When I maxed out this week for Straight Leg Deadlift, the form I used was not correct.
When I did Straight Leg Deadlifts, I stood a little less than shoulder width apart.
With a reverse grip on the bar I lowered the bar to the ground, the legs bent a little as I lowered the bar to the ground(past the point where my back is straight).
I then pulled with my lower back/butt very hard to get the bar up to the starting point.
I want to know, is the right idea for SLDL?
-Start out standing straight, just less than shoulder width apart.
-Have the hand w/an alternating grip
-Lower pushing on legs until back is parallel?
-Then come up using the legs and glute(butt)?
I'm unsure exactly
1) How far low to go. Where should the back and legs be?
2) How to use the hams, glutes, and legs to push the weight up instead of the back.
3) How to lower. I have been going down with the weight like a lever. Should the hips be pushed back?
I've tried it just now standing (no bar) and it seems hard to do that motion.
If this could be answered or a clearer procedure be written I'd greatly appreciate it.
One more thing, I was maxing for a workout on SLDL. Since I did the wrong way with this form, would my maxes be much higher or lower with the correct form?
Should I keep the maxes, redo them, or add or minus weight from it instead?
When I did Straight Leg Deadlifts, I stood a little less than shoulder width apart.
With a reverse grip on the bar I lowered the bar to the ground, the legs bent a little as I lowered the bar to the ground(past the point where my back is straight).
I then pulled with my lower back/butt very hard to get the bar up to the starting point.
I want to know, is the right idea for SLDL?
-Start out standing straight, just less than shoulder width apart.
-Have the hand w/an alternating grip
-Lower pushing on legs until back is parallel?

-Then come up using the legs and glute(butt)?
I'm unsure exactly
1) How far low to go. Where should the back and legs be?
2) How to use the hams, glutes, and legs to push the weight up instead of the back.
3) How to lower. I have been going down with the weight like a lever. Should the hips be pushed back?
I've tried it just now standing (no bar) and it seems hard to do that motion.
If this could be answered or a clearer procedure be written I'd greatly appreciate it.
One more thing, I was maxing for a workout on SLDL. Since I did the wrong way with this form, would my maxes be much higher or lower with the correct form?
Should I keep the maxes, redo them, or add or minus weight from it instead?