_tim's Log

is that 10 sets of 3 reps or 10 reps/3 sets?

That's 10 sets of 3 reps, GL. The 3 rep ranges that are used for this version of triples work is 10 x 3, 4 x 6, and 2 x 12.

Lol, the foot situation went from so-so to kinda bad. On Friday, my foot was x-ray'd and it showed no broken bones. So - I was given an air cast to wear for a week because my doc figured that I had an aggravated nerve. Yesterday, while wearing the boot, I felt a massive pop and now can't really walk, even with the boot on. So - I go for an MRI later today. Something tells me lower body work is out for a lot longer than I originally thought.
Update! The MRI showed a stress fracture with a sizable adema in the affected bone. There's a bit of concern around the admea growing, as it would cause a shattering of sorts that only surgery would fix. So - I'm still in an air cast, and will be on crutches for the next 2 weeks. After that, another 2 weeks in the boot without crutches. So - anything requiring me to stand at the moment is out lifting-wise. Needless to say, the triples cycle will be re-started once I'm out of the boot. In the interim, I'm doing bodyweight stuff at home, as getting weights to load a bench bar while on crutches is nothing I want to try.
Oh boy, Tim! Sounds nasty. Edema IN the bone? Or in the area around the bone?

Well, I really hope it resolves as soon as possible. I also hope that you are able to figure out how it happened as I'm sure you don't want it happening again.

All the very best.
Wow Tim that really sucks, going from a simple sprain to this crap. I’m with LOL in hoping you can figure out what happed so you don’t repeat.

Its weird how sometimes doing something very simple can mess you up. My boss just finally got surgery yesterday for his torn biceps tendon that he injured doing P90X with light preacher curls.

Have you been on crutches before? IMO they suck. I spend 8 months on them after a bad (as opposed to a good one?) motorcycle accident.

I hope you get bag into the game quickly. Just don’t try to overdo it when rehabbing, your muscles will regain their strength very quickly in my experience, however if they atrophy I hate to say rebalancing the size is going to take longer.
Thanks Guys

Lol - supposedly the edema (apologies - apparently I had the band in mind when I wrote my last post) is in the bone itself. That's what I walked away believing, anyway. His hypothesis is that the cause is biomechanical in nature; that somehow as I ran, I put pressure on a weaker area of my foot and caused the initial stress. So - he's urging me to look into Nike Free shoes to run in as opposed to the Five Fingers. I'm still going to train in them, but I'll look into the Nikes to see if they would be a fit for running. Mind you, I'm still not sure if I really want to continue running after this, but we'll see.

G11 - yes, the crutches completely suck. I cannot wait to be off of them, and hope to never be on them again. Also, I totally hear you on the rehab effort; I know that this is going to take a bit to recover from, and I'm going to train accordingly.
Thanks, FF. I'll get there.

So - in case anyone is interested in Tabata assistance - there is an iPhone app that's free that is made (I think) by the Gym Boss guys. I got it and did a round of Tabata Plank to Pushups this morning in my current endeavor not to become a fat ass. Highly encouraged for those who have ascribed to Dr. Tabata's insanity.
Figured this was worth logging....

Tabata Rollouts
Surprisingly tough on the triceps and traps the most. Done from the knees so as to prevent further foot damage.

101 Pushups
...over 4 sets (25, 25, 25, 26). Balanced on only my left foot to refrain from straining the injured bone in my right foot.

I figure I have to get something formally going here if I am to retain any strength whatsoever prior to my return to the gym, and logging is a good way for me to make sure I stay on track, oddly.
Second verse, same as the first. Sorta.

Tabata Rollouts:
My lower abs were cooked and I didn't even know it. Made it through, though.

100 Pushups: Sets were 30, 20, 10x5. The 10x5 were done RP - no more than 5 breaths between sets. THAT was awful - but again, I made it through.

Kinda nice to feel some mild upper body DOMS - abs, tris primarily. Pecs got a crazy pump after the pushups! I'll do this one, one more time. Next doc appointment Friday - maybe gym next week?
Hopefully, this is the start of what is to be many concurrent posts... Mostly, anyway. First, the activity from tonight...

Bench Press: 135 x 15; 155 x 10; 175 x 10; 185 x 5P; [5 x 3P @ 205 - 5 x 3 Pullups]; 135 x 15
Not really max effort by any means - just enough to get some blood moving. Logged every set I did in case anyone wants to see the method of my madness as I get back.

CG PD: 110 x 10; 130 x 10; 150 x 3
Really going to focus on getting my back strength back up to snuff.

Leg Raises (K to C): 12, 12, 17
Core felt pretty good, but definitely needs to be a bit tighter.

OK - so that was the first gym based workout since 9/14! The air cast is off of my foot, but I'm still restricted from heavy stuff for another couple weeks. I can start squatting again the week of 11/7 - so until turkey day, I'll be doing a mish mosh of different things to get back in the swing of things. Maybe a 5/3/1 to get sorta back into shape before the season of triples. Haven't made up my mind yet. Truthfully, it just felt good to be back in the gym tonight; I have a long way to go before I'm back to normal strength and endurance levels for me, but I'll get there. Schedule-wise, I may not be able to get back to the gym again until Sunday night - so this will be a slow developing recovery, I think, for at least the first week.
Welcome back to post Tim.

When reading some other posts at work on my phone I was thinking that you and LOL hadn’t post that recently. I hope you can get yourself back into it without any problems.
It begins...........

Pause Bench: 10 x 3 @ 195

Pretty easy.

ATG Squats: 4 x 6 @ 195
I am so out of shape it's sick. I got 'em all in, all reps ATG. No belt, Vibrams.

Standing Press: 2 x 12 @ 95
Second set was clustered 10-2 due to energy - lack of it.

OK. The update. As soon as I finished healing up my foot, I got a fun mix of bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. Still on antibiotics, actually. I know I said that I'd Wendler to get back into shape prior to Triples Season - but what better way to get back into shape than... wait for it.... TRIPLES SEASON?! So - it finally started. I expect the DOMS in my legs to be abjectly brutal in two days.

The schedule is going to be strange, but workouts will be happening every week from now until deloading and resetting.

Chins: 10 x 3 @ BW+10

All reps paused, only the last set was clustered. BW is currently at 210 - and for this being my first pull workout in a long time, I'm happy that I got in all sets. I'll note that the last set was clustered 2-1 though.

BB Row: 4 x 6 @ 125
Haven't done these in a while. Took a set to really be set in my stance and not move through the pull.

Deads: 2 x 12 @ 205
The second set was clustered 10-2; my grip completely failed. Aside from the fact that every ounce of energy was spent on these sets, it felt good to pull from the floor again. No belt, Vibrams, chalked hands. To fix the grip - Krocs are going to be back in play soon.

Knee Ups (K2C): 3 x 12

Hoping to get 4 workouts in before Thanksgiving - should be possible. The schedule has been a mess lately, and my infection returned. Hopefully posting will happen much more regularly now.
Yeah, since I was out for these past four months my grip is shot. I'm working my way back slowly, but still had to use a mixed grip with just a 275 deadlift single. I haven't even attempted Krocs yet, rather I've been doing sets of five instead. It'll come; it just takes time.

Your triples look like they're gonna be fun!
Last night...

Pause Standing Press: 10 x 3 @ 115

All reps paused, no clustering.

Bench: 4 x 6 @ 175
Not paused - bigger focus was on power through the rep.

Squats: 2 x 12 @ 175
I'm very, very out of shape - these sets were tough. All reps ATG. Vibrams/no belt.

OK - firstly, thanks for the comments, TR. I'm sure my grip will come back rather handily once I start actually doing the work I have programmed.

The infection I got back on Halloween never went away; I literally went through two courses of antibiotics, and the second the prescription ended, I got sick again. So - I just finished another round of antibiotics, with steroids this time. The meds just ended, so hopefully the infection has finally been quashed. Regardless, it was great to get back to the gym last night.
I don’t mean to hijack your training log Tim but I’m interested in what you think of the Vibrams. Also, TR what is it you find doesn’t work for Squats?

I ask because I normally lift barefoot but now that I’m taking more trips I’m going to start having to lift in either on base or commercial gyms and I don’t think either is going to go for me being barefoot. I was just going to pick up some Chuck Taylors but Vibrams have always interested me for running especially now that I’m doing hill sprints. I find it’s just way to easy to turn an ankle with normal running shoes while sprinting.
I love my Vibrams, G11. I wear them for every lift - and have never had any trouble with squats. I too would be interested in knowing what TR has trouble with in regard to squats in VFF's. In terms of using them for running - I think that VFF's are perfect for off-road running, but I would shy away from them for hard surface running. Asphalt/cement - wear shoes. My doctor strongly believes that my fracture was due to me running in my VFF's on asphalt too much. So - if your hill sprints are on grass G11, I think you'd love wearing them.