i have to dissagree with ahrnold here ...
training more than an hour is detrimental if you dont take some protein or glucose in that hour...between 45mins and an hour in the gym cortisol is released and this uses muscle as energy..also a lot of the guys on here do 5x a wk workouts..and if you already do 5x a wk then carry on but drop the volume..instead of doing 2sets 3x a wk, do 1set 6x aweek no problem.

training more than an hour is detrimental if you dont take some protein or glucose in that hour...between 45mins and an hour in the gym cortisol is released and this uses muscle as energy..also a lot of the guys on here do 5x a wk workouts..and if you already do 5x a wk then carry on but drop the volume..instead of doing 2sets 3x a wk, do 1set 6x aweek no problem.