hip flexibility is fine (can go ATG no problem). Thus, I think it's simply how my body is built that is causing me to set up and pull in this way. I have seen other lifters coached by Rippetoe with a similar stance, and he says that as long as the bar is lined up with the midfoot, under the scapula, and is pulled in a straight motion, regardless of how the torso is angled (as long as shoulders not lower than hips), that is the most efficient setup for the individual lifter.
Now there's always room for improvement, ala a friend coming in and actually filming me so I can see how I'm doing. But I guess I'll just have to compensate for my genetically ****ty deadlifting levers lol.
Otherwise, 240lb x 5 was moderately challenging but not near failure (and Ididn't use chalk today). I notice that my lats are sore as hell, which I guess is a good thing.
And curls were easy.
Yesterday I realized that I reversed the the order of my 3s and 5s days due to resetting. Luckily, it's only been a week and I started with lower weight than my spreadsheet programmed out for me (10% reset as opposed to like 7-8%) so I'll just compensate next week.