
27 MAR - HST IV - Week 4

245 4x5

Bent Row
180 4x5

1-arm Lateral
25 3x10ea

Then had to get out of there. I've decided to just go ahead and move to an upper/lower split, continue progressing the weight until I just can't anymore, then backtrack and keep going for higher numbers every few weeks.
29 MAR - HST IV - Week 4

275 4x5

Romanian DL
245 4x5

Standing Calves
45+35es 3x10

Squats were very good, felt great doing them first, so I could put my energy into THEM. RomDLs I'm just getting back into, but I now do them Dan John style, after watching his seminar video on google. They definetly stretch out and burn my hammies. Leaning over the sink cleaning out my protein glass made my ass almost cramp up. Felt gay doing calves, just kinda did them as a third exercise just because.
1 APRIL - HST IV - Week 5

250 4x5

Bent Row
185 4x5

1-arm Lateral
30 3x6ea

Hammer Curls
45 1x10ea

Bench is starting to feel heavy in the latter sets, other stuff is fine. My friend has steadily added weight, he's progressing fine. Almost up to a wheel on squats
3 APRIL - HST IV - Week 5

285 4x5

Romanian DL
260 4x5

Standing Calves
2 45s per side 2x10

I really was feeling good on the squats and romanianDLs, it actually felt really easy. I'll keep bumping them up by 10 or 15lbs until I can't anymore, hopefully I can get past my 1x5 rep max of 315 for squats. I don't feel like doing calf raises anymore because they are way too gay, I think I'll do some kind of snatch on this day instead.

I went home and got the scale I had been weighing myself on, 225 this morning, stomach circumference doesn't seem to be moving, it's still around 40".
4 APRIL - HST IV - Week 5

Energy Systems

Leg swings (front, back, side/side) - 10ea
Heels-to-butt - 4x10yds
High knees - 4x10yds
light jogging

8x100m, non-full recovery

Plus walking to and from the track, it's about a mile away. It got pretty cold out, but I felt pretty energetic after our lab, because I kinda dominated (my fireteam "killed" 3 of the enemy, and really just rocked it), and it was feeling good. Also, ate more today, tommorow is another PSMF type day.
5 APRIL - HST IV - Week 5

135 1x5, 140 3x5

+15 (245) 4x5

bw (230) 3x8

And done. Felt pretty good on the latter sets of OHP, as far as feeling like I got worked, and chins were robust, they felt really good. They had pecan pie in the dining hall agian, which is my favorite food by far, I limited myself to only one piece though. My legs are balls-ass sore today, so I'm not doing any other lifting until after my PT test on Monday. I don't know what I'll get on my run or tape test, which are always my two iffy "events."
9 APRIL - HST IV - Week 6

295 4x5

Romanian DL
275 3x5

Power Snatch
95 2x3 (hang), 115 2x3 (hang), 135 1x3 (one from floor, 2 from hang)

Another good owrkout. I hadn't eaten much in the past 20 hours so I was probably weaker, I also took my PT test this morning... Maxed pushups and situps but only ran a 15:47 in the 2 mile, so that sucks. It's also probably why my legs were weak-ass today.
17 APRIL - HST IV - Week 7

285 3x5

235 3x5

185 3x5

1-arm Laterals
25 1x15ea

Hey, I do still lift! The weekend fucking destroyed me. About 13 hours of sleep from Thursday to Sunday, being cold and miserable, and walking fucking like 20 miles or something. Anyways, I dropped some weights from my last workouts on everything except rows, because they weren't hard at 185.

I am thinking of trying an IF variant for fat loss, seeing as it's the big thing right now. Right now I'm off to destroy some chinese buffet though, PEACE.
19 APRIL - HST IV - Week 7

140 4x5

+25 (250) 4x5

+10 (235) 3x8

That's all she wrote. Surprised myself, only weighed 226 in workout clothes. I am easing into the IF protocol, I still have a small breakfast after PT days. Speaking of which, today was CWST (combat water survival test) day, so no running/pushups/situps this morning, just lots of jumping into water, plus a 10 minute continuous swim.
21 APRIL - HST IV - Week 7

Power Snatch (hang)
95 3x3, 135 2x2, 1x1

295 4x5

Romanian DL
295 2x5

EZ Curl
90 1x15

Power snatches before squats is the way to go now. I feel more warmed up and springy rather than when I do squats first. My ass and glute-ham tie in were both cramping and sore already while I was doing Romanians, so I just did 2 sets and called it a day.

I probably got about 12 hours of sleep last night and today during the day. I got ****-canned last night, so I don't really know what time I fell asleep, but I did wake up and found like 4 Taco Bell wrappers.... damn! Anyways, had to get up at 8:45 to go start a 5k with our cannon, then came back and passed the **** out until 4. Felt suprisingly good after my "nap" considering how drunk I was.
(liegelord @ Apr. 20 2007,00:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Strong OH press, and it's good to see someone else doing snatches. Are you using bumper plates?</div>
Thank you. I'm not using bumpers, I workout in our student center, so it's a basic &quot;no chalk, 2 squat racks, tons of machines and dumbells&quot; place. I did just start bringing in my own chalk and covertly putting it on. I think next time I might try a different workout, maybe close-grip snatches, deadlifts, and something else. Just for a change of pace, and I haven't done straight-up deadlifts in while.
It really sucks without bumper plates. I did cleans the other day and couldn't drop the weights. It's a good way to develop a case of pitcher's elbow.
22 APRIL - HST IV - Week 8

250 4x5

195 4x5

1-arm Lateral
30 3x8ea

Crunch Machine
90 1x15 1x20

One Mile

Ugh. Hate running. Today was a typical IF, I believe. No food until after lifting/running. Had:
3 chicken slabs
2c chocolate milk
3c skim
1c cereal
1 piece LF cake
5 veggie nuggets

I'll probably have one more meal in about 3 or 4 hours, being mostly protein.
24 APRIL - HST IV - Week 8

315 1x5; 355 1x5; 405 1x3; 420 1x1; 440 1x1

135 1x5ea

Whew. I really wasn't planning on only doing deads, but I felt pretty good, so I did a bit more than I had planned on (a hard 3rm). Decided on going for a hard single instead. I used straps, and I think they make a big difference (not that I have a choice, no chalk allowed), 420 came up fast enough that I decided to make another jump. Actually, I think 440 is a non-suited PR, not sure, but whatever. After this week I am going into a deload and peak, so I'll see if I can get a bit closer to a 500 deadlift (albeit, with straps)... along with some other PRs.
26 APRIL - HST IV - Week 8

150 4x5

+30 (260) 4x5

+25 (255) 3x8

Now some of this is starting to feel heavy. OHP weren't that bad, I did push press the last rep of set 3 and the last 2 of set 4, but overall not that bad. I'll probably push press some during my deload next week.

Chins however felt really heavy, I basically eked out one set, then had to do sets of 3 with 2 reps added on the end after a 5 second rest. Very tough. Dips weren't so much but eh.

I turn 21 on Saturday, woo.