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  1. K

    The Zone Diet

    I think I'm the only one that followed exactly as Sears suggests while doing HST. I have built muscle (my best being 3-4 pounds of LBM in a cycle) and an equal amount of fat. I dont know if that is an endorsement or not but it was good for me considering my past training experiences. Although...
  2. K

    Building muscle with low BF?

    My first two carb loads haven't gone too well...I feel like s#@t, my limbs feel like lead, keep nodding off during the day and my brain feels like it is water-logged/headaches If this is recovery I think I'll pass! I think I will stick to what works and keep that blood sugar steady ;) I'm...
  3. K

    Building muscle with low BF?

    O.K. I am going into 'growth' phase as of now... I have been reading Berardi's/Par Deus' ideas on pre-post workout feeding and have a few Qs that I need help with. 1. The concensus seems to be that a 50/50 blend of dex./malt. is best. Since I am going to take in a larger amount of carbs...
  4. K

    Fiber for fat loss

    I think it just comes down to hunger/filling much like Sears suggests for fat loss (hi-fibre foods taking longer to digest/G.I. and all that) Of course, the health benefits are always welcome too.
  5. K

    Ketogenic diet

    Tai, I think it is possible to be Vegetarian and get cut altho a little more work. Here is how I would sum up the basics for fat loss: Have a calorie deficit (~500 below maint.) Get enough protein to minimize muscle loss (~0.8 to 1g per pd. LBM) Get enough fats/essential fats (as per Bryan's...
  6. K

    Ketogenic diet

    Great Progress! Have you been following Lyle's interview over at Wanna Be Big? Lots of interesting insights. Particularly the after workout carb up. How have the workouts been during the week (Wed & Fri) with strict CKD? I think I would prefer the TKD altho the Zone comes out on top...
  7. K

    This may help with optimising HIIT for fat loss

    S#@T! I have been doing it backwards I thought 20 secs all out was overkill! (cool band BTW) Are you sure that is right?
  8. K

    barry sears new zone rec's

    I am not a 100% sure about size, my computer skills are somewhat underdeveloped. I just play with things until they work The instructions say that these files are accepted: .gif .jpeg .jpg .swf and there is a maximum pixel size, although it will adjust it if it is too large. If you dont have...
  9. K

    Where are you from?

    I used to watch this show when I was a kid called The Beachcombers, about a family of Canadian loggers I think? So that is my impression of Canada. Lots of lumberjacks with beanies :D Now I am off walkabout to visit my next door neighbours about 30 kilometres away as I need to borrow some...
  10. K

    homemade protein bars

    Here is a recipe of Jay Robb's for carob balls! Of course, you can pound it into one or two bars ;) 3 tbs carob powder 3 oz protein powder 1.5 tbs olive or flax oil 14 wlanut halves 4 tbs raisins 2 tsp rice bran water as needed rum/ or essence (my idea!) Chuch everything in bowl except...
  11. K

    barry sears new zone rec's

    I have to admit that it is only mentioned one or twice in the first book. Mastering the Zone was when he made major adjustments WRT playing around either side of the .75 p/c ratio. Probably because he had a wider base of subjects to realize that some people just were not getting the benefits...
  12. K

    barry sears new zone rec's

    It's not new. It was in the first book :D Athletes add up to double the fat, so as Jules said the ratios skew to reflect that. Also, you can add or subtract 1 carb block from each meal, if needed to get the other benefits listed. This reflects the difference in individual biochemistry.
  13. K

    Excellent source of dietary fibre

    8--> Just to clarify that statement for El, if he missed Bryan's post, there will be TWO, yes count em', TWO books :D One 'how to' book and one 'techno' book NOw we have twice as much to be excited about!
  14. K

    The Look

    Here is the look I like, a great shot of The Little Dragon! Those lats rock for such a little guy!
  15. K

    The Look

    Here is the look I like, a great shot of The Little Dragon! Those lats rock for such a little guy!
  16. K

    The Look

    Welcome back, we have missed and needed you to check our premises!
  17. K

    The Look

    Welcome back, we have missed and needed you to check our premises!
  18. K

    Pre Exercise Nutrition timing

    I remember vividly when I first tried gatoraide before training (must be about 10 years ago) and I crashed big time. Like as in pale white, I'm gonna puke and pass out. I tried it a few times after before realizing it was the drink. For me adding in the protein and fat makes a big difference. I...
  19. K

    Building muscle with low BF?

    12*bw , or Zone blocks, or lbm*lbm/10 They work out the same for me. Zone blocks for losing = 18, which is about 1670 cals. double the fat as Sears' suggests for maintenance= ~2000. My maintenance is about 1960 based on the other methods. Im not sure whether to add the carb load during the...
  20. K

    Building muscle with low BF?

    Thanks Jules, The 'bulking' plan you have come up with is pretty much the same as Jay's ideas for endurance athletes, 30/40% of cals as carbs with all meals and snacks but with a card load every 1 day. Oddly, his recommendations for BBs are slightly lower carbs during the day (~20%) but I have...