Need help sleeping

Night 4....

I waited until I was pretty tired to go to sleep and took the ZMA right before going to bed. I slept like a baby! Got up once to take a leak but hardly remember it then I woke up about 10 min. before my alarm normally goes off. I didn’t feel groggy at all this morning. Hopefully this is a sign of good nights ahead with ZMA!

I can't seem to find my old blood work lab reports. I probably pitched them since they were so old.
I found my old lab reports.

Detroit Bio-Medical Laboratories, Inc.
TSH, 3rd Gen 2.480 uIU/ml 0.270-4.200
T-3 Free 4.6 pg/mL 2.80-7.10
LH, Serum 4.3 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6
Testosterone 349 ng/dL (don't know reference range)
Free Testosterone 12.30 pg/ml 8.7-25.10
SHBG 20.00 nmol/L 7.00-50.00
Bioavailable Testosterone 222 ng/dL
Albumin 5.0 g/dL 3.6-5.6

I actually got these from another posting I did over a year ago.  There must not have been any tests done on Estrogen levels or I would have had them in here as well.
After a couple weeks taking the ZMA I'm pretty sure I can say without any doubts that it is helping me sleep deeper each and every night. However it does not help me fall asleep. Sometimes I still toss and turn a little before I fall asleep. But the sleep is for sure better quality deeper sleep.

It would be nice to know if it actually helps increase endogenous Testosterone levels. I guess I would have to have some blood tests done without it and then with it to find out. But I'm not willing to spend that kind of money to find out. If anyone ever actually dose have tests done with and without using ZMA please be sure to let us know the results.

Overall I'm happy with the improvement in quality of sleep.
It may not be necessary in a way. Deeper sleep, uninterrupted should have an effect on the several thousand processes going on in body repair, therefore enhancing the muscle gains, IMO.
I am a light sleeper and my lady has some sinal issues, and therefore snores a bit, keeping me awake if I'm up to pee or whatever. I bought foam earplugs that gave me headaches, then found these swim plugs for kids (I have small ear canals) that are called "Macks". You roll them into a ball and stick them over your ear canal and they work pretty well. I notice I'm more rested now, so no telling how much sleep I was losing. I'm hoping for maybe more GH production as well.
Yeah, I'm a light sleeper too. I would wake up if a mouse farted at the other end of the house. But since I've been using the ZMA I have noticed that I don't wake up as often to the little noises of the night.
I use a noise machine and take Natural Sport ZMA Plus. Getting to sleep quickly has more to do with how much your mind is at peace-how stressful your day was.

I have actually heard not to do things like play video games or things that will stimulate the mind.
That is where the magazine thing at the beginning of this topic was. If you stimulate your mind, it will be re-emulated, which is what one of you were talking about; how you read a magazine and think about every aspect about it for 4 hours.

You really should just take your zma 30-45 minutes b4 bed and let yourself go.

The noise machine helps because I can not stand total silence.

My dad has sleep apnea pretty bad. His mind was waking up 57 times an hour meaning he woke up almost every minute of sleep. He now has a machine that pushes air through his nose and is able to fall asleep almost imediately. His mood has changed dramatically as well.
The only problem I see in that is you may have to take more and more after a certain amount of time taking it. I suppose there are plenty of supplements like that as well.
(Bulldog @ Nov. 22 2006,18:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah, I'm a light sleeper too.  I would wake up if a mouse farted at the other end of the house.  But since I've been using the ZMA I have noticed that I don't wake up as often to the little noises of the night.</div>
Add the earplugs if you want. Those mousefarts are LOUD, man!
Lmao....noise machines do the trick! If you are too lazy to buy one, you can flip on the exhaust fan in the bathroom if it is near where you sleep. Earplugs bug the hell outa me.
(Bulldog @ Nov. 10 2006,09:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Got up once to take a leak but hardly remember it then I woke up about 10 min. before my alarm normally goes off.</div>
Hah...What the hell is up with that? I wake up about ten minutes before my alarm goes off too. Side-effect of ZMA?.....doubt it.
(Cova @ Nov. 26 2006,12:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My dad has sleep apnea pretty bad. His mind was waking up 57 times an hour meaning he woke up almost every minute of sleep. He now has a machine that pushes air through his nose and is able to fall asleep almost imediately. His mood has changed dramatically as well.</div>
a sleep apnea problem is quite diff. from what these guys are talking about. i have no doubt your dad suffers from it since had to resort to the mask and machine. it sounds like he suffers from the central (or mixed) apnea which is when the brain stops/forgets to tell the diaphram to work and this causes short (or no) breaths and therefore he wakes. (gross oversimplification)

im sure your aware of all this but its not his mind waking him up (by still being to active like these other guys) its his lack of avail. air consistantly thats forcing him to wake up.

he has my sympathy, it sounds like a bitch and from what i understand for most its for life.
I know this guy who is a personal trainer who has it, uses a machine to sleep, and because of that, I feel no constriction using my earplugs! I just put a couple clay-like pieces over my ear canals; he has to wear a mask and snorkel!

What wakes him up can kill him; we just get aggravated.
lmao My dad has one of really helps him......although i dont just shoves air into through the mask.

Oh and yeah it is for life...but it is definately worth it if you suffer from sleep apnea. His mood is completely different now.
Does anyone have any personal experience with Melatonin?  If so how has it worked for you?  Good?  Bad?

I have been using ZMA for a few months now and have slept better than I have since I was a kid.  Although I still think I could be sleeping better.  So I decided to try melatonin to see how it works.  I bought some Shiff Melatonin Plus (Supplement Facts).

I have used it the last two nights and both yesterday and today I feel like I have a bad hangover from drinking a lot of alcohol.  I'll give it a couple more days to see if things improve but so far I'm not liking it at all.  Although it took a few days for the ZMA to work for me so maybe it is just the same deal with the melatonin.  I guess time will tell.  I do like the price of the melatonin better than the ZMA though because I got one bottle of 300 of the Melatonin Plus for just under $7 which is a lot cheaper than the ZMA.  But if this doesn't start working in a couple more days I'm going to switch back to ZMA.
(Bulldog @ Jun. 19 2007,13:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Does anyone have any personal experience with Melatonin? If so how has it worked for you? Good? Bad?</div>
I've tried melatonin. It didn't help me much.

I've had sleep difficulties for years. I usually wake up every hour on the hour. For a time I just thought I was a good dad, checking on the kids as they slept, but they are all grown up and gone, and I still get up every hour on the hour. I've been told my sleep problem is related to the PTSD I have, resulting from my adventures in southeast Asia years ago.

I tried Rozerem (sp?), but instead of sleeping I just lay awake thinking about Abraham Lincoln and talking beavers...

Now I take a magnesium and calcium compound and half an Ambien tablet. I get about four to six hours straight through with that.
Not promoting addictive sleep aids, but my wife's Lunesta will keep me down all night, with mild grogginess in the morning, which is a big neg for me. And that's taking only half a pill; that stuff's powerful...I had it on my tongue for a few seconds and my tongue went numb for an hour.
I just take one now and then when I know I'm too irritated to sleep and have to get up early.
I'd say Melatonin does wonders for me. Being a worker by weekday, partyboy by weekend, my sleep schedule tends to get off on the weekends when I need to wake up really early on Monday. I pop one and I am dead asleep pretty quickly. It's non-addictive from what I've experienced, and the pharmacy tech recommended it to me for that very reason. Once I'm back on schedule that night, I can sleep fine without it for the rest of the week. Plus it's cheap. It seems like some people haven't had as good of results with it.. but I don't feel groggy in the morning at all.
The melatonin is out for me. I tried it a few more times and I would sleep for about two hours and then be WIDE AWAKE and not be able to get back to sleep for a couple of hours. Needless to say that was not promoting very restful sleep.

So I'm going back to the ZMA. I should have my bottle in a day or two. I do still plan on trying GABA some time but I realy liked the ZMA zzzzz's so the GABA will have to wait for a while.