Monday's training:
Deads: 95x6, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, 355x5
Fly Machine: 90x10, 130x5, 170x5, 3@180x5
Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x5, 3 @ 215x5
Chins: 2 @ BWx5
DB Curls: 35x10, 8, 6
Dips: BWx5
Tricep Press Downs: 3 @ 25x10
DB Rows: 2 @ 100x10, 100x8, 65x6+6
SL Calf Press: 120x 12, 10, 8, 5, 5 120x10, 8, 5, 5
Lat Pull Downs: 110x10, 3 @ 150x5
Bent Rear Delt: 2 @ 5x10
Rant: I have grown to hate crossfit'ers. Crossfit should be illegal in everything but a crossfit "gym." A crossfitter was doing some ridiculous clean-thing with 95 pounds in the only area where I can do deadlifts... After I inquired he looked at his stopwatch and assured me he was almost done. He finished his "set" and left the 25's on the bar... Not a big deal, but a little annoying... so I started my warmups with 95 pounds. Minutes after I started my warmup set with 135, another guy asks me how long I have left, "just started, will be about 10-15 minutes," I said. "Can I work in, otherwise I'll be here all day," he asked. "Sure, I said... you doing deadlifts?" "No, I'm doing something else," he said. "Ok..." So I do 1 warmup set with 135 and then it's dude's turn. He clicked his stopwatch and was off... He then spends ~5 minutes doing some hideous clean/pushpress/squat routine, all horrible form... 3 cleans, then a 10-15 second break... 3 cleans, then 3 push presses, then a 10-15 second break... 3 cleans, then 3 push presses, then 3, 1/4 overhead squats (and I'm being generous calling it a 1/4 squat) then a 10-15 second break... then he does the whole thing again a few times... He clicks his stopwatch and gives me the nod and goes to get a drink of water. I throw on 225... quick 5 reps... here I usually take maybe a 1 minute rest before doing another warmup set of 225, so I didn't give dude a chance to work back in before I did my second warmup set of 225. He then asks me if I could take off both of the added plates so he could do his 135 cleans-thing again, seems he didn't want to tire himself out by removing a 45-pound plate... "I'll get this side," I said. So he reluctantly removed the other plate, clicked his stopwatch and off he went with another silly 5-minute routine that more resembled a dance routine than training. He finished his "set" and then reluctantly put the 45 pound plate back on... then left to get a drink of water... which left me to load the bar with the desired 355... no bigee, but a little rude. So I got my 5 reps @ 355 and he wanted to do another set of his 135 dance-routine... after removing 120 pounds from the right side of the bar, and realizing that I would likely have to load both sides with the additional 120 before my final set, I decided I had enough and finished deads after only 1 working set. 15 minutes later, dude was still doing stupid-sets of his clean/push/whatever dance routine thing. Crossfit. Should be called crossfail, and I'm never again letting anyone "work in" on deads if they are not also doing deads.