Pretty good day of training today, but had to make a couple changes.
Warmup: 2.5 minutes, lvl 10
Hammer Grip Chin Ups: BWx5, BWx5, BW+50x3+1+1, BW+50x5 singles, BWx5
Flat BB Press: 135x5, 135x3, 3 @ 205x5
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x3, 380x1, 3 @ 470x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, 3 @ BW+65x5, BWx5
DB Row: 85x5+5+5+5
DB rear delt raise: 3 @ 15x10
Lateral delt raise: 3 @ 15x10
Decline Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Calf raises: 3 @ BWx15
Lying External rotations: 3 @ 5x10
So I had some pretty consistent elbow pain all day yesterday... typically my elbow pain had been sporatic and situational, but yesterday it ached quite a bit. Due to the way it was hurting and how I was able to replicate the pain, I realized that it was likely the combination of chins and KROCS that was putting unnecessary strain on my elbow. The supinated chins on a straight chin-up bar just put a bit too much twist on my not-very-flexible arms. The KROCS were putting a little strain on my elbows probably because I was doing them too quickly, so at the bottom of the motion I was introducing some fail... So, I'm cutting those out. I'm going back to strict DB Rows and I'm substituting supinated grip chins for hammer grip. The hammer grip felt very good today, the first rep felt so good that I went right ahead and did 2 more straight away.
Bench: Simply amazing how well old-school bench works the chest... May go for 3 @ 210x5 on Friday.
Dips: These felt great, I was easily able to fully control the load with relatively slow concentric and eccentric motions.
BW was an even 181.
Warmup: 2.5 minutes, lvl 10
Hammer Grip Chin Ups: BWx5, BWx5, BW+50x3+1+1, BW+50x5 singles, BWx5
Flat BB Press: 135x5, 135x3, 3 @ 205x5
Leg Press: 200x5, 290x3, 380x1, 3 @ 470x5
Dips: BWx5, BWx5, 3 @ BW+65x5, BWx5
DB Row: 85x5+5+5+5
DB rear delt raise: 3 @ 15x10
Lateral delt raise: 3 @ 15x10
Decline Crunches: 15, 15, 15
Calf raises: 3 @ BWx15
Lying External rotations: 3 @ 5x10
So I had some pretty consistent elbow pain all day yesterday... typically my elbow pain had been sporatic and situational, but yesterday it ached quite a bit. Due to the way it was hurting and how I was able to replicate the pain, I realized that it was likely the combination of chins and KROCS that was putting unnecessary strain on my elbow. The supinated chins on a straight chin-up bar just put a bit too much twist on my not-very-flexible arms. The KROCS were putting a little strain on my elbows probably because I was doing them too quickly, so at the bottom of the motion I was introducing some fail... So, I'm cutting those out. I'm going back to strict DB Rows and I'm substituting supinated grip chins for hammer grip. The hammer grip felt very good today, the first rep felt so good that I went right ahead and did 2 more straight away.
Bench: Simply amazing how well old-school bench works the chest... May go for 3 @ 210x5 on Friday.
Dips: These felt great, I was easily able to fully control the load with relatively slow concentric and eccentric motions.
BW was an even 181.