Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

Congrats on pulling 380 x 5. Good steady progress. Looking forward to seeing how alternating squats and deads works out for you. So far, so good.
Thanks, Lol. I'm basically going to do Squats twice weekly and deads once. With the heavy loads, and no cardio/rowing, etc... I can't seem to recover as fast from deads. At 380x5, I know I'm stronger than I was last cycle. I may stick with 1x weekly deads for another couple weeks and then attempt a 1RM... I would LOVE to be able to get 425x1, but we'll see.

Yesterday's training was pretty good overall.

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical, lvl 10.
Shoulder re-hab: 3 sets of internal and external rotations x15 with black theraband.
Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x3, 2 @ 225x3, 225x5, 2 @ 225x3, 135x20
Chins: BWx5, 3 @ BW+30x5, BWx5
Dips: BWx5, 3 @ BW+65x5, BWx5
DB Row: 55x5, 3 @ 100x12
Fly Machine: 90x15, 130x5, 4 @ 150x8, 90x15
DB Curl: 2 @ 45x6 + DB Hammer Curl: 30x5 + 20x5
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 5x10
Decline Crunches: 25

Re-hab: Felt great, no pain anywhere.
Squats: No spotter, so I was a bit inhibited from going past 3 reps... 100% psychological. 3rd set I just said the hell with it... I may have bounced in the hole a bit on rep 4, rep 5 was intentionally slow and controlled. I should have just done another 5 rep set, but I played it safe and did two 3-rep sets. The 20-rep set of 135 was 10 straight, then a deep breath or two, then 5 straight, then 5 more with a deep breath between each rep. My quads were incredibly pumped and swollen. They feel great, and are definitely a bit bigger. Haven't done measurements, but I will before I'm done with this cycle.
Chins: Perfect MikeyNov form, felt great.
Dips: Perfect form, left shoulder hurt a little. It really only hurts once I get to parallel and below with my upper arm. I may just try to stop at parallel for now and see how that works.
DB Row: 3 sets of 12 @ 100 had me huffing and puffing and the sweat was literally pouring down. My back is feeling very strong and is definitely a bit bigger. Actually had a guy comment on my back the other day; he's been on a work-trip for the past 3 months but is now back... the other day he remarked, "man, your back has gotten big!" Always feels good to get feedback like that.
Fly Machine: I've been experimenting with load and form. I "feel" a better contraction in the pec when I keep the load a little lower and ensure my head and upper body keep full contact with the pad the entire rep... I also keep my arms almost completely straight for the whole rep. With the heavier loads there was a tendency for me to lean forward and bend my elbows a little in order to complete the rep... This breakdown in form, I believe, was ending up stressing my shoulder vice pecs. With the lower loads, I am able to keep perfect form and keep the focus on the pecs.
Curls: Mixed in the hammer DB curls... definitely going to keep doing these. Forearms need the work.

BW was 181.8.

Looking forward to the weekend of rest.
Good stuff. Question, though:

I understand the enthusiasm for dips, and they're my strongest exercise, in a sense, but if you're having shoulder problems, have you considered an exercise substitution? While dips are good stuff, they're also notorious shoulder wreckers.

If you want to keep dips, I'd definitely consider limiting range of motion (you're already doing this) and really emphasize keeping the shoulders BACK in the socket, and do not let your shoulders round forward/down as you descend.

Dumbbell benching variations are some of the easiest on the shoulder to preserve full ROM, though have some disadvantages (I think they radically undertrain the triceps relative to barbell equivalents). A floor press would probably be my first choice for truly ****ed up shoulders, as the ROM is limited by necessity, but you still get a nice overload on the arms/chest with the heavier weight.
Thanks for the feedback, Mikey. Yes, I've considered alternatives to dips; actually I started this cycle with BB incline presses... was making really good progresss too, on pace for 225x5 when I hurt my shoulder on incline presses.

Oddly enough, dips hurt less than BB or DB presses right now. I should probably just scrap all presses for the rest of this cycle and hope that an extended SD with lots of stretching and re-hab will get it all back to good.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Thanks again!
Great day of training today.

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical, lvl 10
Re-hab: 2 sets of 15 internal and external rotations; black theraband
High bar full Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x3, 3 @ 225x6! 135x20
Re-hab: 2 more sets of same
Chins: BWx5+5, 3 @ BW+30x5, BWx5+5
DB Flat Press: 20x10, 30x10, 40x10, 2 @ 50X10, 20X15
DB Row: 3 @ 100x12
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 5x10, 2 @ 10x10
DB Curl: 2 @ 45x5, 45x4+1, DB Hammer curl: 25x10
Ghetto Tricep Push Down: 2 @ 45x10, Single hand push down: 10x10
Crunches on a ball: 15, 15

Sqauts: Felt incredible today so I pushed each set with an extra rep. I will likely try 230x5 on Friday.
DB Presses: Replaced dips with these... felt great. Experimented with a variety of weights just to see what I could handle. No pain, very happy... wish I would have done this a month ago. I thought I had tried DB presses earlier, but I realized today that I had only tried BB variations.

BW was 179.8.

Been too busy to track calories, but I'm basically eating the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch, dinner the only variable... so I'm around 3k calories each day.
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Yesterday's training:

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical, lvl 10
Re-hab: 3 sets 15 internal and external rotations, black theraband
Deads: 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, 380x5, 380x4
Re-hab: 2 sets of 10 internal and external rotations, black theraband
Chins: BWx5+5, 3 @ BW+30x5, BWx5+5
DB Press: 20x10, 40x10, 2 @ 50x10, 55x10
DB Row: 2 @ 100x12, 100x5
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 10x10
DB Curls: 45x5, Hammer curls: 3 @ 30x10
Decline Crunches: 20
Fly Machine: 3 @ 90x10
Ghetto single arm Tricep Push down: 3 @ 10x10

Deads: Felt very good, very close to my true 5 RM... maybe 5-10 more pounds for a single set of 5. Very sore today, but all good sore.
DB Presses: Felt good, no pain. Pecs are a little sore today.
DB Rows: Deads and chins took a little steam out of me... called it "good enough" after 29 reps
Fly Machine: Perfect form according to THIS... just wanted to see how they felt on the shoulder. Felt good.
Curls: Emphasized the hammer curls to work the forearms.

BW ws 179.8 Not tracking my diet... I'm probably missing my total calories a little.
Yesterday's training:

Warmup: 5 minutes on elipitcal, lvl 10
Re-hab: 3 sets 15 internal/external rotations, black theraband
High bar full squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x3, 225x6, 225x5, 225x3
Chins: BWx5, 3 @ BW+35x5, BWx5+5
DB Press: 20x10, 40x10, 2 @ 55x10
DB Row: 2 @ 100x12
Seated Rear Delt raise: 3 @ 10x10
DB Hammer Curls: 3 @ 30x10
Decline Crunches: 25
Fly Machine: 4 @ 90x10
Ghetto Tricep Push down: 40x10, 2 @ 50x10

Staring to get tired, motivation is down a bit. Getting close to needing a SD.

BW was 179.8.
Final workout of this cycle was on the 24th. Workout was nothing to write home about. Work stress, injuries, a cold, and lack of motivation had me ending my cycle with a taste of defeat. I did manage to maintain 15 reps of 225 for high bar full squats, but I needed 4 sets.

Taking a solid 12 days off for SD.

Will re-start with 15's on 7 October. Going to re-configure my training slightly. Will keep Squats/Deads/Chins/DB Press/DB Rows. Not exactly sure what else I will throw-in. For now, I'm just completely taking time off from the gym in the hopes that I'll be 100% healed up for a new cycle.

See ya'll soon!!
Got back into the gym yesterday to start 15's.

Shoulder still ain't quite 100%, but pretty close. No pain to speak of, just mild "tweakiness"...

I tweaked my routine a bit.

warmup + Shoulder-pre/re-hab
Deads: 95x10, 135x10, 185x15
Leg Extention: 50x10, 70x10, 80x15 (may try smith front squats, trying to avoid any shoulder irritation so may skip all squat movements)
Chins: BWx15
Dips: BWx15 (will cut these out if I even start to feel any shoulder pain, 15 @ BW felt good)
DB Row: 45x15
Inc DB Press: 30x10, 40x15
Bent Rear Delt Raise: 5x15
Lateral Raise: 5x15
Fly Machine, 70x10, 80x15
DB Hammer Curl: 15x15
Skull Crushers: 35x15
Calf press on hack squat machine: 50x15, 70x15
Decline Crunches: 15

BW was down to 175.8. Stress... not eating enough... not working out... hopefully it will come back quickly.
I'm going to say that your Fly Machine and Hammer Curl-Skull Crushers are not great for shoulder recovery, and the former not great at all, period.

I strongly recommend trying some of the things mikeynov has been doing for some time, I find external rotations have cured my shoulders of any & all problems in the last 8 weeks or so and they feel as good as they have in 10 years.
+1 on external rotations. The best for me are lying on your side, with elbow close to ribs.
I agree that external rotations are great. I've been doing them for months now. Currently doing standing internal and external rotations with black thera-band. 3 sets of 10-15 reps. They are helping, I'm sure, as my shoulder(s) are feeling fine with all movements. As the thera-band becomes less and less of a challenge, I'm simply stretching it further, thus adding more resistance. As I move beyond the usefullness of the band, I'll move to db's.

I've scrapped skull crushers in lieu of my ghetto tricep push downs. Skull crushers definitely put stress on the shoulder, so I only did them once, then scrapped them.

I am going to continue with the fly machine because it seems easier on the shoulder than DB flys, and I really want to try a "fly" motion. With the machine, I don't need to worry about stabalizing; just focus on the pec contraction. My thought: The combination of incline DB presses, and a "straight" fly movement on the fly machine seems to hit both the sternal and clavicular pec major. For what it's worth, I feel the fly machine working pretty incredibly... seems to mimic a DB fly motion pretty well. Also, I find that if I focus on keeping my form perfect, elbows slightly bent and shoulders rotated slightly, the motion focuses almost exclusively on the pec. Also, I'm not going all the way down when I do dips right now, so I'm not getting a full pec stretch; which means I'm focusing more on the triceps when doing dips. Why do you feel the fly machine doesn't work??

I'm doing hammer curls to focus on the brachioradialis. My forearms are small in comparison to the rest of my arm (my wife even pointed this out recently), so I'm trying to focus on them a little. I know most people's forearms grow from simply doing deads and rows and such, but mine are lagging. The nice thing about hammer curls is that the brachialis is also exercised along with the brachioradialis. As you know, the brachialis goes underneath the biceps brachii, as the brachialis grows, it pushes up on the biceps brachii thus increasing overall size of the upper arm while also growing the lower arm... that's the theory anyway. Also, I'm getting a decent amount of biceps brachii involvement in doing chinups, hopefully that's enough. This way I'm growing both upper and forearm, with a slight bit more of focus on forearm.

As always, I really appreciate the input!
Friday's training, 3rd day of 15's

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical, 3 @ 10-15 internal/external shoulder rotations with black theraband
Deads: 45x10, 135x10, 135x5, 205x15
Leg Extension: 80x10, 90x10, 100x5
Chins: BW+10x15+5, BWx5
Dips: BW+10x15 (not down all the way)
DB Row: 30x10, 60x15
DB Inc Press: 30x10, 50x15, 50x10
Bent Rear Delt raise: 2 @ 5x15
Lateral Raise: 2 @ 5x15 (not up all the way)
Fly Machine: 70x10, 90x10, 100x15+10
Ghetto tricep push down: 2 @ 30x15
DB Hammer Curl: 25x15, 25x12+3
Decline situps: 2@ BW+10x15
Calf Press: 2 @ 100x15

BW was 176.8. Taking creatine again, so hopefully this will help size and strength.
Was planning on doing day 4 of 15's today... life-events have overcome my "plans." Will do Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday training this week to complete 15's. Will start 10's next monday.

Calories. Going to see how I do with about 3000 calories a day, but I'm going to track everything again and I'm going back to eating clean. Last cycle I did not eat as clean as before, and therefore I put on much more fat weight than I want. I ate wheat bread, cracker-like, and cereal-like things (and milk) quite often and it was clearly reflected in my mid-section. Oddly enough, I didn't eat as many total calories, but ended up gaining more fat seemingly due to the quality of food.

I also changed my post-workout nutrition taking about 50 grams of dextrose with my post workout protein/creatine. Previously I mixed my post workout protein/creatine with natural 1% fat chocolate milk... the latter seemed to work better, so I think I'll return to that.
Warmup + shoulder re-hab - 3 x 10-15 internal and external rotations, black theraband.
Deads: 2 @ 135x5, 225x15
Chins: BW+12.5x15, BWx5
Leg Extensions: 90x10, 100x10, 110x15
DB Inc Press: 30x10, 55x15, 55x10
Dips: BWx5, BW+15x15
DB Rows: 35x5, 65x15, 65x10
DB Bent Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 10x15
DB Lateral Raise: 2 @ 10x15
Fly Machine: 80x10, 100x10, 110x20
Ghetto Triceps: 2 @ 35x15
DB Hammer Curl: 30x15, 30x10
Decline Crunches: 2 @ BW+15x15
Calf Press: 2 @ 110x15

Food: 2909 Cal, 331 carbs, 66 fat, 251 protein.
Training on the 17th:
Warmup, 5 min on eliptical
Deads: 135x5, 135x5, 245x15, 245x5
Leg Ext: 50x10, 100x10, 120x15
Lat Pull down: 90x8, 130x15 + 130x5
DB Inc Press: 30x10, 60x15, 60x10
DB Row: 40x5, 70x15+10
Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 10x15
Lateral Raise (partials): 2 @ 10x15
Dips (partials): BWx5, BW+20x15, BW+20x5
Calves: 2 @ 120x15
Fly Machine: 70x10, 120x15+10
DB Hammer Curl: 30x15, 30x10
Abs: 2 @ BW+15x15
Ghetto Triceps: 25x10, 2 @ 40x15
Re-hab: external rotations, 2 @ 15, black theraband
Training today:
Warmup, 5 min on eliptical
Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 135x5, 265x15
Leg Ext: 50x10, 100x8, 130x15
Lat Pull Down: 70x10, 110x8, 140x15, 140x10
DB Inc Press: 30x10, 65x15, 65x10
DB Row: 40x10, 75x15, 75x10
Rear delt raise: 2 @ 12.5x15
Lateral Raise (partials): 2 @ 12.5x15
Dips (partial): 2 @ BWx5, BW+25x15, BW+25x10
Standing Calves: 2 @ BW+2 bricks x15
DBHammer Curls: 35x15, 35x10
Cable Tricep Push Down: 25x10, 2 @ 45x15
Abs: 2 @ BW+15x15
DB Flat Fly: 2 @ 20x20
Re-hab: external rotations, 3 @ 15, black theraband

BW was 176.6 today. Calories have been hovering around 2700-2800.
Monday's training:
Warmup: 3 minutes
Deads: 135x5, 135x5, 2 @ 275x10 (no belt, no straps, alternating grip)
Leg Ext: 90x10, 2 @ 140x10
Lat Pull down: 90x10, 2 @ 150x10
DB Inc Press: 35x10, 2@ 70x10
DB Row: 45x5, 2 @ 80x10
Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 15x10 +10x10
Lateral Delt Raise: 2 @ 15x10 +10x10
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, 2 @ BW+35x10
Calf Press: 2 @ 140x10
DB Hammer Curls: 2 @ 35x10, 20x15
Ghetto Tricep: 2 @ 55x10
Decline Crunches: 2 @ BW+15x15
DB Flat Fly: 2@ 25x15
Re-hab: 3 @ 10 external rotations
Been CRAZY busy working 12 hour days, so interweb usage at home has been reduced to almost nil...

Today's training:
Warmup: 3 minutes
Deads: 135x5, 135x5, 2 @ 285x10 (no belt, no straps, alternating grip.)
Leg Ext: 90x10, 2 @ 150x10
Lat Pull down: 90x10, 2 @ 160x10
DB inc press: 40x10, 2 @ 75x10, 45x15
DB Row: 2 @ 85x10
Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 15x10
Lateral raise: 2 @ 15x10
Dips: Skipped...
Flat Fly: 2 @ 25x15
Calf press: 2 @ 150x10
Hammer Curl: 2 @ 35x10, 20x15
Ghetto Tricep: 2 @ 60x10
Decline Crunches: 2 @ BW+15x20
Re-hab: 3x10 external rotations, black theraband.

Deads: Ah alternating grip... I'm back to it; feels great to not have to use straps. Forearms are definitely getting worked... This in combination with the hammer curls should add some size to my forearms. I'm guessing that early into my 5's I'll need to start using straps, but I'll hold out as long as I can.
Lat Pull down: Realized that chins were also irritating my shoulder a bit, so I dropped them in lieu of lat pull downs. This is the first pronated grip movement Ive done in a LONG time, so I'm definitely feeling it all over. Really trying to control the movement and not lean back at all. The machine that we have has two handles so you can really pull down "through" your head which has been crushing my lats, even with relatively light weights.
DB Inc presses: Feeling good. Staying a little wider than I probably should at the bottom so I'm doing more of a 1/4 fly movement and 3/4 press. Hard to explain, but this is how I have to do them in order to keep my shoulder happy.... pecs are definitely liking these.
Dips: Gonna take a couple or three sessions off from dips, see if it makes any difference in my overall shoulder happiness. If it doesnt make a difference, I'll return to doing them. When I was doing dips, I was not going down all the way, just until my upper arm is parallel to the ground.
Flat DB Flys: Obviously going crazy light weight for these until my shoulder stabalizers feel 100%. For now, the super light weight doesnt seem to stress much of anything, except during the full stretch position; and even there, I need to hold the weight for 2-5 seconds on each rep.
Hammer Curls: Loving these, but then again, I pretty much love all curling motions.
Today's training:
Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical
Deads: 135x5, 135x5, 290x10, 290x5 (no belt, no straps, alternating grip.)
Leg Ext: 90x10, 2 @ 160x10
DB inc press: 35x10, 2 @ 75x10
Lat Pull down: 90x10, 2 @ 170x10
DB Flat Fly: 2 @ 30x15
DB Row: 2 @ 85x10
Rear Delt Raise: 2 @ 15x10
Lateral raise: 2 @ 15x10
Dips: Skipped...
Hammer Curl: 2 @ 35x10, 20x15
Calf Press: 2 @ 160x10
Ghetto Tricep: 2 @ 65x10
Decline Crunches: 3 @ BW+15x15
Re-hab: 2x15 external rotations, black theraband.

Notes: Worked out around 11:30am today. Early workout threw me off a bit, nutrition was off my normal timing today; decided not to advance a few weights, just didn't feel it today. That said, I'm pretty happy with where my 10-rep loads are considering I've got another week of 10's to go. Definitely feeling strong.
Deads: Decided to only do 5 on my second set of deads just because of family plans I had in the afternoon/early evening... Pretty happy with 290x10 with no straps. I figure I will need straps for 295 and up, in order to do 10 consecutive reps. Aiming for 315x10.

Shoulder felt pretty close to 100% today.