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  1. Blade


    There's nothing special about the Zone ratio, outside of providing sufficent calories, protein and EFAs. How you play around with carbs and fat within these criteria rarely makes any huge difference, although you will find that some people handle carbs better than others (related to insulin...
  2. Blade

    "Sub-maximal" workouts

    Further discussion on fatigue and its relation to a proper hypertrophic stimulus The 1st set, as with the 2nd set, merely places a given amount of strain on the tissue. As long as you are supporting the weight, the stimulus is present. You may have heard some discussion about fatiguing fibers...
  3. Blade

    protein cycling vs muscle gains

    It doesn't seem to hold up in the real world. You basically lose as much in the low-protein phase as you gain in the high-protein phase. The body balances it out in the end, and I think you're better off just setting protein at 1g/lbs of BW and be done with it.
  4. Blade

    Straight Leg Deadlift Form

    Yes, it sounds like you did it correctly. And if you felt it in your hamstrings, you're on the right track. Same goes for the increments - start out low, sounds like you are pretty new to this, so remember that you have plenty of time to increase the weights you are lifting. And stop worrying...
  5. Blade

    Bryan speaks up!

    Some people get confused reading the instructional articles on this website, how people implement HST, and the posts in the FAQ. Many, including myself, have a tendency to overanalyze everything in hopes of finding that elusive "perfect" routine and diet that will magically put slabs of muscle...
  6. Blade

    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    The study: Caterisano A, Moss RF, Pellinger TK, Woodruff K, Lewis VC, Booth W, Khadra T., The effect of back squat depth on the EMG activity of 4 superficial hip and thigh muscles., J Strength Cond Res. 2002 Aug;16(3):428-32., Caterisano A, Moss RF, Pellinger TK, Woodruff K, Lewis VC, Booth W...
  7. Blade

    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    Just to clarify, Bryan - are you defining 90 degrees as the angle of the knee joint, or as thighs parallell to the floor?
  8. Blade

    Lagging bodyparts thread . . .

    You're eating insufficient carbs during the week. Combined with higher volume you will be slightly depleted, so a day of rest - or fewer sets for a muscle group - will allow glycogen to refill. A higher volume on exercises stretching the muscle under load, combined with more aggressive...
  9. Blade

    John Berardi

    Unless you're below 12-15%, there isn't much to worry about. 10-12kcals/lbs, protein at 1-1.5g/lbs, 20-25% of calories from fats, the rest in carbs, and adjust as you go along - finding the balance between caloric intake and cardio volume that nets a fat loss of maybe 1-1.5lbs per week with...
  10. Blade

    post cycle therapy allready during?

    Like I said, for a bunch of complicated reasons, but I'll try to explain: During the cycle, when on aromatizing androgens, estrogen levels might skyrocket. Even on dosages in the 200-300mg/week range, estrogen levels might triple. So you use an anti-aromatase such as Arimidex, Femara, or...
  11. Blade

    Can't wake up in the morning

    You should try the ALCAR+l-theanine stack outlined in the following thread: Sleep reduction
  12. Blade

    John Berardi

    1. The 100g/day amount depends more one size of internal organs (brain, liver) which doesn't really vary much with bodyweight. The carbs you put on top of that would vary according to muscle size and degree of depletion (determined by training volume). 2. You'd increase total calories if you...
  13. Blade

    John Berardi

    Well, a theory I've been implementing for the last couple of years with my clients - and recently gotten some positive input from Lyle on, is the following: - Jacking up fat intake will, along with lower carbs, increase plasma fatty acids, which in turn generates insulin resistance. - Exercise...
  14. Blade

    post cycle therapy allready during?

    Anti-aromatase (arimidex, femara, exemestane, 6-oxo) are preferrable during the cycle as an anti-estrogen, while a receptor blocker - or SERM (Nolvadex, Clomid) is preferrable for post-cycle recovery. Anti-aromatase is potentially counterproductive post-cycle for a bunch of reasons.
  15. Blade

    Cycling 1-AD and 6-OXO during HST cycle

    There is an entire thread devoted to prohormones in the FAQ section, page 2.
  16. Blade

    Better to calculate total amino acid intake

    ...and no, use total grams of protein. Why on earth would you want to complicate things to such an extent by calculating individual amino acids? The body is quite good at balancing things out, you know...
  17. Blade

    Quality Prohormones

    Thought it was funny that you posted exactly one year after this thread died... ;) Shutting down internet sites isn't all that easy, the server may be located in an entirely different part of the world, outside of american jurisdiction.
  18. Blade

    banana with whey post workout?

    You guys might want to read a low/high-GI, carb/no-carb post-workout debate over at Avant Labs forums, currently 8 pages long with 225 replies:
  19. Blade

    banana with whey post workout?

    Make what good for absorption? Both will be absorbed fine without one or the other, but the combination would be better for post-workout glycogen replenishment if that is your goal. If fat loss is your goal, you "might" drop the banana, and maybe not. It depends. Lyle is a rich man.