I started a new nutritional plan for myself to drop fat weight for the race season.
I did a bunch of reading and ended up with something which basically resemble the Paleo Diet. I cant cut out salt because I use so little of it anyway, and I still eat about 50grams of bitter chocolate every day.
In the last two weeks I have completely cut out all grains and grain based foods.
No bread, no pasta, no rice, no cereal. In addition I cut out all diary products ( and I LOVE milk).
I eat unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables. I eat egg whites, lean beef, chicken and salmon. I use only olive oil and walnuts fora pure fat source. I also use nonsweetened apple/banana/mango sauce to mix with amino acid powders for pre and post workouts.
In the end it is a severe caloric resitriction. I am never getting more than 2500 calories. I wouldn´t believe it if I didn´t crunch the numbers as I am stuffed after ever meal and I am very meticulous with the numbers.
In addition, I am taking before every meal a multivitamin and three fish oil caps. Once a week I small fresh thincrust pizza with little cheese and only after a 3 hour bike training,
I drink two coffees per day.
I lift three times a week: Front Squats, Military presses, Bent Rows, Deadlifts, Power cleans, Pull downs. ( with weights between 65-85% of my 1 RM and in a sort of 5 x 5 programs)
The nutirient percentages work out to (approx. with day to day variation )
40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% Fats. ( I am getting at least 175 grams of protein a day, this is a minimum)
2 liters of water per day. No juices.
The ideas are not new and I claim nothing as to its efficieny for anyone else, but for me the results speak for themselves:
1. I have dropped 6 kilos in 2 weeks ( 96--->90 kg)
2. I have noticed no change in strength and fatigue, rather the opposite.
3. I have never slept better.
4. My skin is radiant ( Don´t laugh).
5. I have zero sweet cravings, ZERO and this is big for me as I am chocoholic.
6. I literally jump out of bed, my regeneration time has shortened noticable.
7. I am amazed at how much I am eating, as the calories are low, but the sheer mass is absurd.
For example lunch today was 200 grams tuna, a medium sized papaya, 10 baby carrots, 200 grams strawberries, 12 grams walnuts, 150 grams guacamoli, a medium apple, and two tangerines.
I was stuffed and went almost 8 hours without a single hunger pang.
I did a bunch of reading and ended up with something which basically resemble the Paleo Diet. I cant cut out salt because I use so little of it anyway, and I still eat about 50grams of bitter chocolate every day.
In the last two weeks I have completely cut out all grains and grain based foods.
No bread, no pasta, no rice, no cereal. In addition I cut out all diary products ( and I LOVE milk).
I eat unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables. I eat egg whites, lean beef, chicken and salmon. I use only olive oil and walnuts fora pure fat source. I also use nonsweetened apple/banana/mango sauce to mix with amino acid powders for pre and post workouts.
In the end it is a severe caloric resitriction. I am never getting more than 2500 calories. I wouldn´t believe it if I didn´t crunch the numbers as I am stuffed after ever meal and I am very meticulous with the numbers.
In addition, I am taking before every meal a multivitamin and three fish oil caps. Once a week I small fresh thincrust pizza with little cheese and only after a 3 hour bike training,
I drink two coffees per day.
I lift three times a week: Front Squats, Military presses, Bent Rows, Deadlifts, Power cleans, Pull downs. ( with weights between 65-85% of my 1 RM and in a sort of 5 x 5 programs)
The nutirient percentages work out to (approx. with day to day variation )
40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% Fats. ( I am getting at least 175 grams of protein a day, this is a minimum)
2 liters of water per day. No juices.
The ideas are not new and I claim nothing as to its efficieny for anyone else, but for me the results speak for themselves:
1. I have dropped 6 kilos in 2 weeks ( 96--->90 kg)
2. I have noticed no change in strength and fatigue, rather the opposite.
3. I have never slept better.
4. My skin is radiant ( Don´t laugh).
5. I have zero sweet cravings, ZERO and this is big for me as I am chocoholic.
6. I literally jump out of bed, my regeneration time has shortened noticable.
7. I am amazed at how much I am eating, as the calories are low, but the sheer mass is absurd.
For example lunch today was 200 grams tuna, a medium sized papaya, 10 baby carrots, 200 grams strawberries, 12 grams walnuts, 150 grams guacamoli, a medium apple, and two tangerines.
I was stuffed and went almost 8 hours without a single hunger pang.