Weights, cardio and stuff log

10 clustered squats; 5 - 65kg, 1 - 105kg (warm ups), 1- 125kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 140kg. Glutes are fried today, so these were ugly as fuck ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 clustered BTN; 5 - 60kg (warm ups), 5 - 80kg, 3,2 - 85kg. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 max-stim chins; BW (121kg) + 15kg - 15. Will bump these when back from holiday.
Deads - from the top. Tried for a 240kg, but some fucking idiot walked across the bar path. Had nothing left. Will not be doing these again, the walkout is too taxing at maximum weights. Bench - had 140 easy, 145 didn't quite get there. Rows - I think I can do 140 or 145 explosive once I'm back in the groove from holiday SLDL - awesome. Keeping these around, and bringing in Good Mornings. I might keep rack pulls around and force myself to keep them light? BTN - fantastic. My bench gains are in large part to doing these explosively (push press style). Chins - will bump back to 20kg when in the full swing. Squats - I need to work on these. More quad work needed. I think I may incorporate box squats to assist.
First day in after holiday ... 10 dead singles; 5 - 70kg, 1 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 210kg. .......................................................................................................................... 10 bench singles; 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1,1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1 - 125kg. .......................................................................................................................... 15 clustered rows, explosive; 5,5,5 - 130kg.
15 Squats; 5 - 60kg, 3 - 80kg, 2 - 100kg (warm ups); 5,5,5 - 110kg. ............................................................................................................................................. 15 BTN; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 5,5 - 70kg, 5 - 75kg. Quite easy. ............................................................................................................................................. 12 SLDL - 5 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4 - 150kg, 4 - 160kg. ............................................................................................................................................. 12 max-stim chins; 12 - BW + 15kg.
15 Rack pulls, mid-shin, from blocks, double overhand with versa gripps; 5 - 120kg, 1 - 170kg (warm ups); 5 - 200kg, 5,5 - 210kg. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 deads; 5 - 170kg, 5 - 180kg, 5 - 190kg. Focusing on lifting as fast as I can. That 190 set should probably have stayed at 180, and gone to 190 next week. A bit of an ego boost there. Was still extremely happy with these. ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 bench; 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 3,3,3,3,3 - 110kg. 15 - 60kg (explosive). ................................................................................................................................................................................... Power cleans; 5 - 50kg, 3,3 - 70kg, 3,3,3 - 90kg.
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12 squats; 4 - 60kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 3 - 110kg, 3 - 115kg, 3,3 - 120kg. Left knee bothered me a little on the interior of the anterior. .................................................................................................................... 14 BTN; 4 - 60kg (warm ups); 5,5 - 75kg, 4 - 80kg. .................................................................................................................... 6 SLDL; 5 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 1 - 160kg, 1 - 170kg, 1,1 - 180kg, 1,1 - 190kg. PR on this. Definitely have a 200kg in there. SLDL is Lyle McDonald style, ala rounded back and lifting w/back not legs (predominantly). .................................................................................................................... 10 max-stim chins; 10 - BW + 15kg.
14 deads; 4 - 120kg, 2 - 150kg (warm ups); 5 - 170kg, 3 - 180kg, 3 - 190kg, 3 - 200kg. Still trying to do them as fast as possible. Not sure if I should be doing dedicated speed deadlifts on this day or not. I think I need to do good mornings before hand (in general), to warm up/activate the hamstrings. Stretching is obviously going to inhibit performance. Straight-back, stiff-legged deads at a lighter load might do the trick. I do 15-20 minutes of intense stretching each evening, flexibility is improving certainly, but getting those blasted hamstrings activated is key for me, I think. ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 bench; 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1 - 125kg, 1 - 130kg, negative - 135kg (failed), 3,3 - 115kg. ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 deficit deads, 2 plates deep; 10 singles - 150kg. Definitely need to do these, maybe with above the knee rack-pulls.
11 deads; 4 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg, 2 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1 - 205kg, 1,1,1,1,1 - 210kg, 1,1,1 - 215kg. Took a lot of time setting form for 215 and was v.good. ........................................................................................................................... 12 bench; 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 1,1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 125kg. ........................................................................................................................... Rows; 3x5 - 130kg. Explosive.
10 squats; 5 - 60kg, 3 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1,1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1 - 130kg. Have moved form high bar to low bar, and this definitely suits me more. I expect to perform much better and more consistently on these moving forward. Ideally, I'd like to squat every session, or most sessions, and may move towards that. ................................................................................................................. 15 BTN push press; 5 - 60kg (warm ups); 5 - 70kg, 5,5 - 75kg. Softer floor, so went easier on the load by 5kg. ................................................................................................................. 8 clustered SLDL; 5 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 4,4 - 160kg. ................................................................................................................. 10 max-stim chins; 10 - BW + 15kg.
Low bar is great for people who don't have amazing ankle ROM too. Only problem I've noticed is when people put the bar too low on the delts and it causes the bar to roll down the back during each subsequent rep.

What's a max-stim chin?

Max stim is basically re racking / setting down weight after each rep initially for a few seconds increasing as fatigue sets in, so would image it is just getting off chinning bar and going again etc
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Low-bar is better for my proportions. Ankle ROM is fine. It's really only a 5-6cm difference in positioning.
11 rack pulls, just below knee; (warm ups); 4,4 - 220kg, 3 -230kg. This particular position doesn't feel great on my rib. I think above or below is fine, but 'just' below is going to cause the same issues, I fear. ...................... 15 deads; 5 - 170kg, 5,5 - 180kg. Explosive. These are awesome post-rack pulls, all hamstrings (feels that way), really helps work on leg drive. ...................... 12 pause bench; (warm ups); 3,3,3 - 110kg, 3 - 115kg.
11 squats; 5 - 70kg, 2 - 110kg (warm ups); 1 - 120kg, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 - 130kg.

14 BTN, push press; 5 - 70kg, 5,4 - 75kg.

5 SLDL; 4 - 70kg, 2 - 120kg (warm ups); 1 - 150kg, 1 - 160kg, 1 - 170kg, 1 - 180kg, 1 - 190kg.

12 chins; 3,3,3,3 - BW. The belt at the gym I'm visiting on wedding-work trip is complete garbage.
The program you are currently doing seems to be damn near optimal for strength specific training and powerlifting. Really, probably the best program I have seen from an SST point of view. I really like it as a pure powerlifting/strength setup.
I would do something similar, but I am not much interested in doing heavy singles any more. A bit risky on the joints for me and my aging body, I am personally going to stay on a more HST setup, as O&G, Bryan, etc. are doing..with an emphasis on 6-12 RM range, "light weights" LOL!

Anyway, I am cheering you on, it takes guts to train as heavy and hard as you do! How old are you anyway?
Cheers mate.

30.5 years ATM.

Heavy SLDL might not be optimal. The movement itself is great, and very natural/flowing.

It's actually much less taxing than higher volume programs. CNS fatigue is minor, occasionally the lower back gets tired (distinct from sore).

The ultimate goal is a 300kg deadlift, 250kg for this year (at least).

Push press is great for anyone wanting to improve their bench.

I also don't do many rows as I probably should.
Last thursday:

Rack pulls; (warm ups); 5,5,4 - 240kg. Above the knee. Not doing these again at this height. Caused me a lot of lower back tightening over the weekend. Above the knee is just fools gold IMO.

Pause bench; (warm ups); 3 - 100kg, 3,3 - 115kg, 2 - 110kg.

Speed deadlifts; 3,3,3 - 120kg. I think these will be done as normal height deads, and then add in rows before/after. Still trying to determine what to place on this workout for the deadlift movement.
13 deads; 5 - 70kg, 3 - 120kg, 3 - 170kg (warm ups); 1,1,1,1 - 210kg, 1,1,1,1 - 215kg, 1,1,1 - 220kg, 1 - 225kg, 1 - 230kg. It might have been 4 reps at 220kg. Was comparing notes with a few ppl here and there.

10 bench; 5 - 80kg, 3 - 100kg (warm ups, all paused); 1,1,1,1,2,2,2 - 125kg.

12 rows; 4,4,4 - 140kg. Explosive.

Next week or the week after, 240kg is getting the fuck off the floor.

Second session;

Pause Bench; 3,3,3 - 110kg

Good mornings; 2x8 - 60kg
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