The Road to 10%

I already do such things, and I eat the light 35 calorie slices of bread. I just don't have enough time to workout. I couldn't do so this weekend due to painting (the basement) which will be going on through tomorrow too.

Overall, a lot of things are happening at once in my life, and I workout when I can. I just started a new job after graduating from college in May. I am buying a house this spring through family, getting married in May, designing a charitable organization website, taking actuarial exams, and recently I have been helping my mother each day as she just had surgery on her ankle. I am also launching my own business within the next year, but that takes a back burner to everything else.

It seems that everything in my life is happening at once, so I am stacked against a wall when it comes to time, and my weight lifting has suffered. My cut has turned into a slow cut, but it's not bad so far. The results are showing, and as long as I hit my goals by my wedding (about six months from now), then I will be happy.

This week, I am making some changes to my diet -- dramatically increasing the amount of dietary soluble fiber consumed each day. I have been eating about 23g/day. I want to bring that up to at least 40g thanks to a nice low calorie cereal I found called Fiber One (14g of fiber in 110 calorie serving). I may try and lift after I am done painting tomorrow, but only time will tell.
(colby2152 @ Dec. 09 2007,20:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This week, I am making some changes to my diet -- dramatically increasing the amount of dietary soluble fiber consumed each day. I have been eating about 23g/day. I want to bring that up to at least 40g thanks to a nice low calorie cereal I found called Fiber One (14g of fiber in 110 calorie serving).</div>
How come? What does fiber do?
Fiber has too many health benefits to ignore, and I have been averaging about 15-20 grams of fiber each day. The RDA is 30 grams, and I am sure I need more than that due to my size.

Painting is a done, and I got back to some liftin'...

Deadlift Workout - 12/11/07
<span style='color:blue'>Jump Ropes &amp; Swiss Ball Crunches</span>
<span style='color:red'>Deadlift: 135 - 5, 165 - 5 (2 sets), 235 - 5, 285 - 5</span>

That last set of DL's was tough, but then I got past the mental grind and did a set of five reps! I wasn't too sold on my form, so I'll see how I do next week.
Cycle will be over in about two weeks. I will have end of cycle pictures posted at that point. I am still undecided what I will do for the new year. It really depends on my time... if I have enough time in a two week period, then I will finally try 912 HST. If not, then I will do an all Max-Stim version of my HST-Strength Balance cycle.

I wanted to lift last night, but I didn't have the time. Squat &amp; Bench workout tonight!
HST-Strength Balanced Workout - 12/14/07
<span style='color:blue'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:red'>One-Arm Bent Over Rows: 62.5 - 5 (2 sets), 80 - 5 (4 sets)
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 190 - 4, 135 - 15, 45 - 45
Jefferson Squats: 45 - 5 (2 sets), 135 - 5 (2 sets), PR: 175 - 5 (2 sets)</span>
Frequency is getting back on track...
Cardio WO - 12/15/07
<span style='color:blue'>Pilates, Swiss Ball Crunches, Jump Ropes</span>

HST WO - 12/17/07
<span style='color:blue'>Swiss Ball Crunches
Jump Ropes: PR: 68 reps</span>
<span style='color:red'>One-Arm Bent-Over Rows: 62.5 - 5, 85 - 5, PR: 90 - 5 (2 sets), 62.5 - 15</span>

One exercise workout, but I hit a personal record, so no complaints. Goal is to hit a PR in all of my key exercises this week!
You are making the most of the cycle, colby. Many, many congrats on the PRs - what a great finish to the year! I hope you hit your body composition goals - I know that's very important to you. Good luck!
HST-Strength Balanced WO - 12/18/07
<span style='color:blue'>Swiss Ball Crunches, Jump Ropes w/ PR: 94 reps</span>
<span style='color:red'>One-Arm Bent-Over Rows: 62.5 - 5, 90 - 5, PR: 95 - 5, PR: 65 - 15
Deadlift: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 205 - 5, 255 - 5, PR: 285 - 3</span>

The PR on the DL wasn't much of a record, but a rep max that I have realized over the past month. I need to work on my form as it starts to suffer past 225 lbs. I could DL Romanian style 315 lbs for 5 reps, but it seems I am 30-50 lbs behind on a regular DL. Both of my knees started to get weird feelings, so I didn't try another set. Awesome PR's on the Rows and Jump Ropes though!
(_tim @ Dec. 18 2007,11:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are making the most of the cycle, colby. Many, many congrats on the PRs - what a great finish to the year! I hope you hit your body composition goals - I know that's very important to you. Good luck!</div>
The cycle is having it's success at the tail end, and I have my frequency back on schedule now. Thanks for the compliments Tim! I am looking to try at DL's again this weekend and bench press tomorrow.
BTW, my waist is shrinking yet again! I moved inward to another hole in the belt!

Last night, no lifting workout, cardio was in the form of scrubbing tile floors, running/moving boxes up and down stairs, and other cleaning tasks.
(quadancer @ Dec. 20 2007,19:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Scrub reps and box lifts huh?
Hey, whatever works!</div>

HST WO - 12/20/07
<span style='color:blue'>Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:red'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 62.5 - 5, 95 - 5, PR: 100 - 5
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 190 - 5, 195 - 4, 145 - 8, 45 - 50</span>

Quick workout -- tried to get some PR's. I was a rep away from a PR on bench, but I am pretty happy with that. I think I can lift 200 lbs for 5 reps before the end of the year. My upper body was sore last night. My back has taken an HST beating this week!
(DWhite2741 @ Dec. 21 2007,14:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Nice work. Congrats on the new PR!</div>
Thanks DWhite!

HST WO - 12/22/07
<span style='color:blue'>Jump Ropes, Swiss Ball Crunches</span>
<span style='color:red'>One-Arm Bent-Over Rows: 62.5 - 5, PR: 105 - 5, PR: 70 - 15
Bench Press: 45 - 5, 135 - 5, 195 - 5, 200 - 3, 135 - 10, 45 - 10 (5 sets w/ 10 second static holds in between, no rerack)</span>

5RM on Bench is 200 lbs... it is near, I can feel it.
I would like to workout today and tomorrow, but I caught a bout of stomach sickness last night. I think it's a good time for SD!
Good cycle Colby. Great results. I bet you would have made 200 for 5 if you'd just done one or two reps at 180 rather than 5x195.

Get well soon mate and enjoy your SD.
(Lol @ Dec. 26 2007,16:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good cycle Colby. Great results. I bet you would have made 200 for 5 if you'd just done one or two reps at 180 rather than 5x195.

Get well soon mate and enjoy your SD.</div>
Yeah, 200 is my 5RM on bench. I was expecting to break that today or yesterday, but SD came a little bit early. I am starting a 912 cycle next week, so I will back at it in no time!