Randy, did you do your eccentrics immediately after doing your 5's? If so, I wouldn't EXPECT much DOMS, if any.
DOMS is most intense after multiple days of rest. After your decon, it's easy to get DOMS. DOMS is a sensation caused by stimulation of the nerve endings by chemicals produced during muscle tissue breakdown. If you've been lifting regularly (every two days), your nerves become accustomed to the chemicals, and stop overreacting. But it doens't mean you're not producing the desired effect in terms of your muscles; it just means you're accustomed to the "hangover."
If you're hitting a body part only once per week, you can get DOMS every time; during the day or two after, you're reacting to those chemicals, and then for four or five days, you drop back to normal -- so the nerve endings never get used to it.
The DOMS itself is strictly a side-effect; it does not produce growth itself, and it is not an indicator of growth. It's an indicator that you're not accustomed to the level of chemicals released after your workout. If you perform the workout frequently enough, the nerve cells in the area will become accustomed to it, even if that workout is still causing growth.
Of course, even when lifting every other day, you can still induce DOMS by hitting yourself significantly harder than you have been of late; such a workout would produce MORE chemicals than you've gotten used to, and therefore will still set off your nerves. . . but it's probably not wise to try to make each workout so much harder than the last that you get full-blown DOMS again every other day. You'd have to keep going so much harder each time that you're sure to get into over-work land quickly.