LOL[b said:Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ Sep. 19 2004,6:13)]Yeah! Joe Weider for President.
You see, I do think there is such a thing as too big. It's when the size of a muscle itself throws off a guy's proportion because the muscle just looks too dang big on him, period. I think the guys in the golden age got it right. Schwartzanegger looked great, Columbu too. There was a balance to the approach, not just a bigger is better approach. Though those huge muscles are impressive they don't seem as 'right' as a well balanced, well proportioned, but still much more massive than average look.[b said:Quote[/b] (Bryan Haycock @ Sep. 19 2004,6:25)]I've always been a fan of HUGE over gracefull. I look forward to the oportunity to keep my testosterone levels in the "high-normal" range as I hit andropause as well.
Agreed. It just bothers me to see people talk down on the subject given they have no real expeience with it.[b said:Quote[/b] (Baoh @ Sep. 20 2004,2:19)]I care about them.
What saddens me is when people talk about them, or "preach" about them, but have failed to arm themselves with extensive knowledge of the subject. I don't think using them is a prerequisite.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]In the case of a doctor, it's different. This is their profession. They have spent extensive time studying and learning about androgens, bla bla bla. This is their life. They are very qualified to speak/preach on this issue.
Like Alcohol, & its legal. HA, go figure...[b said:Quote[/b] (dkm1987 @ Sep. 20 2004,55)]I have to agree with BIZ, I personally couldn't care the less if they are legal or illegal. My dander only gets raised when people start talk of how menacing they are and how such a burden on society they have become, talk about skewed perspective. There are far worse substances in use that have far greater potential for harm.
First I feel sorry for you. You should should find a new doctor.[b said:Quote[/b] (ilFacell @ Sep. 20 2004,4:42)]HA. I know several physicians that know nothing of the matter. Please, do not use a general term--such as 'doctor'--to specify a specialist.
The study of the adaptive nature of the musculoskeletal system has been 'my life' for the past two years. Does this qualify me?
I kind of agree with this.[b said:Quote[/b] (ejones @ Sep. 20 2004,11:49)]The one thing that bothers me about steroids is the way it raises the standard of everyone into bodybuilding.
I agree. The problem is too many people listen to D.A.R.E. reps and think they know everything there is to know about drugs. I was raised by D.A.R.E. I helped with security for their get togethers at a local beach when iwas 18-19. Got into college and actually ended up having to do research to back up my opinions and defend them with actual facts. Things changed drastically. You learn about all the selective quoting of studies done by antidrug organizations, the methodological errors that many if not all studies used to justifiy prohibition are riddled with. It's an eye openner, no doubt about it.[b said:Quote[/b] (MrNasty @ Sep. 20 2004,5:40)]I dont know why you guys must argue with me, I know all of you agree to some degree. There is nothing worse or more annoying than the people I speak of.