The Road to 10%

(BAX67 @ Jan. 03 2008,19:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds pretty radical for fat loss. Good luck. Hope you can maintain your strength and hold on to that hard earned muscle. Looking forward to seeing your results!</div>
Thanks Bax! Not surprisingly, I gained a couple pounds through the holidays, so the 912 will really throw me back in gear. I am taking pictures this weekend, and the cycle will start on Sunday baring any setbacks.
I don't understand. The cut and pasted article says you lift, then SD?

Sounds like a good combination with PSMF.

I'll be reading with interest, Colby!
I'll try to PSMF as much as I can, but if I can get just have a deficit of 750-1000 calories per day then that would be great.

Here is the proposed workout regiment so far:

912 HST - Workout Schedule
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell
Jump Ropes
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows
Bench Press
SST Component: Chair Dips / Deadlift / Jefferson Squat
Reverse Curl Cuban Press / Lateral Raises</span>
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches
Steel Beam (House Support) Chins</span>
Well, here goes... I am still have ways to go until 10%, but I may be closer to 12% than my measurements dictate. I cannot get the best shots while taking a picture and trying to flex, but that is neither here nor there!

Pictures before Cycle #12 at 9-17-07 vs. similar shots before Cycle #13 as of today (1-6-08):



I think the chest picture looks dramatically different due to the angle and pose. The most telling picture is seeing how my gut has gone down, and that's the entire point of cutting!
(colby2152 @ Jan. 06 2008,13:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I cannot get the best shots while taking a picture and trying to flex, but that is neither here nor there!</div>
Yeah, I have the same problem: I keep crushing the camera with my bare hands...
1/12 of the way through 912HST and boy is it one hell of a workout! My plan was to do metabolic sets at my 15RM for each exercise, but the clustering was enough for me (at least for today, my first workout in 2 weeks).

[x-y-z] means clustered sets of x reps, then y reps, and finally z reps

912 HST - 1/6/08
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded bar
Jump Ropes
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - WU, 82.5 - 3, 110 - [3-3-2-2]
Bench Press: 45 - WU, 135 - 4, 180 - [4-3-2-1]
Shrugs: 45 - WU, 135 - [4-4-2]
RCCPs: 45 - [2-4-4]
SST Component: Chair Dips: 6 reps, 12 reps, and 4 reps</span>
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (3 sets)
Jump Ropes</span>

Tons Lifted for 912 portion: 3.27
(BAX67 @ Jan. 07 2008,10:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Your looking alot leaner especially around the midsection. Darn good work!!</div>
Thank you Bax!

In case any one was wondering, I lifted an aggregate 7.58 tons of weight in my first 912 HST workout.
Colby, how are you finding the PSMF diet? I know you said you were going to follow it loosely... I found that my energy was in the drain for the first three days or so, but after that I felt great. Something that may also help is sugar-free jello, which can make your stomach at least feel full.

Good thing you only have to do it for 12 days. After a few weeks of PSMF, I wanted carbs and fats more than I wanted sex. It was horrible.
(Totentanz @ Jan. 07 2008,18:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby, how are you finding the PSMF diet?  I know you said you were going to follow it loosely...  I found that my energy was in the drain for the first three days or so, but after that I felt great.  Something that may also help is sugar-free jello, which can make your stomach at least feel full.

Good thing you only have to do it for 12 days.  After a few weeks of PSMF, I wanted carbs and fats more than I wanted sex.  It was horrible.</div>
When I did my own version of PSMF I scheduled 'cheat' days on really helped psychologically. I would be going nuts for carbs by friday but knowing I would eat 'normal' food for the weekend kept me going. I think it helped me to stay on my diet long-term and I lost over 25 lb.s which was awesome.
(Totentanz @ Jan. 07 2008,18:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Colby, how are you finding the PSMF diet? I know you said you were going to follow it loosely... I found that my energy was in the drain for the first three days or so, but after that I felt great. Something that may also help is sugar-free jello, which can make your stomach at least feel full.

Good thing you only have to do it for 12 days. After a few weeks of PSMF, I wanted carbs and fats more than I wanted sex. It was horrible.</div>
Eh, it's PSMF when I can do it. I prefer to eat a nice big dinner with my fiance every night, so that's where the carb load eventually has to come in. Never the less, I will be in a high caloric deficit.
Yeah, I understand that. It's a lot harder to stick to your diet when you have a significant other living with you. My wife gets annoyed to no end when I'm dieting and can't eat the same meals that the rest of the family eats.

I don't think it will matter much in the end, with such a huge deficit, you should lose weight either way.
I am now 1/6 of the way through, and boy is it tough still. My chest was sore as hell, and I had a tough time tonight with that lift.

912 HST - 1/7/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (3 sets)
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15 (2 sets), 82.5 - 3 (2 sets), 102.5 - [4-3-3]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 185 - [3-3-3-1]
Deadlift: 135 - 10, 225 - 4*
Shrugs: 50 - 15, 140 - [4-4-2]
Lateral Raises: 5 - 15, 17.5 - [3-3-2-2]
Dips: 4 reps, 13 reps</span>
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes PR: 110 reps
Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell</span>

A few notes... I am keep Deadlifts and J-Squats away from the 912 gig. I really need to work on form with both of them, and there is no sense starting off with 80% of my 1RM on a lift that I am struggling with form. Also, I found my cure for calves! Jump Ropes really start burning my calves after 65 reps!

BTW, total tons lifted for 912 portion: 4.31
One quarter done with the Nine-Twelve, and I think I have the energy to do it. Bench was much better today. I think my body has adjusted since having two weeks off of lifting...

912 HST - 1/8/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (2 sets)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 10 (2 sets)
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 70 - 4, 105 - [5-3-2]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 190 - [5-3-2]
Shrugs: 45 - 20, 145 - [5-5]
Reverse Curl Cuban Press: 10 - 15, 50 - [2-5-3]
Chair Dips: 5 reps, 12 reps</span>
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell</span>

Total weight lifted in 912 portion: 4.64 tons
1/3 of the way through, struggled on bench... perhaps it is because I did dips the day before? I decided to scratch dips in tonight's workout.

912 HST - 1/9/08
<span style='color:red'>Swiss Ball Crunches: 25 reps (2 sets)
Jump Ropes</span>
<span style='color:blue'>Side Bends: 45 - 10 (2 sets)
One Arm Bent-Over Rows: 12.5 - 15, 82.5 - 4, 107.5 - [PR: 5 -3-2]
Bench Press: 45 - 15, 135 - 5, 195 - [5-3-1-1]
Shrugs: 45 - 20, 150 - [4-4-2]
Lateral Raises: 20 - [4-3-3]</span>
<span style='color:red'>Back Squats &amp; Cleans w/unloaded barbell</span>

Total weight lifted in 912 portion: 4.43 tons