My training log

Wed 23/10

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1, 130kgx1, 117kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine press - 10kgx5, 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 50kgx5,5

EZ curls - (bar weight excluded) 25kgx12, 30kgx9,9,8

Diamond pushups - BWx30

The last 10 squat singles were performed on the minute, for 10 minutes.
Thu 24/10

Rack pull - 60kgx5, 100kgx5, 140kgx3, 180kgx1, 220kgx1, 240kgx1, 260kgx1, 235kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

CGBP - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 80kgx5,5

Landmine row - 40kgx12, 50kgx12, 60kgx10, 70kgx8

DB flyes - 10kgx12, 15kgx12, 17.5kgx10

Pullups - BWx12

Pushups - BWx30

The last 10 racklifts performed on the minute for 10 minutes.
Thanks gents. I've taken the shackles off by moving away from percentage based progression (Wendler 5/3/1). I still believe it has some merit, however, it also inhibits progress. It just takes forever to get anywhere and I know I can go heavier. I understand the idea of slow and steady progression, but some days you just have more in the tank.
Fri 25/10

Front squats - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 90kgx5,5, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1

Landmine press - 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 50kgx5, 55kgx5,5

Scott's press - 12.5kgx15, 15kgx15, 17.5kgx12, 20kgx8,8

Hammer curl - 17.5kgx14, 8

Diamond pushups - BWx30

FS - Right wrist was the limiting factor here. Need to work on flexibility as it felt like the tendon was about to snap.
Sun 27/10

Wide grip bench to neck - 40kgx15, 60kgx13, 65kgx12, 70kgx8,7,7

Chins - 15kgx5, 20kgx5, 25kgx5,5,3,2 (mixed grips)

Seated row - 14 plates x 15,12

Incline curls - 13kgx15, 15kgx10,8

Diamond push ups - BWx25,17

Trained fasted this morning. Energy felt ok-ish. Nice start to a sunny day.
Mon 28/10

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1, 135kgx1, 121kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine press - 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 55kgx5,5,5

Scott's press - 15kgx12,12, 18kgx9,10

Hammer curl - 18kgx12,9

Ring chins - BWx7,5

Fairly quick one this evening as I started late. Last 10 squat singles performed on the minute for 10 minutes. The chins on the rings after the hammer curls absolutely kaned.
Wed 30/10

Squat - 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx4,3

Landmine press - 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 55kgx5,5

Seated DB press - 20kgx12, 22.5x9,9,9

DB lateral raise - 15kgx10,10,10

Had a very physical training day at work today. Trained at work straight after finish, so energy levels were pretty low, which was very noticable in the squat. Anyway I'm glad I did it.

First time in a long time I tried any overhead pressing. Although very light weight, the seated db press felt completely pain free in the left shoulder. I would love to be able to do the military or behind the neck push/press again soon.
Thu 31/10

DL - 70kgx5, 110kgx5, 140kgx5, 160kgx5, 180kgx2,2

Bench press - 60kgx5, 90kgx3, 100kgx1, 110kgxX, 105kgx1, 95kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

DB flyes - 15kgx12,10,10

Seated row - 14 plates x 15,12,12

Ring chins - BWx9,7

Diamond pushups - BWx23,21

Had to laugh today. I'm glad I trained at home. I had a shocker with the dl. Dunno whats going on with it. I've lost heaps, but I'll keep pushing it. It'll come back.

Then, I bombed a max attempt on the bench. I got it half way up, and then oh-ooh. I got stuck under the bar for the first time ever. After worming out under the bar I composed myself and actually had a good workout. The last 10 bench singles were done on the minute. All the assistance lifts were supersetted push/pull.
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Haha, yeh, it can get a bit toasty without a spotter.

Still, at least you know your adrenal gland is working fine ;)
Haha, well yes. You are right about attempting a max without a spotter. But in saying that, I'll probably do it again... My measly weights will never crush me as such, and I don't put the collars on, just in case I get stuck again ill just tip one side up and voila! Haha
Sat 2/11

Wide grip bench to neck - 40kgx10, 60kgx12, 70kgx9,7,7

Chins - BWx5, 15kgx7, 25kgx5,5,4 (mixed grips)

BB cheat curls - 40kgx8,6,4

Shrugs - 60kgx20, 90kgx20, 110kgx20, 140kgx20,16

Decline pushups - BWx25

Ring chins - BWx11
Mon 4/11

Squat - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx3, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1, 135kgx1, 121kgx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

Landmine press - 10kgx10, 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 55kgx5,5

Scott's press - 20kgx10,10,10

Concentration curl - 15kgx12,12,9

Ring chins - BWx8,7

Last 10 squat singles performed on the minute.
Tue 5/11

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 90kgx5,5, 95kgx5, 100kgx1, 110kgx1, 120kgx1

Bench - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 90kgx5,5, 95kgx1, 100kgx1, 105kgx1

Seated row - 14 plates x 16, 15x12,12

Dips - BWx15,13,11
Fri 8/11

Landmine press -10kgx10, 20kgx5, 30kgx5, 40kgx5, 50kgx5, 55kgx5,5

Scott's press - 20kgx12, 22.5kgx6,7,7

Shrugs - 60kgx20, 100kgx20, 140kgx20, 160kgx15,15

Hammer curl -17.5kgx12,12, 20kgx8,6

Ring chins -BWx8,8