Ok, time to offer something up:
6 week program, option to extend to 8 weeks:
Post 5s/5RM
4 workouts a week - M/W/F & Sa/Su
M/F program
2x Dips/Flat bench
2x Wide grip chins/Pulldowns
2x Squat/Leg press/Lunges
1x Leg curl (if do squats)
1x Military Press
1x Shrugs
3x Calf raise**
W/S program
2x Incline bench
2x BB rows/Seated Rows
2x Deadlift/Leg press/Lunges
1x Leg extension (if do deads)
1x DB shoulder press
1x Shrugs
3x Calf raise**
This is your program for the duration of the 10s.
When you start the 5s, add in either a drop set or a set of 12s/15s for each of your chest, back and leg compound exercises.
A drop set is explained in FAQ, otherwise known as stripping. The drop set is to be performed using a weight ~ 12/15RM
Also in the 5s you will add in:
1x Incline dumbell curls
1x Skullcrushers/overhead triceps extension
Progress these weights as you would any other, however these are only performed twice weekly on alternating workouts. At the end of the set, hold onto the weight in the stretched position for about 15 seconds. You should feel a real stretch and burn. Make sure you do these after the compounds.
During the post 5s, we will use clustering:
You goal is to achieve a rep target whilst using a weight greater than 5RM.
We'll aim for 10 reps, using clusters for chest, back, legs shoulders, but not for isolations.
In the first week of post 5s, use a weight one increment higher than your 5RM - it would be your 3/4RM I imagine. Use this weight in miny sets (i.e. clusters) to achieve 10 reps. The goal here is to use as many mini sets as you need to reach 10 reps (it may even be 10 singles, but I more likely 3,3,2,2 or 4,4,2 or 4,3,3) BUT DO NOT GO TO FAILURE on any.
Maintain you 15s/drop set after your last cluster.
** Calf raises - do 3 sets for these, they need it