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  1. Fausto

    My very simple HST explanation

    Style Not too bad, missing out the negatives, it is important in HST, either or carrying on with 5's using higher weights where possible. So at least 8 weeks, that is 21 workouts. Also frequency as three times per week is the minimum, but as has been verified and tested can be modified to 4...
  2. Fausto

    my old routine

    Joe Correction.... bad part = no HST knowledge Discipline + hard work = good part Also I am sure gains stopped somewhere, but now knowledge is there, plus you know where you are going and how much you will be lifting by the 8th week. Much better karma, I'd say Good for you mate! Good...
  3. Fausto

    hst for physical workers

    Ok Carp... I see some unecessary exercises that I'd probably remove or substitute. If joints are sore, the 3's and 4's are a good alternative, it is the right frame of approach, just carry on with 5's and use 3' and 4' Maxes, this can be done even beyond the normal 8 weeks if wanted, but...
  4. Fausto

    Olive oil

    Ok Aaron Slap us with something more informative, for instance, what is the RDA for active people. By all means, I'll agree to see other articles, my aim is to learn more and when I can download to someone less informed, hell at HST that happens very seldom :D which is a goood thing I guess...
  5. Fausto

    5 days HST

    Tetra We are not going to convince you, rather you are going to convince yourself A good intense 3 x week w/o can easily be fine, but there is no harm in doing 5 x week, there is a variety of programs you can pick. Rule and only rule stick to the principles. 1 - Avoid failure except on...
  6. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    eyesoftexas Sorry I really thought the guy had a MD, I don't recall people going around calling themselves clinitians without having been to med school. :confused: :confused: madness I tell you, madness and missleading!
  7. Fausto

    Aussie starting HST!

    Typo dude, typo, no one does 51's around here thanks for the tip though
  8. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    There is a website I tried that says that is my safety level max = if i take 80% using the 220 calc i get 180 like you, only i'm 40 so 180 is then max for me, 144 is 80% of that. Anyway I don't like the feeling of breathing like a locomotive Does not feel confortable to me The guy in the...
  9. Fausto

    I'm sick :((

    Spiker's Glad you enjoyed round #1. For lack of better words and time to explain, you could be coming down with something. Just SD - do not worry about a thing (with training that is). If it carries on go see a doc.
  10. Fausto

    Aussie starting HST!

    Hi there mate Welcome to HST! I share Faz's opinion, although I would obviously caution you that some time in the future you should admonish sue of the 51's and 10's or at least the 10's. But from your experience, you should be fine at least now in the transition phase and because your...
  11. Fausto

    hst for physical workers

    ah, ah, ah Lack of RBE knowledge, so much for DOMS
  12. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Faz No probs, sounds like I made your day! :D Can only be happy for that! Ephman Your workout is madness, but then again each one for his own, if that is the way you like it, by all means! I just found that Tabata, although hard, it is short and therefore right up my alley, I even squeeze...
  13. Fausto

    Olive oil

    Guys EFA's have many sources, the best is to take from different sources, thebest to my knowledge is Flax seed oil, but here's a link to a real good source of information. UDO Erasmus I think I'd be a bit reluctnat to kill olive oil as that bit of article does, overeager scientists? Yet to...
  14. Fausto

    hst for physical workers

    Carpenter Welcome to HST! Yah, people seem to still be stuck on split routines, so you'll cause some upheaval by doing HST or at least a lot of looks. Let us see your program some time if you want advice. By the looks of things you are doing the right thing as you put on weight and it...
  15. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    Ah....ah At last someone who is not scared of reprisals....what's more, a doctor and someone who has test driven the method. Well, what better could we ask for? The only thing I see fit is to end the mad discussion for one, and to do our own test run of what has been shown! For those who want...
  16. Fausto

    Scary experience after training

    LOL That sometimes happens during 15's, I think you pushed past you threashold, even though it felt like you could do more. Whilst you could be right and it could be BP related, I doubt your doc will find anything then, but it is always worth a try! 15's can make you...
  17. Fausto

    Training Lats - Two Exercises?

    Tom I can vouch for those exercises, if you can manage adding the weight, they are amongst the 2 best mass builders you'll ever get! If you just do the math for dips as opposed to bench press, you may be able to bench 100 Kg whilst you weight, say 80 kg, then when doing dips you find yourself...
  18. Fausto

    HST improvement

    Both can be applied successfully! It is often used in HST program design to do higher volume (more sets) for the first week of a minicycle. Makes perfect sense Besides the higher volume if countered with proper nutrition usually results in good mass gains!
  19. Fausto

    Training Lats - Two Exercises?

    Tom Vicious was right, that is true of compounds! Rows are good that is a fact! Maybe you should consider that for back you should look at doing chins/any row (high/mid or low) cable/db or barbell. Deads should be looked at from a leg builder type of exercise, what they build for the back is...
  20. Fausto

    Johnston Rep Method

    Shakeel Seems to me that our "friend" Johnston made sure that whoever has bought the book, cannot share th information for fear of reprisal. And i have offered to do this myself but there is not much to go on, is there? Can you shed some more light? Xtreme will probably help too...