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  1. Blade


    For the slower, more fibrous protein sources, probably something like 6-8hrs max. Carbs (elevating blood glucose) would prevent protein breakdown to some extent.
  2. Blade


    The DOMS that is felt the day after, or even not until 2 days after, is most likely a result of an inflammatory response. Prostaglandins are released in the tissue which hyper-sensitize the nerves. This is not the only reason but most research seems to agree that this is the most likely...
  3. Blade

    Training for fiber type

    ...but there is still a lot of controversy over this In response to: "A. Jones, in particular, has argued that an individual's muscle fiber recruitment and fatigue characteristics are largely genetically determined, so that there may exist an optimal TUL for each exercise, where one's...
  4. Blade

    "Sub-maximal" workouts

    HST's method of using submaximal weights at the beginning of the cycle is based on the fact that the effectiveness of a given load to stimulate growth is dependant on the condition of the tissue at the time the load is applied. This is a very important concept for natural lifters. It is also...
  5. Blade

    "Sub-maximal" workouts

    15-12-10-8-5 instead of 15-10-5 What the “15-10-5-Eccentric” rep scheme does is ensure that we are doing consistent amounts of work each workout. Those who have changed their rep scheme to 15-12-10-8-5 have not experienced any better gains than those using the traditional 15-10-5-etc, in fact...
  6. Blade

    "Sub-maximal" workouts

    I think it is important to get rid of the notion of the “number” of reps as a principle of muscle growth. Repetitions are not a "principle" of hypertrophy, any more than counting the number of cranks it takes to reel in a fish is necessary to catch fish. You simply crank as many times as is...
  7. Blade

    (non-)sense of creatine supplementation

  8. Blade

    Bryan's E/C protocol

    10mg E + 50-100mg C, taken every 2-3hrs. Stop at a reasonable time in the afternoon/evening to avoid sleep disturbance - e.g. 8pm. Stay on as long as the dieting phase lasts. I don't understand your last question - "work down the dosage"...
  9. Blade


    There is a lot of information on dropsets in the FAQ section. ;)
  10. Blade

    Carb/pro/fat ratios in pro BB diets

    Well, I've personally worked with some professional bodybuilders, and counting the calories in their off-season diets - not particularly clean either - had them around 6000-6500 for the heaviest guy (about 130-135kg/290-300lbs). This guy was spending most of the day eating, and doing 2-3 trips...
  11. Blade

    Strategic Deconditioning

    Though I wish I had more time to fully address your questions here, they will be more fully addressed in one of the HST books. In the mean time, we will try to use the most representative research of SD followed by retraining as we can find (with time constraints). The following study by...
  12. Blade

    Hammer Curls

    Momentum usually takes over the supination, so you'd need a machine specifically designed to provide resistance during the rotation to get any benefit from it. There is one advantage though, you get a better stretch in the bottom position (good) and a more intense contraction in the top position...
  13. Blade

    Hammer Curls

    I use the narrowest part of the 'Z' - about 6" or so between the inner part of my hands. I also like to use the Arm Blaster, a favorite of Arnold...
  14. Blade

    Hammer Curls

    My primary biceps exercises have been close grip EZ curls and incline hammer curls for as long as I can remember. They just call me Mr Arms :D I concur with Kate and IlFacell...
  15. Blade


    Some exercises involving hip extension for your hamstrings, such as SLDL and good mornings, may overwork your lower back - as mentioned previously. This can be circumvented by doing these exercises with lower loads and using only one leg at a time. Try a SLDL with only one leg, 15 reps with no...
  16. Blade

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    Remember that Bryan was referring to a diet for optimal and fastest growth. This would entail calories at 20+ per lbs of bodyweight. So for you, maybe 3500-4000kcals, which would be 20-22kcals/lbs - 15% of which is 600kcals/150g or 0.9-1g per lbs of LEAN bodyweight. But in the same vein as...
  17. Blade

    Concern regarding Bent Over Row Form

    Lyle must be getting pretty rich now, don't you think? ;)
  18. Blade

    Carb/pro/fat ratios in pro BB diets

    I don't know of anyone who eats 10000kcals per day. Bodybuilders are known to exaggerate or overestimate everything. But just to give you an idea, a lot of bodybuilders eat 500g of protein each day. Throw in the junk food some of them are known to feast on offseason, and you can probably see...
  19. Blade

    How to SD?

    My weight can fluctuate 5lbs in one day according to what I eat and drink. So you got exactly 3 days of SD before you started your HST program? For reasons I shouldn't have to go into if you've read the articles and FAQ section, your results will be diminished - just so you know... But I...
  20. Blade

    Blades Pics

    I don't mind at all, BIZ. You're bringing up some important issues here - but the problem is exactly what micmic says: there will always be skeptics. When HST is discussed on other forums, they tend to say that it is just like any other system in that there are responders and non-responders...