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  1. R

    HST newbie

    I'd try and keep your exercise count pretty low, especially if you're doing the 15s/10s/5s-1/2/3 set thing. The 5s workouts get pretty dang long with 3 sets, and I also imagine you'd want to throw a warmup set in there as well. My workout now in the post 5s lasts near 2 hours    simply because I...
  2. R

    Alternating Exercises

    Joe G, I don't think it's a big deal as far as HST is concerned. Why, the fourth minicycle (post 5s) has your working at maximum 6 workouts in a row, provided you can't do negatives. This topic though, brings me to this question... Is it better to alternate or to incorporate both exercises with...
  3. R


    Really? I thought they were high in Omega 6. :confused:
  4. R


    hah, this thread was quite the ego boost, huh onemorerep? ;)
  5. R

    New Abbreviated Routine Idea

    I'm thinking of doing something similar for my next cycle, which will be a cutting cycle. 4-6 exercises I got way too greedy on my first cycle (chose 14 exercises) and I'm paying the price now on the negatives - the workout takes about two hours. But I'm managing, gonna tough it out and learn...
  6. R

    Protein powders & water consumed

    hahaha "Fausto's constipation" hahaha I'm sorry... that cracked me up. No offense to Fausto of course. I love that guy and his smileys.
  7. R

    Protein powders & water consumed

    I thought lactose intolerance would lead to (depending on severity of course) diarrhea and the like, whereas what Fausto describes sounds like constipation. In any case, yeah, fiber is a good idea since it retains water and "gooeyfies" the feces (oh how I love talking about this)...
  8. R

    SD Length

    I take 16 days, no big deal in my opinion.
  9. R


    Looks like quite the solid build, but also looks like the upper pecs need work. *sigh* It's the same with me too.. with almost anyone. dang those upper pecs.
  10. R

    Increments for REAR DELT??

    If you have access to one pound weights use those. Might not seem like significant increase, but the moment arm in that exercise is quite large, making the force active on your rear delt go up quite a bit, even if the weight is small.
  11. R

    Posing while deconditioning

    Unless you're lying down motionless for two or what give you weeks, everything "interferes" with it, to some extent.
  12. R

    Muscle soreness

    Yeah, I'm more inclined towards pushing (as opposed to pulling). I don't know about the triceps being twice the size, though they might be bigger than the biceps. I've been doing a lot of pushups since my early teens, so I guess over time I developed more conditioned and stronger (or at least...
  13. R

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    But as people trying to build muscle, do we want to reduce this insulin spike? Was the weight lost fat? Lmao onemorerep, that cracked me the hell up!
  14. R

    Muscle soreness

    Personally, my triceps are subjected to much greater loads than my biceps.
  15. R

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    dood and cthonian are talking table spoons though
  16. R

    Fish Oil

    IF it indeed is recommended to take 6 grams of EPA and DHA (as a collective I assume), you'd have to take 20 of those pills.
  17. R

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Everyone else is talking table spoons though. They're three times as large as a teaspoon.
  18. R

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    That's to prevent bloating, right?
  19. R

    Muscle soreness

    I guess since the legs are subjected to much greater loads, it causes much more microtrauma compared to something like the biceps. The trend you have there seems to, in general be, from a bigger muscle down to the smaller ones; except for the back. Not sure why, but lack of soreness in the back...
  20. R

    Are we incrementing wrong???

    The latter makes more sense to me.