Nativetroutbum's Training Log... comments/critique welcome!!!

Injuries suck. I'm recovering from ankle calf and knee injury. Each time I ignored warning signs and worked through pain. Classic definition of insanity.

I wish you a fast recovery!
Monday's training:
Deads: 95x6, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, 355x5
Fly Machine: 90x10, 130x5, 170x5, 3@180x5
Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x5, 3 @ 215x5
Chins: 2 @ BWx5
DB Curls: 35x10, 8, 6
Dips: BWx5
Tricep Press Downs: 3 @ 25x10
DB Rows: 2 @ 100x10, 100x8, 65x6+6
SL Calf Press: 120x 12, 10, 8, 5, 5 120x10, 8, 5, 5
Lat Pull Downs: 110x10, 3 @ 150x5
Bent Rear Delt: 2 @ 5x10

Rant: I have grown to hate crossfit'ers. Crossfit should be illegal in everything but a crossfit "gym." A crossfitter was doing some ridiculous clean-thing with 95 pounds in the only area where I can do deadlifts... After I inquired he looked at his stopwatch and assured me he was almost done. He finished his "set" and left the 25's on the bar... Not a big deal, but a little annoying... so I started my warmups with 95 pounds. Minutes after I started my warmup set with 135, another guy asks me how long I have left, "just started, will be about 10-15 minutes," I said. "Can I work in, otherwise I'll be here all day," he asked. "Sure, I said... you doing deadlifts?" "No, I'm doing something else," he said. "Ok..." So I do 1 warmup set with 135 and then it's dude's turn. He clicked his stopwatch and was off... He then spends ~5 minutes doing some hideous clean/pushpress/squat routine, all horrible form... 3 cleans, then a 10-15 second break... 3 cleans, then 3 push presses, then a 10-15 second break... 3 cleans, then 3 push presses, then 3, 1/4 overhead squats (and I'm being generous calling it a 1/4 squat) then a 10-15 second break... then he does the whole thing again a few times... He clicks his stopwatch and gives me the nod and goes to get a drink of water. I throw on 225... quick 5 reps... here I usually take maybe a 1 minute rest before doing another warmup set of 225, so I didn't give dude a chance to work back in before I did my second warmup set of 225. He then asks me if I could take off both of the added plates so he could do his 135 cleans-thing again, seems he didn't want to tire himself out by removing a 45-pound plate... "I'll get this side," I said. So he reluctantly removed the other plate, clicked his stopwatch and off he went with another silly 5-minute routine that more resembled a dance routine than training. He finished his "set" and then reluctantly put the 45 pound plate back on... then left to get a drink of water... which left me to load the bar with the desired 355... no bigee, but a little rude. So I got my 5 reps @ 355 and he wanted to do another set of his 135 dance-routine... after removing 120 pounds from the right side of the bar, and realizing that I would likely have to load both sides with the additional 120 before my final set, I decided I had enough and finished deads after only 1 working set. 15 minutes later, dude was still doing stupid-sets of his clean/push/whatever dance routine thing. Crossfit. Should be called crossfail, and I'm never again letting anyone "work in" on deads if they are not also doing deads.
Today's training, went to the "other" gym today because I had an afternoon meeting in a different town. Had to meet the wife/kids so I had to 1/2 rush and just plain skip a few things.

Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, (belt/straps) 2 @ 360x5 (double body weight!)
Fly Machine: 50x10, 95x7, 2 @ 125x5
DB Rows: 60x6, (straps) 3 @ 100x10
Squats: 45x5, 2 @ 135x5, 180x1 (skipped the rest, low back was fried)
Dips: 2 @ BW x10
DB Curls: 35x10, 8, 5, 5
Machine Chest Press: 85x12, 2 @ 95x12
Tricep Rope Push down: 3 @ 25x12
Lat Pull Downs: 3 @ 125x8

Very happy about deads. Double body weight felt easier than I recall, I think I'm still getting stronger.
Machines: They are all different at the "other" gym so everything felt weird today... my entire training routine is jacked up.
Squats: Will do 3 sets of squats on Friday and maybe only 1 working set of deads.
Shoulder felt ok today, but even the damn machine chest presses started to hurt a little at the end. Patience......

BW was 181.4. Diet was thrown off due to having to skip breakfast for meetings, but I think I made up for it at dinner tonight. Bottom line, I didn't track calories today; will get back to tracking tomorrow.
Great day in the gym today. No crossfitters.

Deads: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 225x3, (belt/straps) 365x5 (slightly more than 2x BW)
Fly Machine: 90x10, 90x10, 3 @ 185x5, 130x10+5
Shoulder re/pre-hab: theraband internal/external rotations. 2 sets of 10 each.
High bar full squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x5, (belt) 3 @ 220x5, 135x15
Chins: 6 @ BWx5 (perfect form, slow negative)
Dips: 6 @ BWx5 (perfect form, slow negative)
DB Row: (straps) 2 @ 100x10
SL Calf PRess: 110x10, 10, 5, 5, 5 110x10, 5, 5, 5
DB Curls: 35x5, 40x5, 40x7, 40x6 25x8
Decline Situps: 20
Shoulder re/pre-hab: theraband internal/external rotations. 3 sets of 10 each.

Deads: Progress, only 1 set, but saved myself so I could go all out on squats.
Fly machine: Kinda fun, very good isolation of the pec. No shoulder pain.
Squats: Very happy about 3 @ 220x5. Will likely try for 225x5 next Wednesday. Very happy with what feels like relatively quick progress. People in the gym keep commenting about how "deep" I'm going... most guys where I am don't quite make it to parallel.
Chins: No shoulder pain! (maybe start adding weight again soon.)
Dips: No shoulder pain!!! (same here...)
DB Rows: After chins my back was a little more fatigued than I thought it would be so I stopped at 2 sets.
DB Curls: Always fun... no shoulder pain.

BW was 179.8...

Food: 3113 Cal, 367 carbs, 79 fats, 237 protein
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That's some really good, consistent lifting, NTB.

I'm thinking that once your deads get up to 400 for work sets you may need to alternate them with squats, rather than hit them both on the same day. Of course, if you can still keep them both going that'll be very cool and they'll certainly help you to continue piling on the muscle. I like how you're handling the volume to ensure you can hit them both hard.
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Great workout. Loving your "double-body weight+" deadlifts for reps. That's hardcore, I have to build up to that a long ways still!
Thanks guys.

I've been trying to emphasize squats, so I'm trying to be sure to get 3 working sets of squats each workout. Now that deads are in the 360 range, I've realized that I simply can't do two working sets (or more) on deadlifts @ 360+ and expect to do "uncompromised" squats the same day; just too much stress on the erectors. So, for now, I'm going to do one working set of deads and then 3 sets of squats. I do not think my working sets (5 reps) will get into the 400's this cycle, but hopefully at some point this year I'll be able to pull 405 for 5. Still, I'm going to be careful not to destroy my lower back. I will definitely get to the point soon where I will need to completely alternate. I'm listening closely to my body and will let it tell me when to start alternating.

As always, I really appreciate the input and encouragement!
Pretty good day of training today in spite of the fact that "crossfail superstar" was in the gym again today doing his 30-minute clean, push press, overhead squat routine... Thankfully he was finishing up when I was ready to start deads.

5 minute warmup on the eliptical
Deads: air squats x15, 135x5, 225x3, 225x3, (belt/straps) 365x5
Shoulder pre-re-hab: Internal/external rotations 2x10 each
High Bar Full Squats: 45x5, 45x5, 135x5, 135x3, (belt) 3 @ 220x5, 135x15
Chins: 6 @ BWx5
Dips: 6 @ BWx5
Fly Machine: 90x10, 150x5, 3 @ 190x5, 130x15
DB Row: (straps) 3 @ 100x10
SL Calf PRess: 130x10, 10, 5, 5, 5, +10 alternating singles
DB Curls: 25x7, 40x7, 40x6, 40x6

Deads: Yes, only 1 working set since I did squats today. That said, all five reps came right up, definitely left a rep or maybe 2 in the tank. Will likely try multiple sets of 370 on Wednesday and only do light squats or no squats at all; then back to a Squat focus on Friday.
Squats: Reps 4 and 5 in each set were a little slow in the middle but at no point did I think I wouldn't get it. Not sure if I could have done a 6th rep on any set. Quads were still a little sore from Friday, hips are pretty much constantly sore these days, but its a good sore. Right now, my quads are completely smoked... Going to be very sore tomorrow. Wish I would have started doing full squats right when I started HST... Simply amazing.
Chins: Perfect form again, shoulder blades pinched together, all the way up, all the way down but kept shoulder blades pinched together at the bottom. No shoulder pain!
Dips: Perfect form. Very slight pain during my first two sets. Still going to take it easy on these for another week or so.
DB Rows: I simply love bent DB rows. That is all.
SL Calf press: Though I'm not getting much, if any, stronger in my calves, I noticed this weekend that I've actually developed a little definition down there, which is encouraging.
DB Curls: Biceps were a little more fatigued than I thought they should have been.

BW was 180.4. Ate like a horse today, but I think I earned it: 3462 Cal, 419 Carbs, 77 fats, 269 Protein
Pretty good day of training, was at the OTHER gym today so different machines. Opted to NOT do the fly machine here... it just doesn't feel right.

2 minute warmup on C2, 500m.
1 minute on the arm bike.
Deads: 45x6, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, (belt/straps) 2 @ 370x5 (PR)
Squats: Skipped
Chins: 6 @ BW x 5
Shoulder re-pre-hab: grey theraband, 3 sets of internal/external rotations x10
Dips: 7 @ BW x 5
DB Bent Rows: (straps) 3 @ 100x10
Single arm DB Curls: 40x8, 40x7, 40x6, 25x8+2
Single leg extension: 3 @ 50x10
Tricep Rope Pushdown: 25x15, 25x15, 30x12
Calves: Forgot...

Deads: 370 x 5 came up great, though my erectors were smoked after the 2nd set. PR is for a x5 (pretty sure I stopped at 365x5 last cycle.)
Chins/Dips: Same as before.
DB Rows: Same as before
DB Curls: Actually felt stronger today even after doing rows and chins.
Single leg extension: Just to get some blood flowing in the quads.
Tricep Rope: Gotta use it while I can.

BW was 181 even today. Scale going up; legs are definitely getting bigger; back seems to be a bit thicker... not sure about anything else.

Food today was: 3233 Cal, 352 carbs, 84 fats, 280 protein. (definitely need more carbs and less protein...)
Nice PR on the deads, NTB. Drawing ever closer to 400 x 5. That'll be awesome.
1/2 good day of training yesterday.

5 minute warm up on the eliptical.
Deads: 45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, (straps) 315x5
Shoulder re-hab: 3 sets of 10 internal and external rotations (black theraband)
Machine Flys: 90x10, 150x5, 3 @ 195x5, 130x10+5
Squats: 45x5, 45x5, 135x5, 135x5, (belt) 3 @ 220x5
Chins: 5 @ BWx5 + 10 singles
Dips: 5 @ BWx5 (left shoulder pain today... not good)
DB Row: 2 @ 100x5
SL Calf Press: 130x15, 10, 5, 5, 5 130x10,5,5,5
DB Curls: 40x8, 40x8, 40x5
Shoulder re-hab: 3 more sets of 10 internal and external rotations (black theraband)
Tricep push downs: 3 @ 25x12
Machine Flys (again): 3 @ 130x10

Damn these shoulders... Need to get back to good, and soon. Driving me crazy to not be able to train the way I want. Amazing how even relatively minor injuries can have a pretty big psychological impact on training.
Squats: I almost threw on 225 for my last set, but decided I'd leave well enough alone. I'll try 225 next week.
Dips: So when I stay straight up/down with my body I have pain, when I lean forward with my upper body and my legs go back a little, the pain is minimized or eliminated. It's all about my hideous lack of flexibility.
Tricep push downs: Doing these by using the platform for the assisted dip/pull up machine. Basically kneeling next to the platform and holding my hands in a "hammer fist" position and pressing down on the platform. Not ideal, but a very similar motion to a traditional tricep push down.

BW was 180.4. Didn't track calories yet, but my diet was almost exactly what it usually is, so I know I was slightly + or - 3k.
Rotation work is good. But so is upper back work like strict rows. I am getting the most shoulder relief from doing cable high rows. They exercise the lower-mid trapezius and rhomboids very hard, especially if you emphasize having the elbows pulled all the way back. It's probably helping my shoulder right now, better than any of the rotator cuff work, at least for my unique problem.
Natives could be different, but most rotator cuff impingements involve some scapular imbalances.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm going to work DB seated Rear Delt Raise back into my training. When I was doing these regularly, my shoulders felt much better. Also, when I was rowing a lot, things were good. I've basically cut out cardio days (tuesday/thursday) in favor of more family time. Maybe I'll work 5 minutes of c2 rowing back into the end of my workouts... if I have the energy... doubtful.

Skipped Monday due to the holiday and decided today that I would simply put in Wednesday/Friday training this week. Will hit it hard since I'm only training twice. Aiming for 380x5 deads and 225x5 full squats. Hoping I can add some weight back into dips and chins this week. Not going to push it though.
Good day of training today.

3 minutes on the eliptical
Deads: 45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 225x5, (straps/belt) 2 @ 375x5
Re-hab: 2 sets of 10 internal and external rotations, black theraband
Squats: 45x5, 135x5, 135x5, (belt) 2 @ 225x5!!
Chins: BWx10+5+5+5+5
Dips: 8 @ BWx5 (yes, 40 reps, I know that is excessive)
DB row: (straps) 2 @ 100x12
SL Calf Press: 130x10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5 130x10, 5, 5 130x5, 5, 5
DB Seated rear delt raise: 5 @ 5x10 (very light weight)
DB Curl: 45x7, 45x5, 45x6
Fly Machine: 130x10, 150x5, 200x7, 200x6, 200x7, 130x10
Decline Crunches: 25, 20, 15
Tricep Push Down: 30x10, 35x10, 35x5, 35x10

Deads: 375 felt pretty good. Even two sets didn't completely crush my lower back such that I was able to train squats too.
Squats: Damn near dropped the first rep @ 225. Out of the hole as I was pushing up I got a little bit on my toes and my weight came forward... i was able to control it and settle back into the hole and then push all the way up properly. So I basically did a "leg raper" rep since I had come up almost 1/2 way. Hideous that I almost dropped it but glad that I was able to control it. Had a guy come over and spot me for reps 4 and 5... didn't need it. Set two I asked for a spotter for the whole set and didn't need it. After two sets I decided to leave well enough alone.
Dips: No real should pain... just a little discomfort. I did a lot of reps... just tweaking around with my grip form and body position.
Curls: Fun, and pretty happy that I managed to toss the 45's around a bit. Probably will not advance the weight beyond this.

BW was 181.6 after training. Food today: 3103 cal, 372 carbs, 49 fats, 299 protein.

Scale is going in the proper direction and I'm still getting stronger, so that's encouraging.
Was definitely sore as heck on Thursday and still pretty sore today. Lower back was still fried and just wouldn't losen up so I completely skipped deads and only did light sets of squats. Even squats of 135 caused my lower back to stiffen up rather than loosen up. I decided to listen to my body and leave Wednesday's squat training as "well enough" for this week. Monday I'll shoot for 3 sets of 225, likely skip deads again; save those for next Wednesday.

5 minutes on the eliptical, lvl 10 (of 25)
Deads: Skipped
Shoulder rehab: 3 x10 internal and external rotations with black theraband
Squats: 45x5, 45x5, 5 @ 135 x5
Chins: 2 @ BWx5, 2 @ BW+25x5, 3 @ BWx5
Dips: 2 @ BWx5, 5 @ BW+45x5
DB Rows: (straps) 100x12, 2 @ 100x10
SL Calf Press: 130x10, 7, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 130x5, 5, 5
Pec Fly Machine: 90x10, 150x5, 3 @ 205x6, 130x10
DB Curls: 2 @ 45x6, 45x5
Decline situps: 15, 15, 15
Ghetto Tricep push down: 3 @ 35x10
(forgot to do DB seated rear delt raise...)

Chins: Perfect form +25 felt really good and surprisingly light.
Dips: Perfect form +45 felt great and very light. The added weight on dips felt better than no weight. Body position is slightly modified when weighted, I'm more upright. Anyway, this was great news; should be able to bump up the weight and get to some decent 5RM's soon... hopefully. Going to listen to my body.
Pec machine: Really not a bad machine... pretty incredible pump. I've not done DB flys in a long time... maybe I should try to work DB flys into my next cycle.
DB Curls: The chins and rows took a little steam out of my biceps, but I still managed to get 3 good sets with the 45's

BW was 180.6. Despite my pretty solid caloric surplus (~3200 daily), I'm continuing to hover around bw of 180... may try to bump the calories a little as I approach the end of this cycle.

Food today is currently at 2903 calories, 414 carbs, 46 fats, 229 protein... but I'm going to have a complex carb snack before bed to push me up over 3200.
Been very busy busy busy... Didn't get a chance to log yesterday's training.

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical lvl 10
Shouler re-hab: 3 sets of external rotations x10 with black theraband
High Bar full Squats: 45x5, 45x5, 135x5, 135x3, (belt) 3 @ 225x5! 135x20
Chins: BWx5, BWx5, 3 @ BW+25x5, BWx5
Dips: BWx5, 3 @ BW+55x5, BWx5+5
DB Rows: (straps) 2 @ 100x12
Fly Machine: 90x10, 150x5, 3 @ 210x6, 130x10
DB Curls: 45x7, 45x6, 45x5
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 5x10
Decline Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Ghetto Tricep Push Down: 3 @ 40x10
(Forgot about sl calf presses.)

Deads: No deads, going to completely alternate deads/squats from here out. Will hopefully get 3 sets of 380x5 on Wednesday.
Squats: Pleased with 3 sets of 225x5. Also pleased with the 135x20. Quads are incredibly sore today. 225 is a good 5 rep weight for me now. This week I thought I actually had 1 left in the tank on each set but I'm confident my form would have been pretty badly compromised so I didn't push it. Maybe on Friday, the next time I do squats, I'll shoot for at least one set with 6 reps.
Chins: Felt great, will advance the weight on Wednesday.
Dips: Minimal pain on left side, nothing too terrible.

BW was 181. Didn't log calories, probably just a shade over 3k.

Hope ya'll are doing great!
Great day of training.

Warmup: 5 minutes on eliptical, lvl 10
Deads: 45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 225x3, (belt, straps) 380x5, 380x3 (PR)
Shoulder re-hab: 3 sets of 10 internal and external rotations with black theraband
Dips: BWx10, 3 @ BW+60x5, BWx10
Chins: BWx5, 3 @ BW+25x5, BWx5
SL Calf Press: 130x10, 5, 5, 3, 3; 130x10, 5, 3, 3
DB Rows: 2 @ 100x12, 100x5
Fly Machine: 90x10, 3 @ 150x7, 110x10
DB Curls: 45x7, 45x5, 45x6
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 3 @ 5x10
Ghetto Tricep Push Down: 40x10, 2 @ 45x10

Deads: 380 came right up. I stopped short on the second set because my form started to break down a little... figured I didn't want to overdo it and compromise my ability to do Squats on Friday. Pretty excited that I'm still gaining strength only working deads once a week.
Dips: No shoulder pain today. Re-hab felt great too... no pain

BW was 180.8.