My Hst Log

HST Cycle 2 ...

Today I started my second HST Cycle.

The first cycle was a huge success for me and lasted for 10 weeks in total.

On the 11th week I went into SD for 9 days.

I could have probably extended my last cycle a bit longer as I was making brilliant gains but I had to go out of town for a few days so it seemed like a good time to SD.

Anyway my second cycle is all planned out with new rep maxes and I've made a few tweaks to the 2 routines.

This was today's workout ....

Workout A - 15s phase - week 1

Chin ups - body weight - 1 x 15

Deadlift - 135kg - 1 x 20 (really easy)
135kg - 1 x 15

Bench press - 66 kg - 1 x 20
- 66 kg - 1 x 17
- 66 kg - 1 x 15

Squat - 62.5 kg - 3 x 20 (very easy)

Lat pulldown - 1 x 20
- 1 x 15
- 1 x 15

DB shoulder press
- 17.5kg DBs - 3 X 20

Upright Row - 27.5kg - 2 X 15

Barbell curl - 30kg - 1 X 15

Got some incredible pumps today

At the end of the workout I came over extremely nauseas and very nearly puked so the sudden switch to high reps must have really shocked my system ...

But it eventually subsided and I'm pretty sure I'll be very sore tomorrow...

Overall it was an amazing workout and felt great to be hitting the high reps again.
At the end of the workout I came over extremely nauseas and very nearly puked so the sudden switch to high reps must have really shocked my system ...

20 reps on deadlift, and 3 sets of 20 on squats would make anyone feel nauseous ;) Looking forward to seeing some more gains from you on this cycle, especially on that squat!
20 reps on deadlift, and 3 sets of 20 on squats would make anyone feel nauseous ;) Looking forward to seeing some more gains from you on this cycle, especially on that squat!

Yeah perhaps I did go a little over the top on my first session after SD lol

I can't wait to pick up where I left off when I get to the 5s phase ...

I seriously think squatting 3 times a week did me the world of good on that last cycle.

Up until then I'd never squatted more than twice a week ...

three times a week is tough but it certainly got me some gains ...

Let's hope I can beat it this time .,.
Wednesday 21st December 2016

Cycle 2 - week 1 - 15s phase

Workout B ...

Chin ups - Bodyweight - 1 x 15
- 1 x 9

Squat - 65 kg - 3 x 20

Military press - 42.5 kg - 1 x 17
- 42.5 kg - 1 x 16
- 42.5 kg - 1 x 16

T - bar row - 35kg - 3 x 15

Flat DB press - 27.5kg DBs - 2 x 16

Incline DB press - 27.5kg DBs - 2 x 15

Lat pulldown - 1 x 17
- 1 x 15

BB curls - 30kg - 1 x 16

Nice easy workout today ....

Got 15 reps on my 1st set of chins but on my second set of chin ups I only got 9 reps so I clustered it to 15

Squats were easy and I knocked out 3 sets of 20 again - took long breaks between sets though.

Overall everything went fine and this time I didn't feel sick after the workout so that's a relief ...
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Friday 23rd December 2016

Cycle 2

15s phase week 1

Workout A ...

Chin ups - bodyweight - 1 x 15

Deadlift - 147.5 kg - 2 x 15

Bench press - 72.5kg - 1 x 17
- 72.5kg - 1 x 16

Squat - 67.5 kg - 2 x 15

Lat pull down - 2 x 15

DB shoulder press - 20kg DBs - 3 x 15

Upright row - 30 kg - 2 x 15

That marks the end of week 1 for the 15s ...

Next week the gym has some really messed up opening times due to Xmas and new year.

So I'll have to train 3 days consecutively just to get my 3 workouts in for the week.

Probably not wise but if I keep the sets low and eat like a horse I'm sure it won't kill me.
Tuesday 27th dec 2016

15s phase - Week 2

Okay so today was an early morning workout so as usual i felt like pure garbage and had very little energy ..

But I still got all the necessary work done ...

Workout B...

Chin ups - Bodyweight - 1 x 15
- 1 x 9 + 4 + 3
- 1 x 8 + 4 + 3

Squats - 70 kg - 3 x 15

Military press - 45 kg - 1 x 16 (PR)
45 kg - 1 x 15

T bar row - 38kg - 1 x 15
- 38 kg - 1 x 15

Flat DB press - 30kg DBs - 1 x 15

Incline DB press - 30kg DBs - 1 x 16

Lat pull down - 1 x 15

Barbell curls - 32.5kg - 1 x 15

My first set of chin ups I got 15 as usual , but for the 2nd and 3rd set I had to use clusters (that's what the + stands for)

My military press was good today as I got a very easy 16 reps which is a PR for me - last cycle this was my 15 rep max but this time around i smashed it for 16 easily

Squats I hit 3 easy sets of 15 - I know I could hit 20 on this weight but today I just didn't have my usual evening energy

all in all I got the minimum amount of volume required but due to it being a morning workout I just didn't have a lot in the tank

Looking forward to tomorrow's evening workout though :)

I know it's probably not wise but due to the gyms crappy opening hours over this Xmas / new year week I'm having to perform my 3 workouts on 3 consecutive days

Luckily the next 2 workouts are both evening workouts so I should be able to smash the 2 15rm sessions with a full tank of gas
Wednesday 28th December 2016

Cycle 2

15s phase - week 2

Workout A

Deadlift - 160kg - 1 x 15

Bench press - 77.5kg - 2 x 16 (new PR)

Squat - 72.5 kg - 3 x 15

Lat pulldown - 2 x 15

DB shoulder press - 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 16
- 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 15

Upright row - 32.5 kg - 2 x 15

Not a bad workout today ...

Just one more workout of the 15s phase and then it's on to the 10s phase.
Thursday 29th December 2016

Cycle 2 - week 2

Last day of 15s phase ..

Workout B

Chin ups - body weight - 1 x 15
bodyweight - 1 x 9 + 4 + 3
bodyweight - 1 x 8 + 4 + 3

Squats - 75 kg - 1 x 17 (New PR)
- 75 kg - 1 x 15
- 75 kg - 1 x 15

Military press - 47.5 kg - 1 x 15 (PR)
- 47.5 kg - 1 x 15

T bar row - 42.5 kg - 1 x 15 (PR)
- 42.5 kg - 1 x 15

Flat db press - 32.5kg dbs - 1 x 16

Incline db press - 32.5kg dbs - 1 x 15

Barbell curl - 35kg - 1 x 16

And that's officially the end of the 15s phase ...

I've managed to hit new 15 rep maxes on most of my lifts in comparison to my 1st cycle - even though it's only by small increments of about 2.5 kg

Infact I feel I could easily up the weight even more on squats and bench press as I surpassed my planned 15rm by a rep or two on those.

My gym is now closed for the next 4 days over new year - so I'll be starting the 10s phase on Tuesday.

Hopefully the 4 day break won't effect me too much ...

But at least I got my 3 workouts in for the week.

I totally would not recommend trying to do 3 days in a row - especially on the maxes week.

But seeing as the gym was only open those 3 days it was my only option really.

I've felt pretty run down by it even though I kept the sets on the low side each day ..

But i got through it and still hit my planed 15 rep maxes on the last 2 days so it's all worked out okay
Monday 2nd January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 3

10s phase

Workout A ....

Chin ups - Bodyweight - 1 x 10

Deadlift - 150 kg - 3 x 12

Squat - 75 kg - 1 x 12
- 75 kg - 1x 12
- 75 kg - 1 x 10
- 75 kg - 1 x 10

Bench press - 75 kg - 1 x 13
- 75 kg - 1 x 12
- 75 kg - 1 x 12
- 75 kg - 1 x 10
- 75 kg - 1 x 10

Lat pulldown - 3 x 12

DB shoulder press - 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 15
- 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 12
- 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 12
- 22.5kg DBs - 1 x 12

Upright Row - 35 kg - 3 x 10

First workout of the 10s phase and it felt great ... Weights felt nice and light as they should so I was able to crank out quite a bit of volume ..
Wednesday 4th January 2017

Cycle 2

Week 3 - 10s phase

Workout B .....

Chin ups - Bodyweight - 2 x 10
- Bodyweight - 1 x 9 (+ 3)
- Bodyweight - 1 x 8 (+4)

Squats - 77.5 kg - 4 x 12

Military press - 48 kg - 4 x 12

T bar row - 40 kg - 1 x 12
- 40 kg - 1 x 11
- 40 kg - 1 x 10
- 40 kg - 1 x 10

Flat DB press - 32.5kg DBs - 2 x 12
- 32.5kg DBs - 1 x 10

Incline DB press - 32.5kg DBs - 1 x 12
- 32.5kg DBs - 1 x 10
- 32.5kg DBs - 1 x 10

Barbell curls - 36 kg - 3 x 10

Awesome workout today ...

My first 2 sets of chin ups I hit 10 pretty easily but had to cluster the 3rd and 4th sets - that's what the (+ ) stands for

Next time workout B rolls around I'm going to start adding weight to the chins ...

Everything else flowed pretty easily today and the volume is still pretty high on each lift ...

Obviously the volume will come down again as I start approaching maxes but I always like to try and get as many sets as I can if there more in the tank ...
Friday 6th January 2017

Cycle 2

Week 3 - 10s phase

Workout A ...

Chin ups - 2.5 kg plate - 1 x 10

Deadlift - 165 kg - 2 x 12

Bench press - 80 kg - 3 x 12

Squats - 80 kg - 5 x 10

Lat pulldown - 3 x 10

DB shoulder press - 25kg DBs - 5 x 10

Upright row - 37.5 kg - 2 x 10

Okay that marks the halfway point of the 10s phase and everything seems to be going easily.

Should have no problem hitting my new 10 rep maxes next week (touch wood)

I ran 10k yesterday in 51 minutes with a 3% incline on the treadmill - didn't plan to go for that long but I got carried away with my music.

So it's a miracle I got through today's workout so easily... I was expecting myself to be weak and drained.
Monday 9th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 4

10s phase

Workout B ...

Chin ups - 2.5kg plate - 1 x 10
- 2.5kg plate - 1 x 8 (+4)
- 2.5kg plate - 1 x 7 (+3)
- 2.5kg plate - 1 x 6 (+4)

Squats - 82.5 kg - 1 x 13
- 82.5 kg - 1 x 12
- 82.5 kg - 1 x 10
- 82.5 kg - 1 x 10

Military press - 51 kg - 1 x 12
- 51 kg - 1 x 12
- 51 kg - 1 x 11
- 51 kg - 1 x 10

T bar row - 45 kg - 3 x 10

Flat DB press - 35kg DBs - 2 x 10

Incline DB press - 35kg DBs - 2 x 10

Upright Row - 40 kg - 1 x 10

Barbell curls - 40 kg - 2 x 10

Bit late uploading this one as this was yesterday's workout ...

My weighted chin ups I hit 10 on my first set but on all the subsequent sets I had to utilise clustering as you can see ..

Everything else was a piece of cake and am still exceeding 10 on most of my sets ...
Wednesday 11th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 4

10s phase

Workout A ...

Chin ups with 5 kg plate - 1 x 9 (+3) clustered

Deadlift - 180kg - 1 x 10

Bench press - 87.5 kg - 1 x 11
- 87.5 kg - 1 x 10
- 70 kg - 1 x 15

Squats - 86 kg - 4 x 10

Military press - 51 kg - 1 x 12

Lat pull down - 2 x 10

DB shoulder press - 27.5kg DBs - 3 x 10

Upright Row - 40 kg - 2 x 10

Very good session today ...

Form felt extremely solid on everything and no grinding to failure on anything

Was one rep short of 10 on my weighted chins today so clustered it to get 12.
But I wasn't even supposed to be doing chin ups on workout A anyway - so if anything it was just a teaser for Friday's workout ;)

Only one more workout to go for the 10s phase and then it's on to the 5s
Friday 13th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 4

10s phase

Workout B....

Weighted chins - 5kg plate - 1 x 10
- 5kg plate - 1 x 8 (+3)
- 5kg plate - 1 x 7 (+3)
- 5kg plate - 1 x 5 (+3 +3)

Deadlift - 180 kg - 1 x 10

Squats - 90 kg - 3 x 10

Military press - 55 kg - 3 x 10

T bar row - 50 kg - 2 x 10

Flat DB press - 37.5kg dbs - 2 x 10

Incline DB press - 37.5kg dbs - 1 x 10

Barbell curls - 42.5 kg - 1 x 10

Dips - bodyweight - 2 x 15 (just for a burn)

Okay so that's the end of the 10s phase...

I managed to get 10 reps on my first set of weighted chins but had to cluster the rest of the sets as you can see with all the + reps

i surprisingly hit all my 10 rep maxes with ease on pretty much everything for both workouts A and B this week ... So definitely some progress there ..

Now it's on to the 5s phase where things start to get serious
Monday 16th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 5

5s phase

Workout A ...

Weighted Chins - 10kg plate - 3 x 5

Deadlift - 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)
- 165 kg - 1 x 13 (TNG)
- 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)

Bench press - 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 8
- 90 kg - 1 x 8

Squats - 91 kg - 3 x 10

Lat pull down - 2 x 10

DB shoulder press - 27.5kg dbs - 3 x 10

Upright row - 40 kg - 2 x 10

Okay so it was the first workout of the 5s phase today but I ended up easily getting 10 reps on most of my exercises.

I know I should've just stopped at 5 and done more sets but thought i would take advantage while I still can.

I also experimented with my deadlifts a bit today ....

Usually I do touch and go - PROPER touch and go with full control & no bouncing

Reason being is that I like to stay braced and tight throughout the movement and I just feel safer doing touch and go.

But today I thew in 2 paused rep sets just to mix things up and get a feel for it....

I easily got 8 on both those sets and had plenty more in the tank ... Probably could've hit 12 if honest as it was nowhere near failure. but I just wanted to get a feel for them today.

I also did my usual touch and go set for an easy 13 reps

Still not sure how I feel about paused reps yet ..

The form felt perfect overall , but I just hate losing the tightness at the bottom as it makes my lower back feel vulnerable.

I'll probably keep mixing them in over the next few weeks with my touch and go ... Just so I get the best of both worlds.
Monday 16th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 5

5s phase

Workout A ...

Weighted Chins - 10kg plate - 3 x 5

Deadlift - 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)
- 165 kg - 1 x 13 (TNG)
- 165 kg - 1 x 8 (paused reps)

Bench press - 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 10
- 90 kg - 1 x 8
- 90 kg - 1 x 8

Squats - 91 kg - 3 x 10

Lat pull down - 2 x 10

DB shoulder press - 27.5kg dbs - 3 x 10

Upright row - 40 kg - 2 x 10

Okay so it was the first workout of the 5s phase today but I ended up easily getting 10 reps on most of my exercises.

I know I should've just stopped at 5 and done more sets but thought i would take advantage while I still can.

I also experimented with my deadlifts a bit today ....

Usually I do touch and go - PROPER touch and go with full control & no bouncing

Reason being is that I like to stay braced and tight throughout the movement and I just feel safer doing touch and go.

But today I thew in 2 paused rep sets just to mix things up and get a feel for it....

I easily got 8 on both those sets and had plenty more in the tank ... Probably could've hit 12 if honest as it was nowhere near failure. but I just wanted to get a feel for them today.

I also did my usual touch and go set for an easy 13 reps

Still not sure how I feel about paused reps yet ..

The form felt perfect overall , but I just hate losing the tightness at the bottom as it makes my lower back feel vulnerable.

I'll probably keep mixing them in over the next few weeks with my touch and go ... Just so I get the best of both worlds.

Personally I nearly always do a full stop/dead stop deadlift. IMO I find it helps to teach bracing better, develop more power off the floor rather than relying on the stretch reflex. But that's just me, and I'm a powerlifter not a bodybuilder. Bodybuilders would argue that TnG means more time under tension, and more "gains"

Example of how I complete my reps (ignore all my form technique faults, im working on them lol)

I use Pause Deadlifts as an assistance, so lift the weight until its 1" or so off the floor, hold it there for a couple of seconds, then complete the move. This helps me, as my weak point tends to be off the floor, and below the knees.

(Pause deadlifts at 2:10)

For bench I do TnG until I am at 5 reps or lower, then make sure its competition bench press (slight pause)

Some nice weights going up though, good work!
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Thanks @Browner your form looks very good to me with nice bar speed on 200kg

I know I can TNG 200kg for a decent number of reps as I did in my last cycle ...

But it'll be interesting this time around when I reach 200 again to see if I can get anywhere near that with paused reps lol

I really must start filming my lifts ...

I'll definitely keep up with the paused reps as its nice to cover all bases and I'm sure it'll help advance me overall ...

For bench I feel comfortable either way really but usually do touch n go by default.

I'm surprised by my first couple of 5 sessions as I'm well ahead of my numbers from last cycle at this point and knocking out more reps ...

I'll post today's workout up in a bit ...
Wednesday 18th January 2017

Cycle 2 - Week 5

5s phase

Workout B ...

Weighted chins - 10kg plate - 1 x 6
- 10kg plate - 4 x 5
- Bodyweight - 1 x 10

Squats - 96 kg - 3 x 7
96 kg - 2 x 6

Military press - 56 kg - 3 x 8

T bar row - 50kg - 2 x 8
- 50kg - 1 x 7
- 40kg - 1 x 13

Flat DB press - 37.5kg dbs - 3 x 8

Incline DB press - 37.5kg dbs - 3 x 8

Barbell curl - 42.5 kg - 1 x 10
- 42.5 kg - 2 x 5

Bit late uploading this one from Wednesday ..

I didn't really push failure on anything as it was a morning session ... But on the plus side im still well up from this point in my last cycle

Not half bad for a morning workout :)
Friday 20th January 2017

Cycle 2 - week 5

5s phase

Workout A .....

Okay so today was a disaster ...

Yesterday I had some devastating news about my newly restored Ford Capri which I've spent my life savings having restored ...

And as a result I've been worried out of my mind all night and only managed about 2 hours sleep ...

I got up this morning and went to the gym but my mind just wasn't in the right place.

I started off with a good set of weighted chins and hit 5 reps with a 15kg plate

I then went on to my deadlifts and immediately it felt really heavy and I just didn't feel very strong at all ..

I only managed 6 reps with 182 kg before just giving up ... My form felt way off and my body just didn't want to get in the groove

So I then went on to bench press and got 6 reps with 100kg but it felt like a lethargic 6 reps lol

Also I somehow tweaked my back a bit when sitting up after the set.

So at this point i decided to call it a day as my mind and body clearly weren't in the right place

I'm going to repeat this workout on Monday after I've had chance to de-stress and sort my head out

Hopefully I'll be back on track come Monday