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  1. Fausto

    Training log

    Jester Took you a while to get to this one hey? Not that I am upset but in one short version I simply did not eat enough and therefore did not put on much weight. I am going to keep using the same routine albeit a variation is getting to my mind because of the Tabata that I may drop the iso's...
  2. Fausto


    LITN Without calling any names: The proof is in the eating - try it and tell us the flavour. Leave the hormones for later!
  3. Fausto

    Tabata style aerobics

    Guys/girls I have come across some interesting ideas for doing these workouts, including using squats and other compound exercises. From the research produced by Dr. Tabata, the subjects who performed the 20 sec high speed/10 second slow routine benefited 9 fold in fat loss compared to...
  4. Fausto

    Help with Shoulders

    Sun-tzu san You will never be able to convert one into the other, side raises are strict isolation exercises and if you can lift half (side raises) of what you can lift as a press movement you are one hell of a strong guy! Specially without cheating at all! cool and preservere...keep...
  5. Fausto

    Training log

    Abarlament Glad you came in with that, it is tought but it is onl;y 4 minutes and I'm no sucker for punishment specially cardio! Thus the question, early in the morning? First thing? Seems to be the best to burn the blubber, right? I don't do them as a split because I am already spliting my...
  6. Fausto

    Training log

    Howdy Colby! Contents per dose (4 tablets): Garcinia cambogia/White willow bark extract/Citrus aurantium/Acetyl-L-carnitine/Octopamine Hcl/L-Tyrosine/Pantothenic acid (B5)/Chromium polynicotinate   All the above constituting Phedragen plus (1430 mg) and Green tea leaf extract/Caffeine...
  7. Fausto

    HST theory

    Bodyguard The Boss decides who earns this! No one else! So he's the one who can tell the criteria. Down Respect sir, another SLIMKOP (Afrikaans term for clever) added to our website, great stuff Happy to know that you like Bryan's work, hope to see then a lot more of your work splashed...
  8. Fausto

    Training log

    YUeah, I'm back! Planning on start ing same cycle again this year. Holiday was OK, but I would have been better off if I carried on training instead of getting involved with family and stuff The results - well, I am still nice and full, but my mid-section has grown somwhat...
  9. Fausto


    Waht a sad ending to the troll I was pretty much enjoying this thread. LITN was explaining and unexplaing HST, he got somewhere close, agreed that HST is sound and even explained some of the techniques we use, then did a 180 turn around and started ranting about GH, yadayadayada...
  10. Fausto

    Help me devise my first HST program please?

    kethnaab Your workout looks OK, considering that you cannot do a lot of stuff :D I would recommend you try out the 15/10/5 setup of the HST mainline and get a gutfeel at then end of at least two cycles, as I am pretty sure that you have not yet tried to aply HST principles before! Your...
  11. Fausto

    Please HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP, Noob in dire need of help

    Hi and welcome to HST WRONG! After finding your maxes for each rep scheme, you do as per the rep scheme (15's 10's or 5's) for two weeks until you reach the maximum load for that scheme, hope I am making myself understood! As Faz pointed out in the previous message, for each rep scheme...
  12. Fausto

    Help with Shoulders

    Sun 'Cause that muscle gets hit so many with other exercises, it is just a repetition of the same and a good bench would hit the same muscle a lot better. Also you cannot use much load with it, obviously the same applies to lat and bent over raises, but in their case the muscles involved do...
  13. Fausto

    Help with Shoulders

    Sun-tzu My recipe works for me, superset this: Military press + lateral raises + bent over raises. 1 set each! Front raises are a waste of time IMO, DB raises off a bench must be 60 degrees or more! To get you somewhere. Another way to do it, is to do mil press on one day and your iso's in...
  14. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    That is a fact, that is why i call it a compound, it hits more than one muscle in one motion, albeit at different times, when you pull the weight back up your chest muscles get very much involved, as well as your triceps, and serratus's muscles. Anyway don't want to make too much of this, the...
  15. Fausto

    nutting out frequency

    ah...ah its a love-hate relationship!
  16. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    Rob We'd be getting rather technical on this, but I think both would accomplish the same, I have tried both varieties and without putting anyone of the two varieties down, the E-Z one on a decline at least for me feels like it gives a better stretch, but I have limited equipment at home so the...
  17. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    Yep, Style After all that exercise is a compound, so it is good, i have tried it and rocks! It builds nicely the lats and the chest area, not to mention the triceps and the abs...not too bad in my opinion. The best tough are definitely the pull ups, no doubt but IMO throw in the...
  18. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    Yep, Style After all that exercise is a compound, so it is good, i have tried it and rocks! It builds nicely the lats and the chest area, not to mention the triceps and the abs...not too bad in my opinion. The best tough are definitely the pull ups, no doubt but IMO throw in the...
  19. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    Hi Follow Tot He's right, weighted chins, underhand close grip gets the serratus and takes on the heavier weights. Follow that up with wide grip overhand (cannot take as much weight) but it is the best for width. Yep, throw in some decline pull overs, they are the squats of the upper body!
  20. Fausto

    best lat exercise

    Hi Follow Tot He's right, weighted chins, underhand close grip gets the serratus and takes on the heavier weights. Follow that up with wide grip overhand (cannot take as much weight) but it is the best for width. Yep, throw in some decline pull overs, they are the squats of the upper body!