(drpierredebs @ Mar. 27 2007,14:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don´t want to hijack this thread, but I would like to mention that, as many may know, I eat no grains whatsoever. Low carb doesn´t mean NO carb. I get my carbs from fruits and veggies, lots of em.
I can only say that in addition to the mounds of fat that melted away, I have noticed a HUGE difference in many areas concerning bodily functions as well as apperance. i.e. My skin is radiant (don´t laugh) and half of the few gray hairs I had are gone. My endurance levels are WAY better, my water balance is WAY better, I pop out of bed in the morning even after a 120km bike ride. Rgeneration time is dratically reduced. Yes I dropped some strength after 2 months, but I am back to pre-grain strength levels.
Everything about my life has changed for the better after droppping grain based food.
Rant over.</div>
Hey, doc, I'm on your side...and you're certainly not hijacking my thread
Since I have dropped most of the grain from my system (not a complete wash, but about 90%, which is the occasional slice of wheat bread), I have felt mounds better than I have in years.
In the beginning, my strength went to the dogs as well, but it has since come back and then some. My body has learned to be productive with the nutrients I have given it.
The only difference between what you're doing and myself, I must limit fruits as well because I need to stick to between 50g and 100g per day (for health, not aesthetic reasons). An apple is like a candy bar to me now (which in some ways is kinda said, ain't it??) But I had to do what I had to do to get myself better.
I said it before....I think in the not-too-distant future, grains in general and processed white flour in particular will be as criminalized as cigarettes. It's only a matter of time.......
(drpierredebs @ Mar. 27 2007,14:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don´t want to hijack this thread, but I would like to mention that, as many may know, I eat no grains whatsoever. Low carb doesn´t mean NO carb. I get my carbs from fruits and veggies, lots of em.
I can only say that in addition to the mounds of fat that melted away, I have noticed a HUGE difference in many areas concerning bodily functions as well as apperance. i.e. My skin is radiant (don´t laugh) and half of the few gray hairs I had are gone. My endurance levels are WAY better, my water balance is WAY better, I pop out of bed in the morning even after a 120km bike ride. Rgeneration time is dratically reduced. Yes I dropped some strength after 2 months, but I am back to pre-grain strength levels.
Everything about my life has changed for the better after droppping grain based food.
Rant over.</div>
Hey, doc, I'm on your side...and you're certainly not hijacking my thread
Since I have dropped most of the grain from my system (not a complete wash, but about 90%, which is the occasional slice of wheat bread), I have felt mounds better than I have in years.
In the beginning, my strength went to the dogs as well, but it has since come back and then some. My body has learned to be productive with the nutrients I have given it.
The only difference between what you're doing and myself, I must limit fruits as well because I need to stick to between 50g and 100g per day (for health, not aesthetic reasons). An apple is like a candy bar to me now (which in some ways is kinda said, ain't it??) But I had to do what I had to do to get myself better.
I said it before....I think in the not-too-distant future, grains in general and processed white flour in particular will be as criminalized as cigarettes. It's only a matter of time.......