Recent content by Cliner9er

  1. C

    Rate My Posy WO Shake.

    What he said. Looks like you have enough pre-WO with a meal 1-2 hrs. beforehand so I would just track progress with this amount of food. 1200 kcal's is a big ol' shake.
  2. C

    Cardio and EPOC

    A lot of the older work that is references used by Kravitz here use some poor methodology. TRUE EPOC is much, much less than stated. A lot of the increased metabolic numbers are due to starting EPOC measures immediately after exercise, well duh, of course the higher intensity activities will...
  3. C

    Rate My Posy WO Shake.

    When do you work out (time of day)?
  4. C

    Training and Nutrition with Diabetes

    I am with Aaron, we will need to know a little more about her condition. Exercise with IDDM and NIDDM is alittle different in responses and can subset again with other diabetes related conditions ("pathies").
  5. C

    The Forgotten Bodybuilding Nutrient

    eck, the typical deficiency model for supplementation. Jerk offs like Conte et al. have been manipulating data like this for years.
  6. C

    getting rid of the fat

    You might be eating a peanut spread then. In the US for a food to be called peanut butter it has to have 90% peanuts and then 4-6% stearic acids. Doesn't leave much room for the load of HFCS or TFA's especially for the amounts most folks use to supplement a diet.
  7. C

    Do you people do cardio when bulking up?

    Muscle loss from cardio is greatly exaggerated. Adequate protein and kcal's with a decent resistance training program will allow you to retain LBM very well. Why are you doing cardio on an empty stomach are you sub 10% BF?
  8. C

    ?Where can I get a dip belt?

    It doesn't dig into the back with the poly coating.
  9. C

    ?Where can I get a dip belt?

    Sure, gotta have alittle butt back there though. :) . Just wrap around (length will vary according to your height), clip weights through chain. Has never dropped, even with the heaviest poundages.
  10. C

    ?Where can I get a dip belt?

    Home Depot. ;) 4-5 ft. of poly-coated swing set chain: $2.50 Swing lock: $1.00 Total cost: $3.50. Mine has held 100 pounds with no problem. If it can hold fat kids, it can hold a good amount of weight.
  11. C

    What does your pre and post nutrition look like?

    Pre: Gatorade and whey Post: Gatorade+ dextrose+ whey with breakfast about 30 minutes later.
  12. C

    Is Fit Day really "Fat" Day

    Any formula is pretty much worthless if you take it to the point. It will just give you a ballpark figure to start with then you will need to adjust from there. Variations can be as high as +/- 20%
  13. C

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    The best part of gastric "dumping".
  14. C

    Does Hypertrophy require much excess calories?

    What do you mean absorption rates? Speed of start? Length of availability? The 2 meal scenario though not ideal is plausible. With IBM in place and a LARGE meal (think 1000-1500 kcal for maintenance for example) it can take 10-12 hours for total gastric dumping.
  15. C

    alkaline diet discussion

    A Ca supplement should ameliorate any concern with protein and osteoporosis. Plus if you are exercising your risk will be even less. Exercise seems to be the messanger and Ca and other minerals seem to be the builder of bone mass per osteocytes.