Weights, cardio and stuff log

It is my opinion that myo reps are unsuitable above approximately 7-8RM.You would be better off employing rest-pause or max-stim, if you feel that a particular protocol is needed.Frankly, I'd just cluster to the rep total.Sooner or later all the theory comes back to first principles; lift, eat, repeat. There's a host of other factors we can take into account for each persons individual context, but ultimately that iron needs to be heavy enough and needs to get lifted.Max-stim, rest pause, stretch reflex, myo reps, periodisation and programming are all just refinements on being an alpha and moving some steel.
Also, 30 reps at working load during the 5s will mess you up. That's a massive volume for some of the muscle groups.
This is what Ive been doing: do a first set of 5 then drop by ca10% then continue doing a few sets myostyle. OR first set of 5 then 5 singles, all depending on which exercise.
10 clustered squats; 5 - 65kg, 1 - 105kg, 1 - 115kg (warm ups); 1 - 125kg, 1 - 135kg, 1,1,1 - 145kg, 1 - 155kg, 3,3 - 125kg. 155kg is PR. 16 clustered BTN; 5 - 65kg (warm ups); 5 - 75kg, 5 - 80kg, 3,3 - 85kg. 10 clustered SLDL; 5 - 70kg, 5 - 120kg (warm ups) 5,5 - 150kg. These feel so good. I feel like I just unlocked my whole body. Will be using these aggressively for deadlift assistance. Shout out to Lyle for the form assistance; http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/rdl-vs-sldl.html 14 max-stim chins; BW (121) + 15kg - 14. Bent-arm rear delt raises; 2x15 - 12.5kg.
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That's a good idea with SLDL, I might do that as my main hamstring exercise, I don't really care for leg curls, and conventional deads are a bit too "whole body intensive."
SLDL done the way Lyle instructs are fantastic. I'm a bit annoyed I'm going on holiday in a week and have to break my training for 3 weeks. My routine post-holiday will be v.similar, if not the same, but a lot more settled than it has been for the last six months.
It is my opinion that myo reps are unsuitable above approximately 7-8RM.You would be better off employing rest-pause or max-stim, if you feel that a particular protocol is needed.Frankly, I'd just cluster to the rep total.Sooner or later all the theory comes back to first principles; lift, eat, repeat. There's a host of other factors we can take into account for each persons individual context, but ultimately that iron needs to be heavy enough and needs to get lifted.Max-stim, rest pause, stretch reflex, myo reps, periodisation and programming are all just refinements on being an alpha and moving some steel.

Agreed. Myoreps really are all about maximizing the effectiveness of lighter loads. Borge pretty much explicitly states not to bother with activation sets, etc when you are using heavier loads. No point. Just cluster to rep total.
I think the problem is that people associate a funky sounding name (myo reps ... ta da!), with it circumventing the way to improve size and strength. There's not secret. It's called LOAD. And 80% of people try to segue past this to some magical, elixir-like training protocol that will enable them to grow without the effort required to elicit said growth. Take your profile pic and your profile signature (total), Totentanz, ** I'm counting your bench as 350 minimum FYI, I figure you've just got a technique that's suboptimal for your leverage, had that same issue myself for a long time. You don't get to your size without getting to your (approximate) strength levels. Keeping carbs up etc., yes, it makes you 'fuller' as a temporal measure, but really, it's about a sufficiently heavy piece of iron, a sufficient number of times, and a sufficient repeated frequency. Myo-reps are merely a way of optimising your reps/work when at a particular load range that can't otherwise enable full fiber recruitment.
11 clustered rack pulls, 4th notch; 2 - 100kg, 1 - 140kg, 1 - 180kg (warm ups); 1 - 220kg, 1,1 - 240kg, 1,1 - 250kg, 1,1 - 260kg, 1,1,1,1 - 280kg. Pretty sure I'm getting 300 next week, maybe more. 9 clustered squats; 5 - 65kg, 1 - 105kg, 1 - 115kg (warm ups); 3,3,3 - 125kg. 11 clustered bench; 5 - 60kg, 1 - 100kg (warm ups), 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 130kg. 10 clustered explosive rows; 5,5 - 120kg.
9 clustered squats; 5 - 60kg, 1 - 100kg, 1 - 120kg (warm ups), 3,3,3 - 125kg. 12 clustered BTN; 5 - 60kg (warm ups), 4,4,4 - 80kg. 12 clustered SLDL; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg (warm ups), 4,4,4 - 160kg. 15 max-stim chins; BW (121kg) + 15kg - 15.
Not trying to hijack your thread, but when clustering, how much time is spent between reps? Lately as I've been clustering my "heavy" reps on bench, weighted chins and dips, I basically take as much time as needed in order to get the next single rep. Somtimes that's 3 deep breaths... sometimes it means I stand up and walk around for as long as a minute, which may be 7-10 deep breaths... the time between "reps" obviously increases as I move along in my training session. Is this correct?
Not trying to hijack your thread, but when clustering, how much time is spent between reps? Lately as I've been clustering my "heavy" reps on bench, weighted chins and dips, I basically take as much time as needed in order to get the next single rep. Somtimes that's 3 deep breaths... sometimes it means I stand up and walk around for as long as a minute, which may be 7-10 deep breaths... the time between "reps" obviously increases as I move along in my training session. Is this correct?
Clusters should have the same resting periods as any other sets. A cluster is merely a set without a pre-defined rep-count. Take the same break you would for any other set. What you're doing sounds more like a rest-pause/max-stim/myo-rep variant.
12 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1 - 210kg, 1,1 - 215kg, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 225kg, 1 - 230kg. 1 - 215kg, 1,1,1,1 - 220kg. 2nd attempt at 230kg failed, due to form. Would like to hit a 240kg at my last deads session on Friday, but not married to the idea. 9 clustered bench; 5 - 60kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups), 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1 - 130kg, 1,1,1 - 132.5kg, 1,1 - 140kg.
11 clustered squats; 5 - 80kg, 1 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 140kg. 12 clustered BTN; 3,4,5 - 80kg. 12 clustered SLDL; 3 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4,4 - 160kg. I think I might prefer these at 150kg, rounded back and all that. 15 max-stim chins; BW (122 kg) + 15kg - 15.
4 clustered rack pulls; 1 - 240kg, 1,1,1 - 260kg. Third rep felt a twinge on left extension/middle trap/inner-lower lat. I'm pretty sure I was too enthusiastic, but I think I will be dropping rack pulls for a while. My strength has skyrocketed, size to match, but I definitely have an imbalance now and would rather re-integrate rows. SLDL will provide plenty of work for lower and central back in its stead. 11 clustered bench; 4 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups), 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 130kg. 15 clustered rows; 5,5,5 - 130kg. Explosive. 9 clustered squats; 5 - 60kg, 1 - 100kg (warm ups) 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 140kg. Would normally do 10, but spasming from rack pulls was getting a bit serious relative to my load, so I let it be.
7 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups), 1,1 210kg, 1 - 220kg, 1 - 230kg, 1 - 235kg. 1,1 - 220kg. Gave 240kg an attempt but only came 3 inches of the floor. Was so close though. 235 came up v.quickly, actually. Back is still feeling a bit unhappy and definitely affected the lifts. After the 240 attempt I didn't have anything left in the tank, those 220s were slow as fuck. 15 clustered rows; 5,5,5 - 130kg. Explosive. These can definitely get a raise. 12 clustered bench; 5 - 80kg, 2 - 100kg (warm ups), 1 - 120kg, 1 - 130kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1 - 132.5kg, 1,1,1,1 - 140kg.
Curious why you went down from 235 to 220 then back up to attempt 240? If you would have gone right from 235 to 240 I'm guessing you get it. Either way, good attempt at 240 (529 pounds)!! Your progress on deads has been very impressive. It wasn't that long ago that you started working them into your training again, and here you are throwing 500 pounds around like its's nothing! Very impressive, man! I know you've explained this before, but how are you doing your rows? 130 (286 pounds) is a crap ton of weight; since I'm currently doing a mere 43kg, I'm having a hard time even fathoming a 130kg row.
240 attempt came right after the 235. I'm experimenting to see if I want to cover my volume going up to my max attempt, or coming down. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pendlay Rows. BB Rows are kinda like glorfied shrugs, IMO. T-Bar's are excellent though. If I could add any one-piece of equipment to by current gym, it would be that (floor piece).
13 clustered deads; 3 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 3 - 170kg (warm ups), 1,1,1 - 210kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 215kg. I had unfinished business with the barbell. Going to go crazy on these on Monday, before Tuesday flight to Japan. 11 clustered bench; 5 - 80kg, 2 - 100kg (warm ups), 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 130kg. 10 clustered rows; 5,5 - 130kg. Explosive.