Dear bandekk,
As indicated in the other posts, there are numerous things you can add to your protein drink for alteration of texture, flavour, caloric content etc.
It is advised that, prior to working out, a fast digesting protein is ingested for the purpose of hyperaminoacidemia i.e. the flooding of your bloodstream with amino acids. Thus, in your pre-workout drink, do not add anything that can potentially slow gastric emptying. This means nothing with fibre or fat. Thus, the best would be to mix your whey with water and if you must, nesquick or whatever carbohydrate-based flavouring (malted barley etc) if whey alone is unbearable.
The post-workout shake is different from the pre-workout shake. Post-workout, hyperaminoacidemia takes second place to a slower, continuous supply of nutrients. If you are on a strict carb-free diet, then this shake can consist of protein powder, thickened cream, peanut butter and sugar-free flavouring. If not, add anything that catches your fancy: fruit -fresh or canned, ice-cream, yoghurt, butter, butterscotch, cookies, candy bars, honey - blend the whole thing until a desired consistency is achieved then drink up.
Godspeed, and happy HSTing