_tim's Log

Good Lord, colby - that is one heck of an idea! I can only imagine the results! Cool stuff!
(_tim @ Jan. 15 2008,16:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good Lord, colby - that is one heck of an idea! I can only imagine the results! Cool stuff!</div>
I think I just developed my next cycle. The HST workout will be Max-Stimulation based. It looks fancy on paper, so how could I even expect results? It could be complete crap, but the diet determines the body recomposition. As long as I have the diet correct, I can experiment all I want with the workout (as long as I am lifting).
Triples - Push @ 90% Re-Do (last re-do)

A rare night workout... The gym I went to is not my regular gym, and the weight room was extremely hot - like a good 20 degrees hotter than the rest of the joint. It was too hot, to be honest - felt like the middle of summer in there. In Northeast Ohio, it's not supposed to feel like summer ANYWHERE. It completely affected my already waning energy, but enough about it. On to the workout...

HIIT 10 minutes - :25 sprints, only 1:00 wu. Tough!

Standing Press: WU: 45 x 10; 95 x 8
10 x 3 @ 105 - This should have been at 125, but I got two reps and died on my first set. I only had to cluster the reps once - on set 6. That was a 2-1 set.

Bench Press: WU: 135 x 10
4 x 6 @ 175 - This should have been at 195, but I got maybe 4 reps at that weight and knew I couldn't get the rest of the set done, nor do any of the following sets. My energy at this point was almost gone.

ATG Squats: 2 x 12 @ 205 - I can always count on squats! I had to cluster the second set 8-4, but that was fine with me.

Tomorrow will be the first workout since my time off that has never been done before. No more re-dos!
Ahh, they cranked up the heat? It's supposed to be in the single digits this weekend. It really affected your bench press. I know you are stronger than that.
Yeah, colby - it was awful in there. It had to be over 80 degrees in there - no joke. I didn't have anything left when I was done - after lifting THOSE loads. Good thing I had my game back on this morning!

Triples - Pull @ 90%

So doing an early morning workout after an early evening workout is something of a trip. I forwent the HIIT today simply because I knew what was comin'...

Sumo Deads: WU: 135 x 10; 205 x 8; 265 x 6
10 x 3 @ 295 - Still without a belt, and still adjusting to that, especially heavy. The great thing about this workout is that I had the chance 10 times to work on form heavy. I've never been able to do that before. Regardless, this felt like redemption for last night - at least the first part of it.

DB Rows: WU: 55 x 10; 60 x 8
4 x 6 @ 70 - NO CLUSTERING. My back is getting stronger, as are my biceps.

Chins: 2 x 12 @ BW+15 - Had to cluster these! Set 1 was 7-2-2-1; Set 2 was 3-2-2-2-2-2- 1+2 partials + a static hold. I was mad about that 1 rep, so I decided to really push to end the workout.
Triples - Push @ 90%

ATG Squats: WU: 135 x 10; 205 x 5
10 x 3 @ 255 - Felt good, but form was a little shaky on the last rep of the last two sets.

Standing Press: WU:95 x 8
4 x 6 @ 105 - I don't know what's going on with this lift. 105 was going to be my second warmup set, but it felt so heavy that I just stuck with it. I had to cluster every set except the first: 5+1, 5+1, 3+3. Looking back, it seems that I've been stuck right around 105 for 6 for a while now. Maybe I hit a plateau? Suggestions?

Bench Press: 185 x 10+2, 185 x 6+3+1 - On that last cluster of the second set, I went for #2 and failed - and I didn't have a spotter. So kids - take it from me - if you don't want to scrape up your belly managing the load after you fail, use a damn spotter. I am an idiot.
(_tim @ Jan. 22 2008,10:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Bench Press: 185 x 10+2, 185 x 6+3+1 - On that last cluster of the second set, I went for #2 and failed - and I didn't have a spotter. So kids - take it from me - if you don't want to scrape up your belly managing the load after you fail, use a damn spotter. I am an idiot.</div>
Look at the bright side: it was a flat bench. Imagine the result if you'd been using a decline bench...

It's better to scuff your tummy than to strangle yourself (but, yeah, it's good to have a spotter...).
(_tim @ Jan. 22 2008,10:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Standing Press: WU:95 x 8
4 x 6 @ 105 - I don't know what's going on with this lift. 105 was going to be my second warmup set, but it felt so heavy that I just stuck with it. I had to cluster every set except the first: 5+1, 5+1, 3+3. Looking back, it seems that I've been stuck right around 105 for 6 for a while now. Maybe I hit a plateau? Suggestions?</div>
1) Use Max-Stim for this exercise and rep range only.
2) Same load, same reps, but less ROM
3) Any pain? Maybe you need to add some dynamic warm up stretches for your shoulders.
4) Have a spotter here too - it's a mental game
5) When approaching failure in last rep(s), turn it into a Push Press
1st colby quote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Look at the bright side: it was a flat bench. Imagine the result if you'd been using a decline bench..</div>

So true, so true.... I'm still an idiot though.

2nd colby quote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">1) Use Max-Stim for this exercise and rep range only.
2) Same load, same reps, but less ROM
3) Any pain? Maybe you need to add some dynamic warm up stretches for your shoulders.
4) Have a spotter here too - it's a mental game
5) When approaching failure in last rep(s), turn it into a Push Press</div>

1. Worth a shot.
2. Don't know if I like this idea a whole lot - I'm ridiculously strict when it comes to ROM, and I'm not certain partials would help.
3. Nope - no pain.
4. Good idea, but this may be tough as I'm standing. Maybe if the spotter is standing on a bench or something... I absolutely believe this is mental.
5. LOVE that idea. Push press at the point of failure - add a power move to a strength move. Cool.
(_tim @ Jan. 22 2008,16:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Look at the bright side: it was a flat bench. Imagine the result if you'd been using a decline bench..</div>
So true, so true.... I'm still an idiot though.</div>
Well, yeah, but we try to be kind...
I have to echo Colby's suggestion about push presses. I think they are a good way to bust through plateaus with overhead pressing.

What do you bench in? If you bench in a power rack, you won't ever need a spotter. Just move the safety bars to the appropriate spot. Also, doing the standing overhead pressing in a power rack is a good idea as well. You can fail on a rep and not worry about killing yourself.
Benching in a power rack is something I've never thought about. Thanks, Tot - I'll give it a shot.

Triples - Pull @ 90%

I messed up the schedule a bit - so this is a bit of a deviation in the overall schedule.

DB Rows: WU: 55 x 10; 65 x 8
10 x 3 @ 85 - In a word, uneventful. Got 'em in, didn't feel much.

Chins: WU: BW x 10; BW+10 x 6 - did not bode well...
BW+25 - 4-1-1; BW+20 - 4-2, 3-2-1, 3-3-static hold - Yeah, those are clusters. Felt darn good regardless.

Sumo Deads: 12 x 2 @ 225 - No warmup you ask? I asked the same thing, but just let it rip. I was shocked to find that it not only was it possible - it was DONE. Hell yeah.
You were already warmed up from the chins and rows, although I would have at least warmed up with an empty bar and then 70% of the load for a few reps before I did the 12's.
I figured I'd give it a shot - and then just ran with it. Any heavier, I'd warm up a bit.
(colby2152 @ Jan. 23 2008,14:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How do you like the Sumo Deads? They are basically just wide stance with narrow grip; am I correct?</div>
I LOVE THEM. Yes, colby - it's a wider stance with a narrow grip. For me, it allows my back to remain naturally straight; I have very wide hips, so a narrow stance feels awkward to me and forces my back to round. The sumo stance gives me a great range of motion, albeit lower than conventional deads - AND allows my back to remain straight.
Triples - Push @ 95% abbreviated

I took Tot's advice and did my benching from the power rack today.

Bench Press: WU: 135 x 10; 205 x 5 - bad idea
2 x 3 @ 225; 4 x 3 @ 215; 1 x 3 @ 210, 1 x 1 @ 210 - Here's the thing - I made a note to myself to revise my bench numbers back when I did triples at 85%. I never did. 225 was too heavy, a clear indication that I lost a decent amount of strength during my time off. For 95% with the revision, I should have done 215. Oh well - I got a good pump regardless.

My car is in the shop - and in my car is my belt. Therefore, no squatting today.

Standing Press: 1 x 11.5 @ 100; 2 x 100 - So I tried the push press at the end of my first set, per colby's suggestion. I got the bar to the halfway point and just died. I think my triceps were shot after my benching fun. That second set was just pathetic - I barely got that second rep.

Not the best workout by any means, but one that may yield nice strength gains in my tri's and pecs. Hopefully I can ride out the rest of this cycle as far as possible without any more breaks. Especially as I start to exceed my maxes in the coming weeks, this cycle will become almost impossible if I miss a workout or two.

I'm already starting to think about what to do when I hit walls as the cycle continues. I'm thinking that I'll take the weight that I feel is the absolute max and increase it by 5 pounds and see where that gets me. I have the cycle mapped up to 125% of my RM's. I don't see me hitting 125% this time around. If anything, this cycle has helped me better prepare for my next cycle of triples work, but it's not even close to over yet. The rule I'm going to use for the rest of the cycle is this - if I can progress at least one lift, I'll continue. The point where all lifts are at absolute maxes is the point where I'll deload. I don't think an SD is gonna happen this time around - not with all the time off I've had.