The Vegetarian Poll

Check out this site: Scroll down to the protein content section of the page, and you'll see that the content in seitan is variable (15-31g/3oz serving). The pro content in seitain (gluten) varies depending on how it's made- you just n3eed to check the label, or, if you make your own, use a very high-gluten whole wheat flour, and throw in pur gluten to enhance the product. (Yes, it is entirely possible to make your own seitan, and I can tell you- it's great for the forearms- similar to kneading bread dough.)

Anyway, calorie for calorie, gluten generally contains the same pro content as beef.

BTW, "complete" proteins are very, very easy to get even for a vegan. Soy is complete, for example. Also, I'm afraid that the issue of protein completeness is a hangover (literarlly) from the Lappe books (Diet for a Small Planet, e.g.). We now know that you don't have to complete proteins at every meal (although grains and beans are a very nice combination anyway).

Like Ruthenian says, it's easy to get protein at 1g/lb levles (and, alas, calories too) on vegetarian or vegan diets. Like everyone else, we have to be careful what we eat.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">We now know that you don't have to complete proteins at every meal (although grains and beans are a very nice combination anyway).</div>

Yeah, I love rice and lentils, great stuff!
Chimpanzee seen 'hunting' with weapon

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Researchers report witnessing a chimpanzee skewering a tree creature for supper with a spearlike tool, a rare observation of a long-studied primate in the wild. </div>

Or closest animal relative hunts for his dinner. Hmmm... you sure there's nothing natural about our omnivorous tendancies?
Quad, I don't know who your people are but I'm guessing they share a 97.6% similarity to chimpanzees in regards to DNA sequencing, like the rest of us.
(codz3 @ Feb. 23 2007,18:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Quad, I don't know who your people are but I'm guessing they share a 97.6% similarity to chimpanzees in regards to DNA sequencing, like the rest of us.</div>
That may be true but doesn't really mean you/we are actually related.  And I believe even though there is 97.6% similarity I believe there are still a few hundred thousand DNA sequences that are different.

But as mentioned earlier in this thread we shouldn't get into that here.
(codz3 @ Feb. 23 2007,20:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">

Probably a stupid site but just wondering is there any truth to it, Fausto or Quad I'm guessing you would have a better insight to me on this considering I haven't read the bible.

Just curious

Input appreciated</div>
Please, let's not go there. If you want to talk about Jesus, take it somewhere else! People get highly sensitive about that stuff.
It's also irrelevant to us. FYI, the site has some grossly deceptive bias. If you're curious for opinion, PM me. Otherwise, keep your diet intact if it works for you, meatie or veggie.
Tip of the hat to Ruthenian.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This is a site that I have enjoyed for a few years. It reminds me of the kind of articles on and

I think even vegetarians will find something there of interest.</div>
Yes, I noted your link to this site earlier.  I can't honestly say I have read much on it, as the first article I read was full of unsupported suppositions and opinion.  Based upon your own positive comments, I'm sure that there must be something better there.  However, it is overtly a site intended to dissuade folks from becoming vegetarians, or to try to make current vegetarians start eating meat.  I made my decision over 25 years ago and have no intention of changing.

I will give them cudos for acknowledging the sorry state of the standard western diet that drives people to seek dietary alternatives.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;It's also irrelevant to us. FYI, the site has some grossly deceptive bias. If you're curious for opinion, PM me. Otherwise, keep your diet intact if it works for you, meatie or veggie.
Tip of the hat to Ruthenian. &quot;</div>
Thanks, bro.  
  I agree with the assessment: they have a rather unusual approach to biblical exegesis (but we would have to take that discussion elsewhere).
As a student of prophecy and general biblical nature, I really only tend to discuss it at length with other students, since laymen won't have the knowledge to base their opinions correctly, in context.
The bodybuilding world here is similar, except that this forum is also a school. We all try our best to share the truths of health, growth and strength, so therefore welcome discussions with everyone.
As a student of bodybuilding, (forever) with about 5 years failure training, four years off, then about 3 years back into it all (1-1/2 years being failure t.) I learn and share simultaneously. That's what this site is about. Love of BB'ing.
I was once watching an extremist vegetarian/peta type rally, and the speaker (a terrorist burning down science labs or something), was saying something like...

&quot;Give me an infant, and when I see that infant go around and start killing animals in order to eat them, I will become a meat-eater!&quot;

And I was thinking HOW MANIPULATIVE... No one is born knowing how to do anything lol. That baby doesn't know how to plant soy either, lol, so why would it know how to hunt and how is that the &quot;end-all&quot; argument for vegetarianism.

But since then I've made my own from his metaphor...

&quot;Put a group of toddlers in a room full of every type of food imaginable, and if they ONLY go for vegan foods, then I'll become a vegan for life, I'm sold! veganism is human nature!&quot; NOT!

In fact that experiment has been done... toddlers put in a room with an unlimited variety of foods end up eating a bit of everything and the end of a day end up with a pretty balanced diet.
(Alek @ Apr. 03 2009,11:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In fact that experiment has been done... toddlers put in a room with an unlimited variety of foods end up eating a bit of everything and the end of a day end up with a pretty balanced diet.</div>
Including crayons, chalk and plastic toys.
I quite enjoyed this exercise from Berardi, kudus to him as he became the lab coat, the point is he tried the vegetarian approach and got good results, at teh end of the day you just have to know what and how to do it!

John Berardi goes Vegetarian!


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Probably a stupid site but just wondering is there any truth to it, Fausto or Quad I'm guessing you would have a better insight to me on this considering I haven't read the bible.

Just curious. Input appreciated </div>

Sure thing!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;Quite simply, we are a church that follows after the pattern of the New Testament.&quot;</div>

Any church that disregards the old testament or does not use it for their study is off track, there are a few statements off track as well, they forgot to mention that after the flood God also gave a few laws regarding what was clean and unclean and this has consequences in health to this day!

Eating meat is not forbidden therefore, but vegetarianism is just healthier for the metabolism, and yes, you can get the complete protein requirements from the proper vegetarian diet (evan vegan).

Although this can be a somewhat inflamatory statement, I beg to differ! It should be studied carefully so as to see the wisdom in it, needless to say some eating habits have been linked to cancer in research, the worst of this kind seems to be junk food!

Anyway...enjoy reading about Berardi, I found it a wise decision of his and a learning curve for some!
(Ruthenian @ Jan. 31 2007,8:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Back in my college days at a 60s throw-back, hippie college, I met a fair number of milquetoast &quot;please forgive me for being a man&quot; lefty types that might have met this description, but I don't know that I can say they were all vegetarians.</div>

The Evergreen State College by any chance?