My training log

hahaha yeah, something like that... Entering houses yes, not so much to hold beams up but...

And I believe they're called a 'Electronic control device" these days :p
Mon 23/9

Wave 5 - week 1

Landmine press -
20kgx10, 30kgx5, (wu) 45kgx5, 50kgx5, 55kgx5

LMP First set last -

Chins - BWx5, 10kgx10+2, 9+3

Bench press - 60kgx5, 70kgx13,12

Seated row - 5 plates x 12, 8 plates x 25, 12 plates x 12

Hammer curl - 15kgx13, 12

Triceps push down - 5 plates x 13, 12

Shrugs - 2x25kg plates x 100 (one plate each hand)

Today was the first session using the new template. Initial thought is that 25 reps is not enough volume, but time will tell. The BBB template I've been using the past four months has seen me doing 5x10 on the assistance lifts compared to only 25 now.

The seated row was an experiment as I have not done these since forever. Now I know what rep range I'll be using.
Wed 25/9

Wave 5 - week 1

DL -
70kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx3, (wu) 130kgx5, 150kgx5, 165kgx8

DL First Set Last - 150kgx10,10

Squat - 60kgx5, 95kgx12,8,5

Leg extension - 7 plates x12,8,6

First time using the old leg extension pulley at home in many years. Legs were shaking uncontrollably on the concentric as if I was doing a 1rm dl. Pretty funny.
Sat 28/9

Wave 5 - week 1

Bench press -
40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3, (wu) 65kgx5, 75kgx5, 85kgx6

Bench First Set Last - 65kgx15

Pull down - 5 plates x 5, 8 plates x 15, 11 plates x 13

Landmine press - 42.5kgx12,9,4

Landmine row - 50kgx13,12

Dips - 5kgx12,13
Tue 1/10

Wave 5 - week 1

Squat - 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 85kgx3, (wu) 90kgx5, 105kgx5, 115kgx8

Squat First Set Last - 90kgx10

DL - 140kgx10,8,8

B wheel - BW x 15,15
Wed 2/10

Wave 5 - week 2

Landmine press -
10x5, 20x5, 30x3, (wu) 45kgx3, 50kgx3,4

LMP First Set Last - 45kgx5,5

Chins - 10kgx11+1, 8,8

Bench press - 70kgx15,10

Landmine row - 50kgx10,12,10

Dips - 5kgx12,7,4

DB Shrugs - 40kgx30,25

For some reason the LMP felt very heavy today.
Thu 3/10

Wave 5 - week 2

DL -
80kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx3, 140kgx3, 160kgx3, 175kgx8

DL First Set Last - 140kgx10

Squat - 60kgx5, 85kgx8, 95kgx8, 110kgx6

KB swings - 24kgx50,50

Ab wheel - BWx15,15

Was planning on doing the 100 swings unbroken, but, my grip was shot to pieces.
Fri 4/10

Wave 5 - week 2

Bench press -
40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3, (wu) 70kgx3, 80kgx3, 90kgx6

Bench First Set Last - 70kgx13

Pulldown - 8 plates x 8, 11 plates x 13,13

Landmine press - 35kgx8, 45kgx8, 50kgx6

Seated row - 12 plates x 15,15

Triceps push down - 5 plates x 15,12

BB curl - 30kgx10,9
Sun 6/10

Wave 5 - week 2

Squat - 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 85kgx3, (wu) 95kgx3, 110kgx3, 125kgx4

Squat First Set Last - 95kgx10

Rack pull - 60kgx5, 100kgx3, 140kgx3, 180kgx3, 220kgx3,3

Trained at work today and did not feel like doing dl. Tried rack pull for the first time. I could have gone higher, but decided to be a bit conservative the first time. They felt good though.
Mon 7/10

Wave 5 - week 3

Landmine press -
10kgx5, 20kgx5, 30kgx3, (wu) 45kgx5, 50kgx3, 60kgx3

LMP First Set Last - 45kgx12

Chins - BWx5, 15kgx8,8,8

Bench press - 65kgx5, 75kgx5, 85kgx5

Seated row - 15 plates x 10,12,12

Hammer curl - 15kgx13,12

Triceps push down - 5 plates x 15,15,15

Shrugs - 60kgx12, 90kgx20, 110kgx20, 130kgx20

All lifts felt good. I've run out of plates on the stack for the seated row. And this was supposed to be the 8 reps week. So I might have to substitute with some sort of a row instead in the future, at least for the heavier low rep weeks.
Wed 9/10

Wave 5 - week 3

DL -
80kgx5, 100kgx5, 120kgx3, (wu) 150kgx5, 165kgx3, 185kgx3

DL First Set Last - 150kgx10

Surviving on minimal sleep today and had very limited time to train.
Thu 10/10

Wave 5 - week 3

Bench press -
40kgx5, 60kgx5, (wu) 75kgx5, 85kgx3, 95kgx3

Bench First Set Last - 75kgx11

Chins - BWx12, 5kgx9,8, 10kgx8,6

Incline bench press - 60kgx12, 70kgx8,6,5,6

Seated row - 10 plates x 12, 12x12, 14x10, 15x10

Flat DB flyes - 10kgx12,12, 15kgx10

Landmine row - 40kgx10, 45kgx10, 50kgx8

Every push supersetted with a pull. Did a lot more volume than normal tonight.
Sat 12/10

Wave 6 - week 1

Landmine press -
20kgx5, 30kgx5, (wu) 40kgx5, 45kgx5, 50kgx10

LMP First Set Last - 40kgx12

Arnold press - 10kgx12,12, 13kgx12, 15kgx10,10

Lateral DB raises - 10kgx10,10,10, 13kgx10,8

EZ curls - (excluding bar weight) 20kgx15, 25kgx1212, 30kg10,8

CGBP - 40kgx15, 50kgx12,10, 55kgx10,8

Incline DB curl - 15kgx10,10,9

Standing french press - (excluding bar weight) 10kgx15, 15kgx10,15kgx12

Concentration curl - 15kgx7,8,8

Triceps push down - 5 plates x 14, 6x12, 7x7

Another high rep workout, just for fun. All biceps supersetted with triceps. I've never tried half of these lifts. The Arnold/Scott press felt really good. I found this video that explained it, from the man himself, Larry Scott. Check out the tights on the second guy...
Mon 14/10


Wave 6 - week 1

Bench -
40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3, (wu) 65kgx5, 75kgx5, 85kgx7

Bench First Set Last - 65kgx15

Chins - BWx5, 5kgx12, 10kgx8,5,6,8

Incline DB press - 25kgx12, 30kgx10,10, 35kgx6,5

Pendlay row - 60kgx12, 80kgx8, 70kgx10

Flat DB flyes - 17.5kgx12,10,10

Landmine row - 40kgx12, 45kgx10,50kgx10


Prowler - Unweighted 10x100m sprints.

As expected, the prowler caused me some heavy breathing, but I have never experienced such 'pump' in my legs. As I was walking it out after the last sprint, the legs felt like they were cramping and full of blood. Worse than any high rep squat I've ever done.
Tue 15/10

Landmine press - 10kgx5, 20kgx5, 30kgx3, 45kgx3, 50kgx3,3

LMP First Set Last - 40kgx9

Arnold Press - 12.5kgx12,12, 15kgx12, 17.5kgx8,8

Lateral DB flyes - 12.5kgx12,12 15kgx8,9,8

EZ curls - (excluding bar weight) 20kgx15, 25kgx12, 30kgx11,9,9

CGBP - 40kgx15, 50kgx12, 55kgx8,10,10

Incline curls - 15kgx10,10,10

Standing French press - (excluding bar weight) 15kgx12, 20kgx12,12

Concentration curls - 15kgx8,8,8

Triceps push down - 6 plates x 10,8,7
Tue 22/10

Pendlay row - 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 80kgx5, 85kgx5, 90kgx5, 100kgx1, 110kgx1

Bench press - 40kgx5, 60kgx5, 80kgx5, 85kgx5,5, 90kgx1, 95kgx1, 100kgx1

Wide grip bench - 60kgx10,12

Concentration curl - 15kgx12,12

Chins - BWx12

Unfortunately had to have a week off due to work. Slowly build up again.
You are a dedicated, strong dude, TTL - a week off hardly is bad for you every now and again. Nice lifting!