Recent content by Arhnold

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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    Hey Dennis You're absolutely right about your choice between deads and straight deads... You could also consider sume-deads... And the military should've been there from the start
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    I think we just have to disagree here - I'd say it's better to do his workout 3-4 times per week (i.e. every other day) and increase the number of kilos and sets during the priod - that way, you utilize the entire protein synthesis instead of "summing up" as you suggested - I simply...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    It's not like I dont know that - but if you read the post, you'd see, that that's not the issue - he was thinking about doing the SAME workout as before, just do it more often - he wanted more volume, and that's why my suggestion is better - at least thats what I think
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    If you work out like this: Monday: chest Tuesday chest Thursday chest Friday Chest Sunday chest i.e. 5 times per week as mentioned by Dennis, then your muscle will simply not be able to grow. There is a "build up" effect if you workout the same muscle two days in a row, implying that...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    that's simply just not correct - I agree that it's a good idea to have some sort of energy intake during a training session that last more than an hour. That being said - I do 9 exercises, 3 sets of each, in an hour and 10 minutes. If you work out more than every other day, you have to split...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    Can't you do push-ups and stuff on your holiday??? I'd do that for sure, and pistols (one-legged squats) too... ANd then do the SD the last two weeks of your holliday Working out 5 times in a week wouldn't do you much good. Remember, the principle for HST is to work out each 48 hours. So doing...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    Doing a full-body each day might be possible for a newbie, but it's not a very good idea - you simply stress the body too much. If your goal is weight loss, then you might increase your cardiovascular training, if your goal is musclemass, you should stick with the routine,perhaps increase the...
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    Cutting ???

    I'll finish my cycle in about 3 weeks. After that, I wanna do some cutting. Should I: 1) Extend my current cycle and cut , or: 2) Do some SD, and then start a new cycle just as usual and cut during that cycle And another thing: what is best, to: 1)cut for a long period, and bulk for another...
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    Increment size

    During my cycle, I train either 3 times a week, or sometimes 4 (i.e. monday, wed, fri, sun) - in that way, I do a lot of workouts during the 8 weeks that my cycle lasts (about 25). To be able to increase my weights over the period without starting to low, I have to repeat some weights - for...
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    Started 15's...a few ?'s and problems

    I'm a great fan of the HST principles, but I think that even though one should be carefull not to "tweak" the principles too much, you don't have to be manic about them: the most important feature is to do an increase in the waights over time (but don't do failure/forced reps), there's...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    When building muscle, it is hard to get rid of bodyfat at the same time. However, if you're relatively new to training, and if your bodyfat is somehow high, both things should be possible. After a while, when you feel that either your muscle gains or your fat loss stops, try to look for some...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    I'm not too much into measuring and photos, but a good guideline is to measure around the chest (about nipple height), around the arms and the thighs... Where on the specific bodypart you do it is not too important just make sure that it's the same spot each time. Also make sure that it's not...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    Your right with the abs - it's probably the most difficult group to target with HST, I think, especially because the best excercises are so difficult to perform, that it's hard to add weight, especially in a home gym. What you could do is this (if you don't have back problems). Lie on your back...
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    New to HST, hows my routine?

    HST will definately be good for you There are some things I'd change if I were you: the ABs should be trained like all other muscles - i.e. not doing a billion reps like most people can do in airbiking. Do fx a weighted crunch and follow the progression suggested by HST - the same goes for...
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    Knowledge vs Experience

    I'd say knowledge - you can train for years without achieving anything - but with the proper knowledge, the results can be achieved fast.. Experience counts a lot too though, no doubt about that. Especially if you used to be very fit but had a break somehow, and then start over, your...