bodybuilders physique + celebrities

Yeah, it sounds like you should diet down to a lean state and start over. Train with HST, get strong and do a proper bulk, counting macros and everything.

Getting down to a lean state is something I struggle with also. I have never been completely lean. I'm trying to diet now.

I've kept reducing my cals lately to the point where i'm now on 1500 cals a day where I have been for a month. I weight train 3 times a week and also do 10 30 second sprints 3 times per week. I haven't really lost anything in a month. Maybe a pound but thats it.
Vin diesel doesn't even weigh that much, did you see him fight the Rock in Fast Five? The Rock dwarfed him.

I think you are mostly talking about leanness. Nate Green is rather small but he is lean so he looks more impressive, if that is the sort of look you are after. Leanness is not difficult to achieve, it just takes time and dedication.
Getting down to a lean state is something I struggle with also. I have never been completely lean. I'm trying to diet now.

I've kept reducing my cals lately to the point where i'm now on 1500 cals a day where I have been for a month. I weight train 3 times a week and also do 10 30 second sprints 3 times per week. I haven't really lost anything in a month. Maybe a pound but thats it.

Have you read the section in my book about dieting? It sounds like you might need to take a week or two at maintenance to normalize your metabolism then start dieting again with a solid plan.
Vin diesel doesn't even weigh that much, did you see him fight the Rock in Fast Five? The Rock dwarfed him.

I think you are mostly talking about leanness. Nate Green is rather small but he is lean so he looks more impressive, if that is the sort of look you are after. Leanness is not difficult to achieve, it just takes time and dedication.

Hi Totentanz.

Getting lean is quite difficult for me. My mate from the gym from the photo's earlier in the thread says I have a ridiculously slow metabolizm. He has been taking care of my diet this year which worked in the beginning. But now i'm not sure how much more I can reduce cals as fat just seems to stick to me particularly round the lower half.

Nate green has a decent amount of muscle though

If I could achieve something like that I would have met my goals. Yeah The rock dwarfed Vin. The rock is huge though at 6ft 5. I know goals like his are unrealistic.

But like I say I just can't seem to make my muscle grow and be shapely.

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If you cut calories below what your body needs to maintain itself, it is impossible not to lose weight. Just your organs alone use up a lot of calories each day, so basically you need to figure out what is maintenance for you. What is your current height and weight? How active are you with your day job i.e. do you sit at a desk, work on your feet most of the day or do heavy demanding physical labor? Post your current routine as well. How are you tracking calories? Are you sure you are not taking in other calories from different sources, i.e. soft drinks, tea sweetened with honey or sugar, etc?
Those stats are pretty bad for 12 years of training. Weight progression is very important for building muscle. And diet, dont worry about getting fat while bulking, you can cut it later. I have friends in the gym that have been years training with 0 results because they never add weigth to the bar and when theyare bulking and start getting some fat and losing their abs they start cutting even if they have barely gained muscle yet. In fact after 1 year of training I'm already bigger than them.
I will give Nate Green two thumbs up for his legs. Very impressive. They kind of look like Totz's, only half the length!

With twelve years of lifting, you should be at your genetic max. If not then most likely your diet is to blame.

The first part I disagree with, the second I agree with.

How can you tell? I have never seen any pictures of him without a shirt and long pants on. But pictures I have seen of him he looked pretty built with a shirt on and appeared to have a decent "V" taper.

Here's an older pic of Bryan. He looks pretty built under that shirt to me.

View attachment 2284 are beginning to sound like a troll. HST is a great set of principles to train's not a magic pill.

Bryan is stacked there.

A 300 lb deadlift is something I achieved back when I was small. Something is wrong with your training and most likely your diet as well. You should be considerably stronger after such a long time training.

Fair to say.

Hi Sci.

When I say bodybuilders physique I wasn't really meaning looking like a huge arnold etc. What I mean't was the muscular shape and quality

For example there are lots of guys out there with impressive physiques that aren't competitive body builders. (like nate green for example) Hugh jackman had an awesome physique in the new wolverine. That is more what I'm talking about. I always wanted to achieve a vin diesel kind of body in the movie pitch black. That would be enough muscle and it is the full muscular look i've always tried to achieve. Same as my mate from the gym I posted on the link earlier. My muscle always just seems to look small, week and unshapely.

Totentanz. I only really started strengh training about 2 years ago. That was when I first deadlifted really. Squating and deadlifting has been slow progress for me but pressing movements I have become very strong on quickly.

Which indicates to me that your issues are resolvable in the way most of ours are; diet, form, lifestyle, volume, load, frequency, TUT etc.

Vin diesel doesn't even weigh that much, did you see him fight the Rock in Fast Five? The Rock dwarfed him.

I think you are mostly talking about leanness. Nate Green is rather small but he is lean so he looks more impressive, if that is the sort of look you are after. Leanness is not difficult to achieve, it just takes time and dedication.

Vin Diesel in Fast 6 has the worst continuity ever. He goes from under-trained to awesome and back again from shot to shot... /tangent.

Totentanz. Eating at below maintenance hasn't seem to do much for me. I'm 6ft. I have reduce calories to the point where I'm at 1500 now. I don't snack and measure everything using my fitness pal. All I drink is water. I looked at the IF Calculator and put in my details and selected fast fat loss. According to that I should be eating 2600 cals on workout days and just over 2000 on non training days. However I'd never lose any fat on those cals.

Bryan does look pretty good on that pic that was posted earlier.

AlexAustraila. Is TUT important. From what I have read and been told before on HST it isn't. That's what is confusing when it comes to training. So many different views.

Did Bryan used to compete? Does he never post here?

Totentanz. Eating at below maintenance hasn't seem to do much for me. I'm 6ft. I have reduce calories to the point where I'm at 1500 now. I don't snack and measure everything using my fitness pal. All I drink is water. I looked at the IF Calculator and put in my details and selected fast fat loss. According to that I should be eating 2600 cals on workout days and just over 2000 on non training days. However I'd never lose any fat on those cals.

It is impossible not to lose mass if you are consuming less than what your body needs to maintain itself. You would be violating the laws of physics otherwise. If you are only taking in 1500 calories total then something doesn't add up or else you are only around 60-70kg.
Usually when someone somehow isn't losing weight on absurdly low calories, it turns out they are consuming more than they think. Whether they are just estimating their portion sizes or they are drinking caloric beverages, it is always something.

I asked your weight, that is more relevant than your height for determining your BMR.
It is impossible not to lose mass if you are consuming less than what your body needs to maintain itself. You would be violating the laws of physics otherwise. If you are only taking in 1500 calories total then something doesn't add up or else you are only around 60-70kg.
Usually when someone somehow isn't losing weight on absurdly low calories, it turns out they are consuming more than they think. Whether they are just estimating their portion sizes or they are drinking caloric beverages, it is always something.

I asked your weight, that is more relevant than your height for determining your BMR.

Hi Totentanz.

My weight is 196 pounds now. My diet is:

Breakfast 1*300g lowfat cottage cheese + tablespoon of oatbran.
Dinner: 1*300g cottage cheese + 1*85g beef jerkey + protein shake.
Supper 1*300g cottage cheese + protein shake.

I don't understand all the diet stuff. According to most writings when it comes to putting on muscle I should be eating around 3500 cals a day. However I put on 2 stone of fat eating less than 3000 cals per day.


How do you know you put on that much fat on 3000 calories a day? How are you determining whether you are gaining fat or muscle?
I can tell really. Since I've lost the 2 stone I'm no bigger than I was. I actually feel more overweight than I was at the same weight before I started the heavy weight training.

As I say i'm not too good on the diet stuff and finding what works for me. I saw the the most weight loss when I first switched to a deficit. It was like 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Seen as my fatloss has slowed to a crawl i'm wondering if it's worth switching to a bulk for a month (maybe with another cycle of hst) then switching back to fat loss. Would that shake things up? Does the body work that way. Would I see an increase in fatloss like I did when I first switched to a deficit?


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So basically you have no way of actually knowing for a fact that you gained only fat and no muscle? No caliper readings, nothing?

I already told you what to do to normalize your metabolism.
I can tell really. Since I've lost the 2 stone I'm no bigger than I was. I actually feel more overweight than I was at the same weight before I started the heavy weight training.

As I say i'm not too good on the diet stuff and finding what works for me. I saw the the most weight loss when I first switched to a deficit. It was like 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Seen as my fatloss has slowed to a crawl i'm wondering if it's worth switching to a bulk for a month (maybe with another cycle of hst) then switching back to fat loss. Would that shake things up? Does the body work that way. Would I see an increase in fatloss like I did when I first switched to a deficit?



Are you continuing to reduce your caloric intake as your weight reduces? Drop another 500 calories from your daily intake and see if the weight starts to come off again after another week. If not then calculate what your maintenance calories should be and consume that for two weeks and then try reducing calories again.
I don't think I can reduce calories any more. I'll try what you suggested Totentanz about eating at maintenance. I wondered though. Would eating at a surplus and doing a cycle of HST work better before switching back to a deficit?

I haven't taken any measurements but I know my body. I was 13.11 stone when I started Strength training and went up to 15 stone 10. I'm now 13.9 stone after losing the weight but I'm in worse shape than I was when I started. I was much leaner before especially round the lower half. I've added 80 pounds to my bench press over 8 reps but my muscles are soft and rounded looking rather than being full and shapely.
Obviously not taking measurements and just saying you "know your body" obviously isn't working. You need to get serious, get some calipers, a good scale, some measuring tape and start tracking stuff for real. Nobody with any sense who actually makes progress relies on the mirror.
My diet is:

Breakfast 1*300g lowfat cottage cheese + tablespoon of oatbran.
Dinner: 1*300g cottage cheese + 1*85g beef jerkey + protein shake.
Supper 1*300g cottage cheese + protein shake.
I get that this is a high protein diet, but what about veggies and carbs? Honestly that does not sound healthy. Your body sounds like it is in starvation mode and you are just metabolizing your muscle. You have gotten a lot of suggestions but you might be too fixated on your butt fat to put them into place.