Pictures everyone?

Currently about 215 lbs. I have a shirtless pic from a month or so ago, when I still had my camera but I look like crap in it. This winter has been bad on my body. I got down to 190 lbs and was soft, which is especially horrible because previously, like a year ago, I was lean at 190 lbs.
Maybe there is something to that acetaminophen thing being bad. I was taking a ton of it every day and was unable to eat anything for over a week at the worst point.

I really need to get a new camera. My cell phone takes crappy cameras, and it's impossible to use the self timer to take pics with it, so I end up with crappy pics I take in the bathroom mirror.
you look better than you think. I think that statement is true for over 90% of us, we are always trying to be 'better' than we are presently, so whatever we are presently, we think we are lacking.

~deep thoughts, by sci handy~

Seriously, nice delts and traps...I can see why you can overhead press so much.

Not bad at all man...although I agree your camera does not do you justice, but you look good, plenty of mass there.

Arms? I'm with you there 15.5" is my exact measurements, will look better on me as I am a shrt s...t, but that is besides the point.

I think you should get someone to take the pics for you so that you can get better ones.

I think you look great and although you can improve as we all can...I think...maybe BIZ or so doesn't need that much adjusting, but man we're all normal guys trying to look we look great...much better than we would if we were doing nothing!
Hey doc

Looking cool, now I don't feel so bad anymore, here's another hairy monkey!

Rather lean formy liking but looking good nevertheless, If I were you I'd try to get to at least 88 - 90 at the samebody fat, however with all that bikling that might not be ideal hey, too much weight to drive up the mountain?
(Fausto @ May 17 2007,14:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey doc

Looking cool, now I don't feel so bad anymore, here's another hairy monkey!

Rather lean formy liking but looking good nevertheless, If I were you I'd try to get to at least 88 - 90 at the samebody fat, however with all that bikling that might not be ideal hey, too much weight to drive up the mountain?</div>
I want to get down to 75 kg and 5% BF. I am in the wrong forum, but It is better than the majority of other forums.
putting our argument in the other thread aside...

You look good, have you lost any strength since losing so much weight? I will be losing a bunch of weight later this summer and my number one worry is strength loss.
If you stop doing certain movements, you will lose strength. I stopped squatting around feb 2007 and I can´t squat for hsti now. I still dead lift about once a week, and my max 1RM max remains 185kg. (I have tested it once a month). according to my last chekup at the sport clinic, 7 of the 20kg I have lost is LBM. BUT, I lost 20kg over 4.5 months with no real regard for how much LBM I would lose. My primary goal was to get into biking shape. WIth all the endurance training I have been doing, there were days on end that I was running a 2000 calorie deficeit ( I know it is a rough estimate, but even if it 25% off, it is alot). So I think if you just want to lose fat, you´ll need to do it slower, so as not to lose muscle mass and don´t stop doing the big movements (Squats, deads, rows, presses)

Good Luck

( BTW, I don´t hold grudges)
Tot, your looking BIG! Massive traps. You've done some great work, esp. considering you had a bad winter.

Doc, you lost 20kgs since Jan! Wow! Yeah, definitely a bit fast if you wanted to maintain lean mass but for what you wanted to attain you must be pretty pleased. Hope you have a good season in the saddle.
yeah I am pleased! dec 27,2006 I was 97, this morning 78 kg. 80 to 78 was a bitch and the road to 75 may be hell. but I feel great.

Looking right down mean! Nice and lean, good traps, like me you have a slight smaller one than the other, but overall looking very good!

Definitely lean what is you BF now? I'd say 10% borderline or so.