your results with HST...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharivan
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GOOD work !!! you gained muscles and lost fat !!

I hope the myth of bulking will end soon !!!
hey, I will have to report back to give you total measure ments. I just weighed and I was up to 231. this is 2 days after the carb up phase. I was initially 218-221 range before my first hst cycle. My arms are a little under 181/2 with a 'mod pump' while on a ckd 'diet'. I have been leaning up for the past 2 hst cycles slowly dropping some body weight. So imagine my suprise when i saw I am still about 10 lbs HEAVIER than when I started. I should have taken pictures to show you what numbers don't well express. Hst works well for me.
Hey guys just finished my secound cycle. I just though I'd post my results.
before after
calves 15.75 16
thighs 25.5 27.75
hips 40.5 43
waist 35 37.5
chest 47 47.5
arms 16 17.25

All my badypars are symetrical so I didnt bother with typing both left a right. (I did measure both though). Also I know it looks like I put on fat but my skin folds have actually gone down. I did abs using cable crunches and increasing weights during my first cycle and most of that size went on then. Also I started doing SLDL for the first time. So I am pretty close to the same %bf as when I started (about 17%). I have changed the Ab routine now though hopefully no more growth on the waist line. Anyway I know these results dont look huge but I have trained for the last 5 years with only about the same increases I have had in the last 11 weeks so


for HST. I'll be sticking with it even though I am now heading into a cutting phase. I am hoping HST will stop me from losing all the size that I have gained. Next stop 8%body fat.
Thanks guys
sweeeet dude, training hst style on your abs may be the cause for the increased waistline, but that is certainly the first time i've seen an increased waistline like that on hst....most people slim down on it. although you are losign fat so you are slimming down, but your abs are just pushing out

if you want the powerlifter style abs- keep goin, if not, drop the added resistance excercise and work crunches and leg raises......just mo
I finished my first HST cycle this last Sunday. In what follows I’ll try to detail every thing I did to make the most of this trail. I started out on the week of July 29th with three days of testing, took one week of SD then did two weeks of 15s, two of 10s and 4 of 5s. Once I got to my 5-rep max I saw that I could continue increasing, so I did. I continued to increase the resistance by the same increments I had used throughout my cycle (2.5% of 5-rep max) until I reached failure on two of the 11 exercises I was doing in each routine. The exercises I used and the strength increases I experienced (as compared to my 5-rep max) are as follows:
1. MedX Pulldown (5-rep max was 460 lbs., I finished by doing 220 lbs. unilaterally)
2. MedX Chest Press (5-rep max was 580 lbs., I finished by doing 248 lbs. unilaterally)
3. MedX Seated Leg Curl (failed at 192 lbs done unilaterally; .06% more then 5-rep max)
4. MedX Leg Extension (finished at 224 lbs done unilaterally; 12% more then 5-rep max)
5. Nautilus Row Torso (finished at 140 lbs; 16.6% more then 5-rep max)
6. Nautilus Biceps (failed at 135 lbs; 12.5% more then 5 rep max)
7. MedX Triceps Pressdown (finished at 194 lbs; 14% more then 5 rep max)
8. MedX Leg Press (finished at 958 lbs; 10% more then 5 rep max)
9. Nautilus Shrug Machine (finished at 140 lbs; 16.6% more then 5-rep max)
10. Nautitlus Shoulder Press (finished at 140 lbs., 16.6% more then 5-rep max)
11. Nautilus Standing Calf Raise (finshed at 252 lbs; .05% more then 5-rep max
Alternated with
12. Seated Calf Raise (finished at 150 lbs.; 15% more then 5 rep max)
I performed the above routine 3x/week, usually Mon., Wed. Fri. and I performed one set of each exercise. I used a rep speed of 2/4 for all exercises. I would set up all the machines and then go from one to the other with little or no rest. Workouts lasted from 20 minutes during the 5s to 35 minutes during the 15s. Exept for the biceps and leg curl exercises on the second to last workout, I did not experience failure at any point throughout the entire cycle.
Here are my results in terms of circumference and bodyfat measurements. The first number refers to the initial measurement, taken before my first rep-max test workout, on 7/29/02. The second number refers to the final measurement, taken today. The third number refers to the difference between the two.
Circumference Mesurements (in inches)
Chest: 46 1/2; 46 3/8; down 1/8
Waist: 35 1/8; 35 1/2; up 3/8
Hips: 42 5/8; 43; up 3/8
Right Thigh: 25 3/8; 26 1/4; up 7/8
Left Thigh: 26 5/8; 27; up 3/8
Right Calf: 16 1/4; 16; down 1/4
Left Calf: 17 1/8; 17; down 1/8
Right Bicep: 16; 16 remained the same
Left Bicep: 16 1/2; 16 1/2; remained the same
Right Forearm: 13 5/8; 13 1/2; down 1/8
Left Forearm: 13 1/4; 13 3/8; down 1/8
Neck: 17 1/8; 17 5/8; up 1/2 (compared to 7/8/02)
Shoulders: 51 1/8; 51; 1/8 remained the same
Body Composition Measurements (in lbs. or millimeters)
Weight: 220; 221.5; up 1.5
Chest skinfold: 3; 3; remained the same
Waist skinfold: 10.5; 13; up 2.5
Thigh Skinfold: 7.5; 7.5; remained the same
Skinfold Sum: 21; 23.5; up 2.5
Fat %: 7.5; 8.23; up .73
Fat Wt.: 16.5; 18.2; up 1.7
LBM: 203.5; 203.3; down .2
Nutritional Facts:
Week 1 (rep max testing) I averaged 4100 calories per day.
Week 2 (SD) I averaged 3915 calories per day.
Week 3 (15s) I averaged 4027 calories per day.
Week 4 (15s) I averaged 3614 calories per day.
Week 5 (10s) I averaged 3639 calories per day.
Week 6 (10s) I averaged 3330 calories per day.
Week 7 (5s) I averaged 3184 calories per day.
Week 8 (5s) I averaged 3607 calories per day.
Week 9 (5s) I averaged 3527 calories per day.
Week 10 (5s) I averaged 3677 calories per day.
I consumed an average of 1.7 grams of protein, .87 grams of fat, and 5.3 g of carbs per kg. of bodyweight throughout the cycle. Except for my 2nd week of 10s and 1st week of 5s, where I was worried about depositing too much fat, I kept my caloric consumption at 16 calories per lb. or above. My weight fluctuated as follows:
Week of rep-max testing I went from 220 to 226.
Week of SD I went back down to 223.
1st week of 15s I went up to 227.
2nd week of 15s back down to 225.
1st week of 10s up to 226.
2nd week of 10s down to 223.
1st week of 5s I went down to 222.
2nd week of 5s I went up to 225.
3rd week of 5s I went down to 224.
4th week of 5s I went down to 221.5.
Except for the week of SD following my rep-max testing where I limited my exercise to virtually nothing, I burned an average of 2481 calories per week in martial arts training (boxing or wrestling).
Those are the facts. I’ve tried to err on the side of providing more detail rather than less so that it would help anyone who would like to give me some feedback. I’ll try to send some before and after pictures tomorrow.
Don Francisco
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but what I see here are no gains, well not in LBM anyway...the only noticeable gains were in strength. Is it the method, exercises or nutrition that is at fault here?

Although, this poses an interesting idea...Reality HST...
Why don't two or three people who are beginning new cycles post their schedule, exercises etc., and then their gains or losses weekly, so we can track their progress and in so doing, prove (or disprove) the efficacy of the HST method.

It seems though, HST suffers from the same problem as any other training regimen...done correctly, one will experience significant gains. Err slightly from what your body requires exactly and gains will be limited. So the "correct" procedure, regardless of the theory behind it, remains subjective and specific. As such, there remains a "trial and error" approach to what is the "proper" training method to induce growth in each body. It is just that HST, or rather the theory behind HST, provides a guideline of what you should be trying to achieve within the muscle itself. Which, I might add, is like a breath of fresh air compared to the train till you feel it burn theories advocated by a number of authorities.

To quote Bryan, "Ok, now I'm rambling".
I just started my first cycle of HST on Monday and after reading the results (or lack of) that DonFrancisco posted, I am wondering if I would be better off continuing on with my 5X5 and EDT workouts. :confused:
Bob T,

If you are going by posted results then that would say: do HST. Don F's results are the exception not the rule regarding posts. I'm stumped as to why he did not gain. But If I were you, I would do HST as it is outlined on the site for a full two cylcles eating correctly, and then make a desion. Obviously you can stop at any time but stoping in your first week because of one post does not make sence to me. Give it a good shot and then decide for yourself.

Bob E :)
Ok, Newbie here with a first post and some results. I worked out for about 6 months (3on1off) after taking 10 years off. I did sd, then RM's, then sd again, then began the first cycle. It looked like this:

Leg Curls
Shoulder Presses
Rear delt

1-2 sets each with the extra set given to back and arms.
Measurements (in inches):
Start/End after sd/difference
Chest, relaxed 42/43.5/+1.5
Waist 35.5/36/+.5
Arms, left 14.25/15/+.75
Arms, right 14/15/+1
Calves, left 14/15/+1
Calves, right 13.75/14.75/+1
Thighs, left 21/22.75/+1.75
Thighs, right 21.5/23/+1.5
Weight 165/176/+11
Height 5'7.5"

Yea, I'm happy. I know I had gains in BF but I'm not too concerned about that. I overtrained during the 15's (too close to failure w/each set) of my second cycle, took a few extra days off and started my 10's and the gains are back on track. :D I hovered around 2500-3000 kcal/day (180g prot).

I need to take my BF% but my gut feeling was that I maintained or increased my BF% a tad and had some good gains in lean muscle mass. The combination probably accounts for the decent gains. I expect the gains during my next cycle to be much smaller as I get more strict with my diet and add some cardio.
EricM --
How did you possibly manage to add 11 pounds of muscle AND fat when obviously eating hypocalorically? For a guy your size, you should be pounding at least 3500-4000 calories a day to bulk. Your current 2500-3000 almost qualifies as cutting, YET you managed to put on so much weight...?

I used to weigh 195 on a small-boned frame with certifiable dough-boy proportions. I spent most of last year losing weight slowly by cutting down on calories (avg 2000/day, my maintenance intake for my lifestyle runs around 2200 @ BMR*1.15) and going for a daily walk until I reached 162. When I began working out lightly in Feb, I didn't increase my caloric intake but I stopped walking. On HST I didn't do cardio but ate alot in comparison.
So, yea, taking in 3000 now (plus that extra burger that I didn't account for :) ), to me, adds up. (approx 65 days on HST taking 500 kcal over BMR+ADL divided by 3500 kcal is 9.28lbs). Add creatine to that and it makes sense.
Unfortunately, I didn't take my BF%. But I suspect HST worked since I have a few bumps where I didn't before.

I would recommend you give HST a try. You can't draw any conclusions about how HST will work for you from my individual experience. I'm a pretty tough case as far as hypertrophy is concerned--I do several hours of martials arts training each week, I add bodyfat easily on a caloric surplus, have been training for over 15 years, etc. I'm currently trying to analyze what I would need to do make it possible for me to add on a significant amount of muscle. My advice, for what its worth, is to treat yourself as an experiment with a population of one.

Don Francisco
Results after 1 HST cycle
(1 week 15's, 2 weeks 10's, 4 weeks 5's)
Before HST (August 11, 2002) After HST (September 27, 2002)
Weight: 225 lbs.................... Weight: 234 lb
Body fat %: 15.5.................. Body fat %: 11.5
Lean Weight: 190 lbs............. Lean Weight: 207.4
Bicep: 16 inches................... Bicep: 18.5
Forearm: 14......................... Forearm: 15.5
Chest: 48............................ Chest: 49.5
Waist: 40............................ Waist: 37
Neck: 17............................. Neck: 17.25
Calf: 17.............................. Calf: 17.75
Thigh: 26............................ Thigh: 26.25
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mstoppa @ Oct. 11 2002,11:00)]Results after 1 HST cycle
(1 week 15's, 2 weeks 10's, 4 weeks 5's)
Before HST (August 11, 2002) After HST (September 27, 2002)
Weight: 225 lbs.................... Weight: 234 lb
Body fat %: 15.5.................. Body fat %: 11.5
Lean Weight: 190 lbs............. Lean Weight: 207.4
Bicep: 16 inches................... Bicep: 18.5
Forearm: 14......................... Forearm: 15.5
Chest: 48............................ Chest: 49.5
Waist: 40............................ Waist: 37
Neck: 17............................. Neck: 17.25
Calf: 17.............................. Calf: 17.75
Thigh: 26............................ Thigh: 26.25
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mstoppa?!!!! Holy cow! Man I wish you would have taken pictures.... Fantastic results!
Wow, you gained two and a half inches on your arms in less than two months! I am very very very very very impressed!

How will you look like after another cycle,man!

Please take pictures now and after the end of your next cycle!

Youre the greatest,felicidados!