I don't know why this old thread popped back up, but thought I'd add my opinions.
First, I agree with every post of xahrx.
Yes, HRT is available but our doctors are still mostly uneducated. I qualified for it myself but haven't gotten on it yet because:
1.) the amount you get is barely anabolic at all. But will make you feel good and tend to lean out. (lose fat) I was prescribed around 100IU test cyp. A beginner's anabolic program would be 250IU I believe. (weekly) I've talked to local guys on the legal dose and they love it, but all wish it were higher.
2.) everything legal is expensive, from the tests to the prescription fees and the "drug". You could save by getting your own tests though. Mine were "$500.00" but gee, they gave me a "discount" at "cost" of $350.00 after I bitched. It was no more complete of a test than I could have gotten at AnyTest for $100.00. So at this time, the 'control' of the market is with either the antiaging ripoffs or black market. No one has had the sense to make it truly legally available at a decent dose and price.
My past experience with Superdrol was mediocre compared to my trial with M1t, which I understand, both are weak compared to test. The new Superdrol (legal after the ban) is supposedly no better than tribulus, which we know is a ripoff. I'm not wasting money anymore on PH's. And you WILL lose your gains without proper protocol. Perhaps even regardless. I eventually did.
A very short cycle of test, done by our very own Sci, was ineffective. There seems to be a need to stay on for more than a few weeks, but he was doing Enanthate, a slow acting hormone. That's all I've observed about that, so it's a guess.
HRT would even the playing field for us older lifters who've lost their hormones like Bo Peep's sheep, and put us in a more youthful state. As a matter of fact, after reading MANY aging articles, and literature from the antiaging clinics, the BEST method of revitalization seems to be GH and Test. Once begun, the test isn't so expensive to maintain, and at the low doses they give, you DO NOT HAVE TO CYCLE it. You can just stay on it and enjoy the benefits. I believe, as was mentioned, that since no one is showing any long-term ill effects from heavier 'roid cycling (I mean using; not abusing) then HRT doses couldn't possibly hurt. Even if a little higher, into the anabolic range.
GH is very expensive, no matter what.
Regardless, I'd rather have a legal amount of test and pay for it (painfully) than to keep fighting this inability to bulk without getting instantly fat and the inability to lose the fat without losing most of the gains. That's what's happening to me now and I'm pissed. Not that BB'ing is the end-all of life, but I haven't made my goals yet, and it's still my hobby/sport/lifestyle/choice.
Just my 2 or 3c worth.