Pictures everyone?

Shaving the chest i do every so now and then, but arms? No mate, I'll just stay put for now. Thanks anyway.

Quad, yeah...I know...Traps, gotta start with the heavy shrugs, I think now I can start attacking lacking areas, my chest is not too bad and it was a lagging area, now...the rest.

WIP...I'd say work in Progress.
Some of you guys are absolutely HUGE! And its awesome seeing some of the smaller or fatter guys getting into shape and showing good gains.

About 2 years ago. 6 months of traditional split training, with maybe a few weeks HST. Could probably bench about 60kg. I lost about 15kg of fat doing the split training. I was getting a bit chubby before that. I will see if I can find before pics. I have a bit of a sunken chest which I want fill up with pecs. It makes my chest look small.

Not sure on weight maybe about 75kg?
Last week. All HST gains. 89kg. Can bench over 100kg fairly easily. My gains since Christmas have been good since I have given up binge drinking at every given opportunity. I wonder what gains I would have had in the last 2 years if I hadn't been getting rotten drunk twice a week.

Long term goals are, I want to get to 100kg @ 10% body fat and bench 150kg. Don't care how long it takes. I will try to get there.

Shorter term goals are 10% body fat and a 3rm of 120kg on the bench.

I have only been using a flat bench with barbells and dumbells. I just got some better equipment and am looking for some advice on how to best use it here.;r=1

Also I was born may 1981 which makes me 26 next week.
Here I am, awaiting my first cycle of HST. Been training around year, year and a half. I'm naturally really ectomorphic (135 lbs.), and this is about 10 lbs., probably 2 of fat since. Being in a frat in a crazy college town doesn't help for making great gains, but this summer will be a good time for some dedication with my internship.

I'll be sure and post an updated one after I start to make some gains in my cycle.

Some good improvements there, just need to keep the bulking unedr control, perhaps some cardio in between?


Looks mean...well on your way...never mind the're a small dude, but the physique is looking cool, keep it up!
Thanks Fausto. I think

Yeah I haven't really made a decent diet. I just eat protein powder like it is going out of fashion. But believe it or not I am actually slimming down. I am going to try get over 90kg by the end of the year with 10% BF. So I have to loose a some fat and gain some muscle. Also I think you will like my latest addition. TABATA
Done my first set of Tabata squats today (body weight). It sucked! But 4 minute Cardio rocks. I hope it works. My legs are sore.
Fat has always been my prob. That first pic is the skinnest I have been in about 7 years. Thanks to overtraining when starting out BBing. Will update pics in a few months.

UFG, you are looking in shape man. Keep it up! Eat some more

I tried saving my image as a word document so that I could select it and copy. When I try to paste it into the add reply window nothing happens. Is there some little trick to get it into the add reply?

Computer challenged,
Open the add reply by clicking it and then when you get the window opened as I am doing now, click on teh browse button, then upload a .jpg .bmp or other picture file and enter.

As I did.

Thanks for your feedback. I think my problem is that my files are too big (1.2 MB) . Do you have any suggestion about how to make them smaller?

Wait a minute. Isn't the point of this HST to get bigger? Can we apply some HST to the maximum file size as well?

(Fausto @ Apr. 30 2007,10:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Open the add reply by clicking it and then when you get the window opened as I am doing now, click on teh browse button, then upload a .jpg .bmp or other picture file and enter.

As I did.</div>
You need to either stop doing so many hallucinogenic drugs, or quit comparing yourself to Paul Dillet.   In pm,  told me you were a &quot;very small guy&quot;, and now you say that you're fat.  Dude, you look great.  Nice size and pretty lean.
If the file is too big, you'll need to open it with a program like &quot;Paint&quot; and save it as a smaller image.

I don't know how familiar you are with the process, so I'll make it as detailed as possible.

1.) Go to Start -&gt; All Programs -&gt; Accessories -&gt; Paint
2.) File -&gt; Open...
3.) Find where your picture is located and click Open
4.) Image -&gt; Stretch/Skew...
5.) Change the Horizontal and Vertical to 50% (or even 25%)
6.) Click OK
7.) File -&gt; Save As...
8.) Type a new name for your smaller picture
9.) Click Save

Now you can see if the new picture will upload without problems.
Thanks colby, here's my calculator, I think I got from you:

Factor 1: (Total body weight x 1.082) + 94.42
Factor 2: Waist measurement x 4.15
Lean Body Mass: Factor 1 - Factor 2
Body Fat Weight: Total bodyweight - Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Percentage: (Body Fat Weight x 100) / total bodyweight


Body weight:158.00
factor 1 :265.38
factor 2 :130.73
f1 - f2 :134.65
B/fat weight : 23.35
% b/f :14.78

I'd like to be under 10% if I can help it, then I'll look right!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In pm,  told me you were a &quot;very small guy&quot;, and now you say that you're fat.</div>

I am a short s...t, only 5'6&quot;
most of you guys are 6' at least that makes me small

Fat?...well I'd just like to have a nice cut 6 pack that's all, I do have a little bit of a paunch, albit very small, but it irritates ok, not fat...but not quite we're I'd like.

I guess I could lean up a bit!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks colby, here's my calculator, I think I got from you:</div>

It is afterall an estimate, and waist measurement is crucial. If you are off by one inch, then that will change your bodyfat% reading by 415/bodyweight which in your case is about 2.5%!

look back about 9-10 posts ago. there are instructions on how to post a pic as well as resize it if its too big. never tried it myself so i cant say if the directions are correct or not but its a place to start.