time to polish up the GUNZZZ!

(fearfactory @ Nov. 19 2007,22:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">showdown at high noon</div>
Now it's really &quot;time to polish up the GUNZZZ!&quot;
Colby, I am psyched that you accepted, this makes cutting way more fun.
(TunnelRat @ Nov. 19 2007,23:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(fearfactory @ Nov. 19 2007,22:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">showdown at high noon</div>
Now it's really &quot;time to polish up the GUNZZZ!&quot;</div>
I had no idea when I wrote the title of this log, that it would end up being a fitting figure of speech in more ways than one! Way cool.
(quadancer @ Nov. 20 2007,06:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I had no idea that Colby had gotten up to 240!!! His cut is gonna be way faster than yours IMO.
I'm a bit jealous.</div>
Yeah, I slowly got down to 240 (from 250 a few months ago)... so it isn't easy cutting even at this weight. I may consider a low calorie 912 HST attempt in mid-December!
colby, you blew up to 250?!? good for you man! what height and bf % were you at when 250lbs?

hit any PRs on bench, weighted pullups, deads, etc?
I am about 6'2&quot;, and the blow up was an unintentional effect after having an appendectomy a year ago. A great deal of the gains was fat, and I estimate I was up to about 20% bodyfat. I lost a lot of strength from not lifting for the two months after my surgery. I didn't try to deadlift or squat until almost three months after being under the knife. I eventually made PR's on my deadlift, bench press, and other exercises in the summer when I started cutting. By that time, I was back in lifting shape, and I have been shedding the fat off consistently yet slow.

The stats in the past two months show me losing only a couple pounds if anything and bodyfat% dropping by about .6%, but I have noticed the change in the mirror. My face looks a bit more drawn, and my pants are getting looser. My bodyfat estimations aren't the best right now, but I know I am losing the adipose tissue!
Uh, hmm. Well, I meant that when a guy is FATTER, he tends to shed fat faster than his leaner (Sci) counterparts. But if you only lost that much in 2 months on a cut, you're eating too much! (heck, I'm one to talk! - my cuts always get cut OFF!)
Secondly, I thought that adipose tissue was usually the LAST thing to go.
I recall there is more than one type of fat. Adipose goes last, unless my memory is scrood. If I get time I'll try and find some info on that.
quad, if memory serves me right........

adipose tissue is fat. there is white and brown fat but brown is mainly for heat purposes and usually not found in adults (humans anyway) only babies. i think the main diff in fat thru the body is the varying cell types, amount of blood vessels in them and places they like to accumulate.

again, this is from memory so im sure its a gross over-generalization.

wait, it just occured to me this isnt even colbys log, its sci's. .............
(quadancer @ Nov. 20 2007,22:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I recall there is more than one type of fat. Adipose goes last, unless my memory is scrood. If I get time I'll try and find some info on that.</div>
You are probably thinking of visceral versus sub-cutaneous adipose tissue.
What Totentanz said...

Sci, I couldn't get a picture in time before I left town for Thanksgiving (at work now). I'll try to remember to take a picture or three when I get back on Sunday!

Anyways, my weight of the past three mornings has been: 242, 241.5, 240.5 w/estimated bf% of 14.67, 14.7, 14.5 respectively
No problem. You are a heck of alot bigger than me! You have the edge as far as potential to drop weight faster, but I should have the edge as far as visible results since I am starting leaner. One thing is for sure, both of us will likely have much better results with this added motivation, which of course is the whole reason for the challenge in the first place!
Good luck.
I am now training circuit style to keep my heart rate up by minimizing rest between exercises. Kind of anerobic/aerobic combo.
I can only stand my stair-stepper for short periods, its intense!
Somehow strength was up today, even though I am restricting calories severely. I weighed in at 184!!! I must be dehydrated because there is no way I lost 4 pounds in two days, I better go drink some more water!

Diet is a severe calorie restriction (semi-fast) with emphasis on protein. Also taking multi-vitamins, and trying to drink alot of water and keep up my intake of BCAAs/essential fats/sodium/pottassium/magnesium/calcium as these are essential to health/survival and harder to get when semi-fasting.

Tomorrow I will be doing a 'refeed' at turkey time! So basically fast all day and eat to satisfaction at dinner. It will probably do me good, my energy-level and blood pressure has been low lately.
It reminds me of Tot's stand on daily ingestion: the time doesn't matter (from his experiments on himself) but rather the calories, so no need to shortchange yourself on the turkey: just starve up to it!
(quadancer @ Nov. 21 2007,19:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It reminds me of Tot's stand on daily ingestion: the time doesn't matter (from his experiments on himself) but rather the calories, so no need to shortchange yourself on the turkey: just starve up to it!
Circuit training works wonder Sci.

If you do 3 circuits a week for about 3 weeks you will be right on target.

Circuits beat the hell out of doing boring old cardio!