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  1. B

    Help with an injury

    Just what I was hoping not to hear. Oh well, gives new meaning to "the truth hurts".
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    Help with an injury

    Thx for the replies. The Shrugs huh,...ok. It's just that it hurts so terribly much when I move my head forward, yup, hurts in my back when I move my head. So I just assumed that it had something to do with the neck. It was wierd how I worked out on Thurs. then when I went to work out...
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    Help with an injury

    Thx for the replies. The Shrugs huh,...ok. It's just that it hurts so terribly much when I move my head forward, yup, hurts in my back when I move my head. So I just assumed that it had something to do with the neck. It was wierd how I worked out on Thurs. then when I went to work out...
  4. B

    Help with an injury please.
  5. B

    Help with an injury please.
  6. B

    Help with an injury

    I have this extreme pain in my back. The first time I felt it was over a week ago. It is in my upper back in this muscle that runs close to the spine and kind of under the inside portion of my shoulder blade. It hurts like crazy when I tilt my head down, like to look at my chest. I didn’t have...
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    Help with an injury

    I have this extreme pain in my back. The first time I felt it was over a week ago. It is in my upper back in this muscle that runs close to the spine and kind of under the inside portion of my shoulder blade. It hurts like crazy when I tilt my head down, like to look at my chest. I didn’t have...
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    conflicting information.

    Dan, I do understand the truth about how many sets, you are right, Bryan has explained it on numerous occasions. The part I can't reconcile is why this page says under the section titled Low volume per exercise - "sets beyond the first "effective" set do little more than burn...
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    conflicting information.

    Welcome, it is a lot to take in and some of it seems counterintuitive, but rarely is it contradictory. And the more you understand it, through practice the more it makes sense, especially the things that seem contradictory. Does it really say one week blocks are more effective, that would make...
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    To dextrose or not to dextrose.

    Ok, anyone who had read through the articles on this site knows that we should be doing our post workout shake before our workout. Then follow it up after the workout with another protein shake...preferrably a slow protein, right? This article was informative and rings true, however, the...
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    Protein Supplements

    So you only want the holy grail of bodybuilding nutrition and supplimentation. If you find it, save a sip for us. Well, until you find it, I would suggest - as with most things - the ideal solution is probably somewhere in the middle. Use powders, get some bars and some chili. Do it...
  12. B

    Looking for a slow protein

    Thx a lot for the confirmation Bryan. Great! So I've been doing it wrong all along, having whey shakes in the morning, before bed, etc. Why?! Because I was too much of a cheap arse to buy two kinds of protein. But in the end two 2lb. jugs of different stuff will last just as long as one 4lb...
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    Looking for a slow protein

    Hi Bryan, Thank you for posting that, those ingredients look good (better than muscle milk) and if I buy from amazon the cost is the same as muscle milk. So what do you think of the notion that my general protein suppliment should be slow, and use fast only for pre-workout? Brak
  14. B

    Looking for a slow protein

    After looking at the research, it seems that it would be best to use a slow protein for my morning shakes and my bedtime shakes and pretty much every shake except my pre-workout shake, right? If true…I am trying to find the right one. Muscle Milk is very highly regarded, but is quite high in...
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    Synthol Use among professionals?

    What the hell? How can he think that looks good, why would he do that?!!!
  16. B

    Fats -- Are saturated really that bad?

    Aaron, Seems like the original poster was talking about the rumor that fats (saturated fats) help with test production. I think that was also what Dan more specifically asked you to clarify. So what do you think...many people believe that diets high in fat help produce test, is this true? Brak
  17. B

    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Well, I'm of the opinion that at anytime past the age of 25 an extra spark or two would be appreciated by the missus. So our reasons might not be as different as you suspect. I do cook with the canola from time to time...and pumkin seeds are tasty little buggers. I still have a bunch of toasted...
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    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Well shoot, sounds like I should be buying some fish oil caps. I was just hoping I could get the EFAs from stuff I already need to have around the house anyway (for the "normal" eaters in my family). After trying every darn thing that every article said was good, I was hoping to...
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    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

  20. B

    EFAs, CLA and my nuts

    Thanks for the clarification... Two more questions on this then...isn't Omega 9 an EFA? And if there are no EFAs in olive oil and peanuts/peanut butter, why do so many body builders consume olive oil and peanut butter (by the literal spoonfuls), is there some benefit I don't know about? Brak