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    Berardi says...........

    nothing. There is absolutely no magic in eating cottage cheese or anything else for that matter before bed.
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    Gaining-dieting periods

    Bro, you are burning the same amount of calories either way, so in all honesty it isn't going to make much of a difference, if any at all. In fact, personally I prefer cardio after training, but that's just me. In the morning, I wouldn't do any exercise unless I had at least a protein shake and...
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    Natural Testosterone boost

    Pardon me for oversimplifying. This is the point I was getting at. Sure, it may SLIGHTLY increase total testosterone, but to levels needed to notice any physiological effects.......very doubtful.
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    Help me out with my diet...Please

    ya man. If your bf is truly 28%, trust me, you probably look fat.... no way around that one, bud.
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    Gain Muscle lose Fat?

    hence bulking and cutting phases....
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    Gain Muscle lose Fat?

    hence bulking and cutting phases....
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    Help me out with my diet...Please

    If I were you I would cut down to at least 15%bf, while focusing on maintaining as much muscle as possible. 28% is pretty high dude.
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    forgot my gainer at home! help!

    weight gainer = rip-off
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    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Try doing full body workouts 3-6 times a week to failure and see how long you last. You will see things very clearly afterwards....
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    Last meal

    It doesn't matter as long as you are getting enough calories throughout the week for whatever your goals are.
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    ur thoughts on chromium picolinate

    might be of "some" benefit if you are diabetic.... If not, then just throwin money away. Take a multi and be happy.
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    hahaha this is getting funny!!
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    Is dirty bulking better than clean?

    No, you don't understand my point..... The answer to your question is that if you are TRULY bulking (i.e. calorie surplus) you are going to gain fat either way. And probably about the same amount no matter what you are eating, provided you are getting enough protein. Now, this being said...
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    Is dirty bulking better than clean?

    If you know how many calories you are taking in either way, it probably won't make one bit of difference. You could sit around and eat chicken breasts and broccoli all day long, but if it's calories equal more than what you are using, you are going to gain fat anyways....
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    Not using load

    First off, why don't you let your kid decide for himself if he wants to be a weight lifter/athlete? If it is something he shows interest in, then worry about it.
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    how do we know protein powder are real?

    protein powder = government cover-up
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    Chinese Water Torture

    Respect, Chthonian. Respect. BOOYAKASHAAAA!!
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    Chinese Water Torture

    If I could eat 3500 calories in one sitting I would, and I would probably be the same size I am right now.....