More Primer/Driver woes?


New Member
I got an email notice from my supplement supplier that says the Primer and Driver were misformulated and there is a 6-8 weeks wait on reformulation. Is there any truth to this? The email stated that Bryan did not want an inferior product on the market. What is going on? :mad:
Yeah, it's unfortunate, but the problem appears to be with the manufacturer, and Bryan is evidently looking for a new one. (That's what I was told.)
So the bad news: no HSN protein.
The good news: Bryan won't ship anything that doesn't live up to his expectations.
I regret to say that it is true. Primer and Driver have to be remanufactured. It is a long story of my bottler’s poor business practices, and some poor judgment on my part for trying to stick with them in hopes that things would work out.

I gave the formulas for P&D to my “new” bottler in September. They said 4-6 weeks. I paid part up front and waited…and called…and waited…and called…and waited some more. They made promises that they couldn’t keep, and I ended up in serious danger of going under before I even got started. I had invested quite a bit into this run with them so I stayed with them hoping that if I encouraged them and did everything in my power to help them out that it would turn out fine in the end.

Well, in the end (last week) it turned out to be my worst nightmare. I had waited 6 months to receive product that was supposed to be bottled in 6 weeks. I get it home, mix up a couple glasses…and to my horror, they simply weren’t up to HSN standards.

In all honesty my heart sunk to the floor and I thought I was done for. The product was 4 months late, I had been promising our stores that it was coming, I had used all my working capital that was supposed to pay for protein to pay bills while I was waiting, and now I had an entire batch of both Primer and Driver that I couldn’t, in good conscience, put out as Primer and Driver. I thought I would die right there in the kitchen.

Needless to say I didn’t sleep at all last week, worried about how this would hurt HSN to the point that it couldn’t survive and I would lose everything to the bank. Fortunately, my family and friends (thanks Jared) encouraged me and told me that this too will pass, and to put things in perspective.

So now, after a gracious and generous loan from a friend of a friend (thanks again Jared), I am starting over with a new manufacturer. If all goes well we will have product ready to ship in 4-6 weeks.

This latest experience has been terribly disappointing as well as educational. Many of you have been so supportive and I deeply appreciate it. I have to thank 1fast400, BodyPlus, Netrition, BeyondMuscle, Olympian’s News for being so patient as well as each one of you who have put your trust in me and HSN.

It is very important to me that HSN be of the best quality. I promise that when Primer and Driver are back on the shelves (soon!), they will be better than ever. Primer and Driver have always been, and will continue to be quality products you can trust.
It's nice to see someone with business integrity. Thanks Bryan and I, for one, will continue to be a loyal customer. One question. I just purchased and received Primer and Driver from BeyondMuscle. Is this the "good" stuff? How can I tell?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jacobp @ Feb. 24 2003,7:27)]It's nice to see someone with business integrity. Thanks Bryan and I, for one, will continue to be a loyal customer. One question. I just purchased and received Primer and Driver from BeyondMuscle. Is this the "good" stuff? How can I tell?
Anything you buy is still the last inventory. I didn't ship out any of the new inventory so no stores even have any of it.
Byran, sorry to hear about the problems, and I wish you all the best for the future.
I can do nothing but thank you for supplying the excellent website, and information that you have over the past years (here and at thinkmuscle). I would like to purchase HSN products, but unfortunately being stuck in NZ makes the costs too extreme. But I will keep advertising HSN/HST around the internet as much as I can.
It truly saddens me to hear about all your troubles, Bryan. :confused: I guess that's what happens when you try to be an honest, stand-up guy in this business. If there is anything we can do to help, please say so...
I appreciate your fresh outlook in regards to business practice. I am sure the final product will be up to your specifications. Thank you for the explanation and best of luck.
Keep your chin up, Bryan

If your friend Jared can lose all that weight eating Subway then anything is possible

Im waiting/stressing to see if I landed a job myself. It is only factory work but I really need an income! That's the life of a muso! Remember I have a copy of both HST books on hold ;)
To put it bluntly, that sucks big time. You try to do the right thing and something like this happens to you. Keep your head up man things will turn around. On a good note, Mike's new 1fast400 print add has HSN displayed prominently at the bottom of the page. Check it out. add

Thanks for not sending out a bunch of crap. Most would have shipped it anyway. I look forward to the new stuff.

Bryan, you may have lost a battle, but your integrity will win you the war.

Thanks for all you do for us muscle-builders.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Steve McDermott @ Feb. 25 2003,3:21)]Thanks for not sending out a bunch of crap. Most would have shipped it anyway.
I think this happens all the time. I've been using supplements for years, and from time to time things will suddenly and inexplicably change. I notice this especially with protein bars.
It's nice to know that you would not hesitate to explain these delays with complete disclosure of the facts. The integrity of the promise of quality you've made to your customers remains, in my experience, unique.

I've had companies give me all kinds of predetermined answers to shipping inquiries. If they had been honest and promptly disclosed the delays and the real reasons I would still be a happy customer, but you just can't trust people like that with your money.

I trust you with my money.......Ha!

Now there's a great compliment.
I also trust that I'm getting a product that you care about as much as I do.

Thank you.
HOLLY SH!T, I can't believe that after 6 months and your back against the wall, you didn't ship the product !!!

You got a "set of b@lls" .... Integrity with a capital "I"

Count me in as a customer for life.


Sorry to hear this. Do you still have all of the bad product? If so can't you sell it to make up your loses, not as primer and driver but just as a protien?

Also have you ever thought of co-developing a product? I think Avant Labs (for example) is working on a Omega-3 and so are you. Any thought into helping another company develop something.

Glad to hear it has worked out.
That's the trouble with trusting suppliers. You have to trust them.

Always get samples, man!

And though it may hurt in the short term, you made the right call. We all respect that, and it will pay off in spades for you in the long term.

I, like the others, am comitted to the line all the more now.
this is sad to hear, perhaps I should have ordered some more creatine to help out, or a pot of protein.

anyway, bryan, if you have tons of crappy product that is going to waste, i'd be willing to take it off your hands at a cheaper price. And i do understand its not up to your standards, but might as well make something off of it from us cheap college students!
I second what Micro suggests. If the stuff isn't completely garbage, just put it in some unmarked jugs and sell it at cost as bulk protien to us :-) I'm looking for some cheap protien to mix up on my non workout days. I save my P&D for workouts