My training log

Mon 26/8

Wave 3 - week 3

Squat -
50kgx5, 65kgx5, 75kgx3, (wu) 95kgx5, 110kgx3, 120kgx6

DL - 60kgx5, 110kgx3, 130kgx10,10,10,10,10

Ab wheel - BWx15,15,15

130kg on DL BBB was a goal I set when I started this BBB challenge, which I've been working up to. I got all 5 sets of 10, but it took some effort. If I was to continue on with the BBB set up, I would go back down to 120kg I think as it was very mentally fatiguing.


That was the last of the Wendler BBB 3 month challenge. I've enjoyed it and I think strength wise, I've made some good gains. It is a bit hard to compare to my previous HST cycle as I did not flat bench then, nor did I do heavily weighted chins and dips during this challenge. During this challenge I've utilised the landmine press, which seems to work very well for me. I have not yet experienced any shoulder pain doing these and I feel they target my shoulders better than the upright rows I did during my last HST cycle.

The only lifts I can compare with across are the dl and the squat.

Stats when I started: ............................................... Current stats:
Weight - 90kg (198lb) ..............................................Weight - 96kg (211lb)
DL - 175kgx5 (385lb) ............................................... DL - 180kgx9 (396lb)
Squat - 125kgx2 (275lb) ..........................................Squat - 120kgx6 (264)

So moving on from here I have a few options. I could just do a SD now and then start back with a HST cycle. However, I don't feel the need to SD just yet. I think I still have a bit more in me before I need a brake. On all my last 5/3/1 lifts, I got at least 6 reps.

Next option I'm considering is to continue with 5/3/1 and do the template explained in Wendler's latest version of the book, namely the 'Joker sets' and 'First set last'. The Joker sets will tell me my current training maxes which I can use for my next HST cycle. The First set last is a smaller version of BBB which will ensure I get enough work in. As the weight progresses and I near my actual maxes, I will continue increase weight on the chins and dips, HST style, and progress to 5's instead of doing 5x10.

Or I could just continue on with the BBB version until I SD.

Any thougths?
Thu 29/8

DL - 70kgx5, 90kgx5, 115kgx3, 125kgx5, 145kgx5, 165kgx7

Squat - 60kgx5, 110kgx4,3,5

Ab wheel - BWx15,15,15

Had a shocker in the gym today. No motivation, lower back was quite stiff and sore during dl.
Might be time for SD after all. We'll see tomorrow.
Take +1 day off in b/t sessions, should be fine. Also, bring a bag of Allens or Natural Confectionery etc. Keep the 'energy' levels up during workouts. I find it to be really effective after reading that Sci does it and giving it a shot.
Fri 30/8

Bench press - 40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3, (wu) 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 80kgx12

Landmine press - 30kgx10, 40kgx10,10,10,10

Landmine row - 40kgx10, 50kgx10,10,10,10

Hammer curl - 20kgx10,10

Dips - Bwx5, 15kgx6,3,7

Trained at work this morning. Not much rest from last night's debacle, but it went quite well. The landmine rows feels awesome for the lats, absolutely destroys them.

@Alex, yeah I used to sipp on some Gatorade drink when I knew I was in for a big one, just forgot about it. I'll try and reintroduce that. And I think you are right about giving the body a couple of rest days. I've never felt this stiff in the lower back though.
Mon 2/9

Squat - 60kgx5, 65kgx5, 80kgx3, (wu) 85kgx5, 100kgx5, 115kgx7

DL - 60kgx5, 100kgx3, 140kgx3, 155kgx5,5,5,5,5

Quick one at work this morning.


3.2km run - 15:21

Spring is here, 24*C at 18:00, couldn't resist. Beautiful evening! Legs are like spaghetti now but.
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Tue 3/9

Wave 4 - week 2

Landmine press - 10kgx10, 20kgx5, 30kgx3, 45kgx3, 50kgx3, 55kgx7


Chins - BWx5, 15kgx8,8,8,8 - mixed grips

Hammer curl - 15kgx15,13

Dips - BWx5, 15kgx10,8

DB lateral raise - 5kgx15,15

I've decided to continue with the same program until I need to SD. I'm going to try to do Wendler's latest version/alternative to his BBB, namely 5x5 with 80% of training max (TM) for a couple of weeks, then 5x3 on 95% of TM and finally a couple of weeks of 5x1 of TM, direcly after the main lift. TM is 90% of my real maxes.

As such, I will not alternate the assistance lifts with the main lifts, ie squat with dl, but do the same BBB lifts as the main lift.

Due to old shoulder issues, I will continue doing 5x10 BBB on LMP.
Thu 5/9

Wave 4 - week 2

DL -
75kgx5, 95kgx5, 115kgx3, (wu) 135kgx3, 155kgx3, 175kgx5

DL BBB - 155kgx5,5,5

Ab wheel - BWx20,15,15

Not to sure about this version of BBB. Doing 5x5 of 80% of training max, well, was very heavy for assistance work. Either I'm weak/mentally weak, or it is just too heavy after the working sets. I'll give it this week and try it for bench and squat as well. I'm going to figure out my next HST cycle this weekend, based on these lifts. I like the lifts I'm doing, however, after finishing the BBB challenge, I haven't really found my groove.
Sun 8/9

Wave 4 - week 2

Bench press -
40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3 (wu) 65kgx3, 75kgx3, 85kgx8

Bench BBB - 75kgx5,5,5,5,5

Landmine row - 40kgx10, 55kgx5,5,5,5

Half a sesh today after working several nights and feeling sluggish in general. I think I've finally worked out my next program as well.
Tue 10/9

Wave 4 - week 3

Landmine press -
10kgx5, 20kgx5, 30kgx3, (wu) 45kgx5, 50kgx3, 60kgx4

Bench press - 60kgx5, 75kgx5,5,5,5

Chins - BWx5, 25kgx5,5,5,5 - mixed grips

Hammer curl - 15kgx14,10

Triceps push down - 5x15,15

DB lateral raise - 5kgx10,12

Shrugs - 2x25kg plates x 100 (one plate each hand)

Felt good tonight. I increased the weight on the chins to sets of 5 instead of 10s, all sets supersetted with bench press.
Fri 13/9

Wave 4 - week 3

DL - 75kgx5, 95kgx5, 115x3, (wu) 145kgx5, 165kgx3, 180kgx6

Squat - 60kgx10, 90kgx10,10,10,10

Ab wheel - BWx15,15

Dunno what's going on with the dl. Shoots up for a few weeks then stagnates. Got three reps less than last time three weeks ago. I could blame it on 6.30am training sesh or lack of food/energy but who knows. I've been doing it long enough not to panic about it. It'll come back.
Sat 14/9

Wave 4 - week 3

Bench press -
40kgx5, 50kgx5, 60kgx3, (wu) 70kgx5, 80kgx3, 90kgx7

Landmine press - 40kgx10,10,10,10

Landmine row - 50kgx5, 60kgx5, 65kgx5,5
Mon 16/9

Wave 4 - week 3

Squat - 60kgx5, 70kgx5, 80kgx3, (wu) 100kgx5, 115kgx3, 125kgx5

DL - 60kgx5, 100kgx3, 120kgx10,10,10,10

Ab wheel -BWx15,15
Wed 18/9

I'm currently doing SD this week. However, today we were "subjected" to a hefty PT session at work. Good fun though.

I'm also tinkering with the setup for my next cycle. After reading the thread about the Wernbom study and mikeynov's HST 2.0 version, I'm considering implementing higher reps. After doing 5/3/1 for a couple of months now I'm a fan of the upper/lower body split.
What's your employment, btw? There's been a few references to it in your posts (obviously has a relevant physical component)
The end of this SD is nigh. I've decided to do a HST - 5/3/1 hybrid. Now, I'm far from an expert in program making, so I would appreciate any feedback, good or bad. I value the strength work from 5/3/1 as well as I would like to incorporate the high rep work from HST. In light of the latest thread of rep ideas, I will attempt to do the 12's and 8's.

So following 5/3/1, I will do two upper days and two lower body days. Main lifts will be landmine press for shoulders, bench press, squats and deadlift. I will follow a 6 week cycle, with two weeks of 12's, two weeks of 8's and two weeks of 5's with the assistance lifts percentages going up.

In order to do the recomended 25ish reps in the main lift, I will do what Wendler calls 'First Set last' after the usual 5/3/1+ sets.

Upper 1
Landmine press 5/3/1+ First set last
Seated row
Triceps push down

Upper 2
Bench 5/3/1+ First Set Last
Pull downs
Landmine press
Landmine row

Lower 1
Squat 5/3/1 + First Set Last
Leg extension
Ab wheel

Lower 2
DL 5/3/1 + First Set Last
Ab wheel

Anyone who's done 5/3/1 in the past would recognise this layout is very similar to the Boring But Big assistance template. If this cycle works out nicely I will alter the assistance lifts in the future to front squats and incline bench and the like.

Detrimental to my ongoing bulk, I will have to add a bit of cardio such as sprints, prowler, kb work and the occasional run as I really should step it up a bit. My baseline fitness is decent, but I should work on it a bit more often.

What's your employment, btw? There's been a few references to it in your posts (obviously has a relevant physical component)

Hahaha well, lets just say I am required to be stronger than the general public, being able to react quickly and respond often in short powerful bursts, at the same time I need to be able to keep doing it for a prolonged period of time. And no, I'm not a secret squirrel doing a high speed job, I'm just slightly (too?) paranoid in providing too much information over the internet.
So you're one of those guys who goes into houses where the beams are falling and holds them up until they get replaced ... ? :p

Don't taser too many folks at the mall ;)