Here's a quote from MedlinePlus with the full link at the bottom of this post:
Keep in mind that we are talking about a normal healthy athletes as opposed to how you would treat someone with diabetes who has a hypoglycemic episode. The dietary recommendations are all geared towards decreasing the glycemic response to food (fiber, complex not simple carbs) Protein has also been shown to decrease the glycemic response in a mixed meal. Alcohol blocks glycogen breakdown in the liver (which is why I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and with a rapid heartbeat after a few glasses of wine
Medline Hypoglycemia info
[b said:Quote[/b] ]In the longer term, you may need to modify your diet so that you get glucose into your body more evenly throughout the day. This may prevent further hypoglycemic episodes. Small, frequent meals with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and fat; and avoiding simple sugars, alcohol, and fruit juice are the type of dietary modifications that may be recommended. You should also eat meals at regular intervals, and balance extra exercise with extra food.
Keep in mind that we are talking about a normal healthy athletes as opposed to how you would treat someone with diabetes who has a hypoglycemic episode. The dietary recommendations are all geared towards decreasing the glycemic response to food (fiber, complex not simple carbs) Protein has also been shown to decrease the glycemic response in a mixed meal. Alcohol blocks glycogen breakdown in the liver (which is why I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and with a rapid heartbeat after a few glasses of wine

Medline Hypoglycemia info