Shaking whey protein ahead of time?


New Member
Does anyone know how long it takes the protien to break down? I'm trying to figure out an alternative to hauling a 5 lb. container around with me everywhere I go.

Would it be okay, to make a shake in the morning and take it to work for lunch, or is it better to make it and drink it immediately.


An easy way to take some protein powder to work is just put the powder into an empty 600ml water bottle. You'll need a funnel to get it in without spillage. Then when its time to drink, just add water.
Get a couple of rubbermaid containers at walmart and do as above.

But I don't see anything wrong with pre-mixing. Think about all the ready to drink shakes out on the market.
A shake can be mixed in water and left all day if you want. Refrigeration helps though. If you don't have refrigeration, just fill your bottle with ice and cold water before you leave and you should be good to go for several hours.